Democratic Debate: Who Won Night 1? | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell, Claire McCaskill, Joy Reid, Eugene Robinson, and Brian Willaims discuss the winners and losers of night one of the second Democratic debate.
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Democratic Debate: Who Won Night 1? | MSNBC


  1. Lol. Before i watch.
    CNN found a way to assert that Kamala Harris won this debate. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. @Art Mercines
      I don’t mind.
      A click for some comedic entertainment is an exchange i don’t mind making.

    1. Adriano de Jesus Ron Paul is as close to Bernie Sanders as you will get Ron Paul knows the economy is crashing and has almost no faith in Trump

    2. Maybe Bernie? Trump looks angrier and you don’t know anything about Bernie Sanders because he’s pounding the pavement all over this country

      and if you don’t get Bernie Sanders you’re going to get Trump

      and you don’t understand anything about the problem with money in politics do you and why Bernie Sanders is different

  2. Lawrence said it best: Bernie and Elizabeth are the same. And Warren did stay winning. So did Bernie when he said to Bullock: “you’re wrong!”

    1. that is insulting. warren cant even come close to Bernie omg wtf is wrong with you come lately “progressive” (not)

    1. oShane Kasper back in January polls were showing the opposite
      It’s only getting worse for Trump but since you like to defend him by trolling why don’t you tell me why he gave tax breaks to the super rich that did not trickle down and how that benefits you?

      gets crickets

    2. @Nathan Morris It’s hilarious that you say that, when the entire world is laughing at America over trump. The entire north europe had a good laugh at how stupid americans are just recently, when Trump wrote he would pay ASAP Rocky’s bond for his trial in Sweden and asked Swedish PM if he couldn’t release him lol. Talk about embarrassing America on a regular basis

    3. @Kevin Tewey I have small business, I gave my employees a $ 1,000 bonus and a $ 2 raise thanks to the Trump’s tax cuts. Perhaps if you stopped abusing the welfare system, found a job of millions of jobs available. You would know how well Trump’s economy is working.

      Just yesterday there was a story of a guy in Arizona that was laid off because his company made some stupid business decisions, and they had to shut down. He went to a busy corner put up a sign that said. “looking for a job, please take a resume”………………. Three hours after he was at that corner he was hired making $ 6 more than before. Get a job you leftist, blood sucking parasite.

    4. @Simon Farre And yet our economy is a thousand times better than yours.
      Your country has been inundated by muslim PIG Somalis, that now run you like the sheep that you are. Your pride and joy Grippen is nothing more than a Chinese company now. I’d rather have a barrel full of Dollars than a container full of krona. Moron!!!! weakling sheep.

    1. @Reb Short, evidence? Seems like MΓΌller found no evidence of collusion. What do you know that the investigators don’t and how do you know it?

    2. @Blue Wave 2018 you couldn’t name any of the core principles of Marxism even if you tried. Just goes to show how dumb the average American is. Hilarious.

    1. Ha ha… She is a sad joke but MSNBC has a long history of retaining their talent no matter how badly they disgrace themselves… Mind you, Bernie has some serious problems with Warren because she is firmly established in the same bit of real estate and she is tolerated by some groups who can’t stand him…

    2. Clinton Pachingel According to Fox news Bernie and another candidate has trump on the run but tell us here why you don’t think Trump is the communist for the super rich only leaving rugged individualism for the rest of us since the tax breaks did not trickle down and never will

    1. They can’t even say Bernie Sanders name… πŸ§πŸ€”πŸ€” #wrotethedamnbill!

      Just in case you missed it… He is clearly crushing them in connecting with the future generations of this country…

  3. No question, Bernie Sanders controlled the debate. He will take the horrors of money out of politics!

    1. oShane Kasper Your candidate does not have unionize campaign workers since Bernie is the first campaign to have unionized workers they worked out the difference which was probably caused by a trumps by lying

    2. Sergeant William Trump has already done that you need to listen to Richard Wolf and Robert Rich unless you were afraid of your mind being brainwashed but you didn’t seem to mind Prager doing it

    3. Splashiez No your boss is keeping all your profits from you listen to Professor Richard Wolf all of the gains from the middle-class workers have been going to the top for 40 years you’re stupid because you listen to Prager brainwashing you

  4. Don’t try to pit bernie vs warren when the establishment didn’t even bother to run anyone agains HRC

  5. CNN is saying Warren, but we all know who really won. The only one who has stayed true to his principles since day one. The only one the corporate media gets stuck in their throat,

    1. I love me some Bern, when he called out the pharma companies that would be advertising during the commercial breaks, I just wanted to hug him. I think he or Warren would be very good presidents.

    1. The longer clowns stay in the πŸŽͺ the more money you make from people watching the show πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄

    2. She is. I did notice there was a deliberate effort to give Delaney much more attention on this debate stage. Perhaps, it has something to do with what Bernie called out — the health insurance companies sponsoring CNN’s debate coverage and Delaney’s connection with health insurance companies.

    3. I see Delaney got more twitter followers. They did so to dunk on him. It’s hysterical to see the tweets. A cat got more likes in response to him.

    1. They can’t even say Bernie Sanders name… πŸ§πŸ€”πŸ€” #wrotethedamnbill!

      Just in case you missed it… He is clearly crushing them in connecting with the future generations of this country…

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