Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) speaks to CNN anchor Jim Acosta about being the target of political violence and threatening messages. Swalwell blames his Republican colleagues for failing to condemn, and in some instances glorify, political violence. #CNN #News
Democratic lawmaker calls out GOP colleagues following Paul Pelosi attack

Anyone that is convicted of a crime like this should not be allowed to own a fire arm when convicted for life.
@Muhlenberg are you allowed to own guns in Californication?
@Jon Munch you can even own ar15 style rifles in California provided it’s either featureless, usually means a funky looking stock, or it is fixed mag, the ar mag lock has a push button where the rear take down pin is that separates the upper receiver a hair then the mag lock device that hits the upper will clear and you can change magazines. I found no appreciable difference in the amount of time it takes to reload the weapon but per California law the action of the weapon is disassembled and it will not fire.
@Kenneth Davidson on it!
He mistook paul’s head for a nail. Damn drunk carpenter
@Jon Munch I will not buy a hammer for you!
Don’t you realize you can not break out of a modern prison with a hammer ?
Putting up with the people making these threats, is letting the biggest losers out of the entire country push our elected leaders around.
@Jill Featherman I’m a Democrat, and I don’t condone violence against anyone. I don’t see Democrats calling for violence, or lying to get their base violent. MTG, actually told a crowd of rabid, traitors, that Democrats want to kill them, they are killing them now. That’s the k8nd of dangerous lies that are causing these weak minded fools to go out and do this crap.
@BILL SMITH Gee Billy are things soo much better now? Seems you were the deniers back in 2016, then the Russian collusion hoax, Hunter laptop denier, on and on. See you at the polls.
CORRECTION Paul Pelops is not an elected official but he broke insider stock trading rules in the millions not hundreds or thousands.
@Peter C So it’s up to random crazy men to dole out justice? How many Republicans do the same? Attacking people with hammers is way worse.
@Jon Munch I never denied who won the 2016 election. Trump did, I think it was a bad choice but I honored our democracy and acknowledged him as president. You have your mind set in stone so I won’t try to change it. And yes, we will see what happens at the polls. Difference is if someone that doesn’t fit your political agenda gets elected you will call it fraud. If your candidate gets elected it will have been a fine election. My relatives and friends that served this country did so, for the most part to ensure the continuance of our Democracy. It’s a good thing. I don’t know how many other countries you have been to but, imperfect as it is, I would want to live nowhere else.
So call your names, be snarkey, try to tear down a good thing but before you do think about what a good thing you really have.
It needs to stop. Sad to know that there are loony people out there in politics, and their following
@Bryan No, I am saying he had a hard on for the orange menace and your buddies Mike Lindell, etc. Traitors, you know, like you.
Kari Lake is also responsible for this violence.
I agree. The looney party and their politics of the ppl who attacked Steve Scalise, Rand Paul, Lee Zeldin and Brett Kavanaugh should be stopped.
Like I said to much anger, get over it.
There are loony / whack-job people out there in all walks of life, whether in politics or not.
Death threats are unacceptable!
@bouzoukiman5000 you are a fool.

Since when? When Chuck Schumer was threatening to supreme court justices that was OK.
@Marcela Vargas The adage is: “variety is the spice of life”, not “variety is the SALT IF life”.
@Ivan P Please quote Chuck Schumer’s threat directed to a Supreme Court Justice.
@Steevee14 same thing!!
“Leaders in the Republican Party” is an oxymoron. Condemning this sort of rhetoric by politicians is insufficient, they need to be expelled from office.
@warpedjaffas1 yes voting blue 2022 2024
Talk about morons…… If your bold statement were true their would be no Dems in office. And Paul needs to be more careful who he picks up at the gay bar at 2 AM. Just saying
Expelled? For doing what exactly? You act like they sent that guy to pay them a visit. Charge the guy and let the courts deal with him.
And the DOJ run by Garland is derelict! Violence starts at the top.
@President Elect Jeffrey Smith ZZZZ MAGA TROLL
I sincerely hope Mr. Pelosi recovers mentally & physically very soon. All the best Mr. Pelosi.
I hope he recovers too but he should be more careful who he picks up at the gay bar at 2 AM. Just saying
Gay Prostitute Dispute between Paul and David, Days away from midterms and media blaming right wing? David depape is clearing a left wing BLM Activist..
@Delvien Vol How do _you_ think your comment landed? You think Trump would appreciate you implying he’s just a nobody?
@James Fields 1) What does Depape’s citizenship have to do with anything? 2) What evidence is there that Depape isn’t an American citizen? Hell, is there any evidence that he’s an illegal immigrant? Or did your dumbass hear “immigrant” and just create a delusion? How do you function on a daily level?
@Alex Wyatt Quite good actually, Trump wouldn’t really care about some random opinion on the internet, on top of that, I also couldn’t care less what he thinks of my opinion. Common ground.
REPUBLICAN REPONSE IS: “WE WIN OR ELSE!”…. this is how they think.. win at all costs.
Left screaming like always. Dude was green party stoner. And social media pages can be manipulated
_ALL_ of them???
u dems forgot about the george floyd riots lol!
I believe it was Hillary Clinton that started 4 years of bullshit, that tore this country apart, over the Trump Russia collusion hoax. And then the Democrat Street mobs rioted across the country and burned and looted and murdered. And then a guy tried to kill the entire Republican baseball team with a rifle. And then a guy shows up at Brent Cavanaugh’s house intending to kill him and his family. Not a word out of the Democrats condemning any of it.
It’s unfortunate that people like Swalwell and his family are threatened. Those who are threatening are weak and ignorant. They are WRONG for what they’re doing. They should go directly to jail once they are caught.
@C. T. Murray The attacker certainly acted like one. A confirmed hippie and nudist.
Isn’t he the one that was banging the Chinese spy?
@Cindy Simpson what’s that got to do with anything? Heavens you should be so safe, people don’t break into your house with a hammer in their hand.
@C. T. Murray MY husband was murdered with a pipe with a piece of cement on it. DON’T LECTURE ME YOU KNOW IT ALL POS.
@Cindy Simpson what are you talking about? I’m sorry about your loss. I don’t even know you.
You can disagree with a person politically but there is no excuse for death threats or attempted murder. This is unacceptable. They need to protect these congressmen and their families so somebody needs to give the capital police what they need.
@rick erhart So where’s the proof?
@Demarcus Faulkner the door was open and the man was in his underwear. Paul hasn’t had a woman in years and he’s an old drunk with a lot of money. I don’t think this was political
@Martin Burns believing this didn’t happen, tells us that you’re the one who’s delusional.
Someone needs to protect the US from Repub Fascists. DOJ is snoring!!!
I live in Rep. Swalwell’s district. He’s a great representative and really does care about the people. He shows up and does what he promises. We need more authentic representatives from both sides of the aisle.
@Jill Featherman November 9th is going to be the most fun we’ve ever had on YouTube. The day after the election. Seriously, I’m really looking forward to it.
@Tessmage Tessera Me too!
Did you meet the Chinese spy he was sleeping with ; possibly compromising national secrets ?
@Miguel Gonzalez Gonzalez How about the Chinese spy that Trump allowed to waltz into the front door of Mar-a-Lago, carrying espionage equipment? Or how about the Russian spy that he likewise allowed into Mar-a-Lago? He even posed for photos with the Russian spy, smiling from ear-to-ear. And the whole time, Trump had stolen top secret documents sitting around in boxes, unguarded.
@Enrique Alcazar Biden’s current approval rating is still higher than Trump’s current approval rating. Speaking of approval ratings—directly after Biden took office, the US’s global approval rating took a double digit increase. Personally, I don’t miss having a POTUS who got laughed at while he was giving a speech at the UN.
It truly PATHETIC that violence is EVER found to be acceptable in any case no matter which side of the aisle you are on. Shame on ALL who DON’T CONDEMN IT!!!!
@Peter C none of the people who died would’ve died if not for the events of that day.
“Do you condemn the violence in American cities after the policeman killed George Floyd?”: Sure, but until you acknowledge who actually did the violence according to the police whose violence yo clearly condone, BURN BABY BURN!
Ashli Babbitt swore an oath to protect this country from enemies foreign an domestic. She became the enemy she swore to protect this country from and was dealt with accordingly.

@Peter C proof? Of course not.
Sometimes Right goes so extremely right it becomes Left becoming right. It’s not how extremists brand themselves, It’s what they do that speaks for them best.
@Alrighty Then well BLM cause over 2 billion dollars of property damage and resulted in the deaths of 200 people, all because of their movement
@Terrace Brooks your the one who’s turning this into a deflection zone. Answer the person original question then. Do you condemn BLM violence. It’s a very simple question to answer.
THREATENING SOMEONE SHOULD BE A CRIME and if proven should carry a minimum sentence.
“should be” a crime?! Threatening someone actually IS A CRIME!
@Steevee14 But somehow by the magic of the Orangutans nothing happens to the REPUCKS and they are still holding rallies across the Nation whereas other TERRORISTS HAVE BEEN TRACKED AND KILLED BY US before.
How many times nasty and Maxine have threatened people, don’t count for them right
Where did you get the information that making a threat is not a crime? (it certainly IS!) and (upon proper conviction) does not carry a minimum sentence?
Why am I trying to engage with an ignoramus???
Didnt pelosi say she wanted to punch
Trump in the face.
Didnt end well for her.
You dont have to like Pelosi but you have to respect her after seeing that amazing footage on Jan 6th where she put country and colleagues before her own well being . A real American Hero. Vote Blue for human decency and bravery.
@Jennifer Fraychineaud he’s a well-known cook in the neighborhood
Dam right we don’t like Nancy and have no respect for her. She will be gone from office soon after the election. And Paul should be more careful who he picks up at the gay bar at 2 AM.
I’ll be voting republican because I never saw “amazing footage” and democrats only care about attacks on family members and not actual congress members and justices like Steve Scalise, Rand Paul, Lee Zeldin and Brett Kavanaugh.
@Faux Que that never happened.
@rick erhart it never happened.
No matter your party affiliation or how you feel about politicians this is despicable.
@Confederate Nation I finally stopped laughing so I can now reply. You’re calling other people moronic and you’re repping the flag of American traitors who lost their battle to continue enslaving other people. I’ve never met an insightful, intelligent person who romanticized one of the darkest, bloodiest, and most racist periods of American history. I guess you just love being a loser.
Clearly, the concepts of cause & effect and leadership are beyond you, so I’ll be brief—you’re a shitty human being and so is Trump.
@Dodger Lym The guys home has been posted all over the internet. He’s a well known fixture in that community. And he didn’t break in. The cops did. He was already in the house and police were told he was a friend. No wonder that press conference was so muddled.
Who cares
I accidently gave you a like because I thought you said have you ever seen a politician this despicable
I remember as a kid watching the Walter Cronkite news broadcasts and my Father would yell at the TV and call the politicians all kind of names, but he would never ever support threats or violence against someone he disagreed with, he once said that ” America is the best country in the world because we vote the bums out we don’t kill them”!
CORRECTION Paul Pelops is not an elected official but he broke insider stock trading rules in the millions not hundreds or thousands.
@Maria Henrich You know who you sound like? The assailant, David Depape.
@Alex Wyatt LMAO! Uh. No. I’m far from being a gay, illegal, BLM activist and nudist that would befriend anyone in the Pelosi family.
@Alex Wyatt Go take a nap.
There needs to be justice and serious consequences to those using violent rhetoric and acts as a way of doing politics. This should not be minimized to being normal, acceptable, moral or ethical.
@Joe Schmoe sorry to tell you, but the republican states have a higher murder rate than democratic states. THATS A FACT.
And the people in republicans states die at a younger age than democratic states.
I hope you said these things after Steve Scalise was shot too.
@lynda medley doing what? law enforcement said no motive yet.
@Kenneth Davidson Agree that’s part of the problem.
@Joe Schmoe victim of a trump Nazi MAGAT…?
I’m from another country and went through this out of control politics with violence. Our family experienced political violence. Here I am for over 40 years an American citizen and I’m shocked and dismayed by the similar anarchy in America. Frightening that the Republican Party which I used to vote for has become the same anarchists of third world countries. Never thought I would experience anarchy and autocracy in the Republican Party in America.
Really? How about Steve Scalise, Rand Paul and Lee Zeldin? Did those attacks make you switch parties too?
@Jill Featherman How about AOC, she said she has tons of death and rape threats every day for the last 5 years, It would be wrong no matter who, or what party, but to pretend that Democrats are worse, I don’t see Democrats with guns, dressed for war, trying to intimidate voters
CORRECTION Paul Pelops is not an elected official but he broke insider stock trading rules in the millions not hundreds or thousands.
Drinking the colade
@Secular Sekai summer of love
There should be a law against politicians who glorify violence from the public. Especially if they are not supporting their fellow politicians, whatever side of the aisle they are on….they should be fined or thrown out of the senate.
Maxine Waters fits that description perfectly. The only politician I’ve ever heard in my life urging people to get out in the streets and confront their political opponents. She should have been arrested for inciting riots. The Democrats never said a word
Of course they never call their own party out.