Watch Democratic Caucus’ Vice Chair, Massachusetts Congresswoman Katherine Clark, join Stephanie Ruhle to discuss how the Democrats plan on getting their constituents on board with impeachment, especially those in key swing districts. Aired on 10/01/19.
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Democratic Caucus Vice Chair: The WH Is Built On A Mountain Of Lies | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Wait… what? “The truth coming out” will be the real world consequences for stonewalling? Err… and why should any of these people care about that?
How about imposing huge fines? How about jail-time? Aren’t those the kind of consequences an everyday citizen would have to suffer if he, say, didn’t pay his taxes or robbed a bank?
@Margaret Nicol
Still doesn’t seem to add up to 40 people jailed.
@Lynn Johnson Just like there were 146 Contacts made with People in Trump’s Family, People on his Campaign Team and many of his Inner Circle Friends in the weeks and months leading up to the 2016 Election with Russians and Ukrainians.. NOT The Dutch, nor the Japaneses, nor the Greeks etc etc.. The 146 Contacts were with solely Russians and Ukrainians.. Now those Folks are not all sitting in Jail.. some got Immunity, some gave Info and received very light Sentences as part of their Co Operation Deals and have served their time and been released, some are awaiting their Trials and some are awaiting Sentencing.. Those Folks were NOT chatting to Russians and Ukrainians about Adoptions..You would know that “IF” you read the Mueller Report.. You are forgetting we do not know about the Redacted areas.. we do know that the Mueller Team due to their belief in adhering to the Policy of not Indicting a Sitting President..wanted to get their findings “Memorialized” on the Records and that Mr Mueller has repeatedly stated that the Information stated in the Report ARE the Conclusions that He and his team reached and that the Findings ARE HIS Testimony..We also know that “IF” Trump were ANYONE but a Sitting President he would ALREADY have been Charged with Multiple Offences.. Keep in mind All of the Ongoing Investigations the Rico Courts and the Southern District of NYC .. also the totally new Investigations now into the Ukraine allegations.. Also try to recall the name “Felix Sater” a Russian Mobster and “Stephen Calk” a Chicago area Banker and their involvement with involvement with Manafort, Kushner and Don Jr ..Stephen Calk was the fellow that they tried to get appointed as our Secretary of Defense (He had zero Military Experience Period) ..It thankfully did not go through..but it is relevant.. Just keep watching and remember Felix as in “The Cat” and banker.. This catastrophe will be shown to reach way further than most ever dreamed..
@Kathleen Martin Good luck getting a reply from Lynn on your dissertation! Very nice, btw.
@Lynn Johnson you are talking to me ? I am not ruski I am ukrainian. PS: not all were jailed, correct, but the attorney general was, for instance.
Americans should watch what’s going in Haiti and Hong Kong. People are rioting because of corrupt government.
Ree 5678 everybody is too busy working
But americans are number 1 !
@Chris Murphy tell that to America’s 50 poorest ( and by the way worst cities ) to live in,…google it just for giggles…here ya go
Don’t fret, Dems are too lazy to get off the couch!!
Remember Iraq? Thousands of flag draped coffins coming home………
Silence is complicity.
Katherine Clark, all of what you say might be true, but you never answered the question. Trump and his people don’t fear condemnation. They do fear losing their law licenses, jail time, legal bills and the lack of lucrative jobs after leaving the Trump administration. You want answers show Trump’s gang some real downside to not cooperating with congressional depositions, investigations and hearings.
Hey, I was going to say that. She completely ignored the question. I want to know the answer.
What are the direct final consequences for obstruction of justice? Seems not much. If you don’t provide documents…we re going to add that to the list! Then what?? Normal ppl would hang. Theses guys had this coup planned a long time and Congress needs to lock them up.
*Impeach trump and his con’s*
And lock them up for life time
I hope the truth doesn’t set him free.
libkunts should try telling the truth before they are gone, tho it might cause full mental and physical collapse
Look lady, we know all that. What are you going to do about it? When these clowns keep thumbing their noses at you and ignoring subpoenas and there’s no consequences, what do you expect???
you think this ugly commie kuntard is going to do anything?
@bUH sNUH Either you are a nasty American or maybe you’re a nasty Russian . They are both the same anyways so go back where you came from mole.
@Diane Hooper
whoa, like yuo are next-level tinfoil
and there’s a race of CHUDs juuuust under our feet who barrow your grannie panties from time to time? right?
@bUH sNUH Do yo know how immature you sound?You’re disgusting.
Glib testimony, stonewalling, and stalling should be met with an Inherent Contempt ruling. Lock em up.
Did you get that word “inherent” from your media masters ?
Exactly! Dems need to revive and implement its inherent contempt authority!! This guest like all the other Dem leadership stall and obfuscate when asked about consequences of WH obstruction. They have abandoned Congress’inherent contempt of Congress authority for years, now they act like it is dead. They act impotent and timid!!!
Capture It Live it came from the same place trumpsters get “fake news”, “witch hunt”
@Vance Watley they’re getting the investigation done … Barr is back from Italy. They’ll find out exactly how this all started .
Should be met with millions of Dem constituents marching in the streets!!!
Teapotty put Dems to shame!!!!!!
Katherine reminds me of Honor Blackman in Goldfinger. It’s a good thing.
She’s a smart and beautiful older woman. I hope I age half as gracefully.
listen close, hear the rising whispered voices of the silent majority saying;
Inherent contempt of congress presents an outstanding opportunity for the Democrats in the house. They should immediately install a toilet/fountain and create a large ‘holding area’ using chain link fencing in the basement of the Capitol. This could be completed with very little cost or time. Throw in a few foil blankets, some tuna sandwiches and anything else they need to mirror the facilities used to incarcerate refugee claimants.
Then they should start filling the new holding area with anyone and everyone who chooses to illegally defy congress. (eg. Barr, Ross, Mnuchin, Giuliani, Pompeo etc.) Finally, they can sit back and savor the outrage about the inhumane conditions within their holding area. This initiative will concurrently expedite the impeachment investigations, restore some semblance of speaking truth to power, get Trump’s sycophants to flip on each other and improve conditions at the facilities holding ICE detainees.
The way to sell Trump on anything is to make him believe it’s somehow best for him. He is all about himself!
rofl, try “honest” for once
you dumb kunt
What we have here is a short order cook from the Bronx impersonating a 5 star Parisian chef occupying the oval office.

Sheik Yo Booty yes she is
When someone like Trump refuses to show his taxes, block witnesses from testifying and lies to the nation while continually breaking the laws and his oath of office, the repercussions are immense.
Ordinary citizens cannot get away with such corruptive actions because there are consequences to them, so why is Trump getting a pass? What he is doing is bad for the constitution and erodes the rule of law, which will further exacerbate future government leaders into committing acts of abuse of power to the detriment of the American people.
According to his Russian trolls posing as his American supporters he didn’t do anything. Nothing to see here.
Americans need to STAND UP!!!
The World is watching!!!!!!
Ask the Republicans to remember what they swore an oath to uphold…they will no doubt tell you ..they’ll get back to you. The potus and the Republicans have failed the USA, and they in turn continue to give trump that pass…
Beware, paid Traitors for Trump and Ignorance against Impeachment in the comments section.
Yeah, they really start panicking when the orange clown keeps digging his hole deeper in the muck and the slime. I laugh at them. (& blaze them from time to time)
Question people should be asking is this, “If Pompeo is this corrupt in front of our faces. What was he like behind the black curtain of the CIA”?
He told you. “we lie, we cheat, we steal.” When they tell you who they really are, believe them.
Nancy Pelosi said we must impeach and/or prosecute and/or indict this criminal President.
What’s done in the dark always comes to light. Patience Orange Turd, your time is coming