Democratic candidates react to Iowa caucus confusion

Chaos spread across Iowa as the reporting methods for the nearly 1,700 precincts failed, throwing the state's Democratic caucuses into confusion, county party chairs, Iowa Democratic Party officials and precinct captains told CNN. Iowa Democratic Party Chair Troy Price told presidential campaigns that the "majority of results" will be released by 5 p.m. ET on February 4th, a source said.


    1. @Cousin If What has been debunked? That he asked and said it was okay? He did. That the Russians interfered? That’s been proven. The Republicans have now backed him up.

    2. Zach Lang – There is TONS of evidence. The CIA had a spy in the Kremlin. Not to mention it is common sense that the Russians would do it. Are you one of those Seth Rich nutjobs, or do you think the Ukrainians actually hacked the DNC to somehow HELP Clinton. Know who, at least half the time, admits the Russians did it? Donald Trump.

    3. @J Groovy The idea that Russia completely altered the elections because they bought some facebook ads is silly.
      Especially when many sources prove that Hillary and others have been taking campaign contributions from Russia for years.
      One of the first things Trump did when in office was missile strike a Russian/Syria base, but somehow he’s like totally Putin’s puppet.
      Lmao, silly lil libbie.

    1. Nah, it’s just that Shadow forgot to update the App from the 2016 caucus so when it tried to replace the selected candidates name with “Hilary Clinton” it returned a null set…..

    1. Imagine winning, even though you were a long shot, and still bitching and crying foul because you didn’t win the popular vote. Then, investigate to “prove” there was fraud, find none, but continue to say there was fraud.

    2. J Groovy imagine spending billions to find Russian collusion and finding none but you keep the narrative because your woman can’t run an effective campaign besides helping people commit suicide

    3. @Gary Oakham It was far from billions. Not even half a million. Mueller found collusion. He didn’t charge conspiracy. Trump’s people met with surrogates of the Russian government to trade illegally obtaind dirt for sanction relief. Trump’s campaign manager gave polling data to the Russians. Trump lied about a major conflict of interest in trying to build a tower in Moscow. He asked Russia to interfere, and he SAYS ASKING FOR FOREIGN ELECTION HELP IS OKAY. Now imagine 9 investigations into a tragic embassy attack nobody wanted.

  1. They just finished digging their own graves.  For once..they did something worthwhile. Better start packing up your offices and looking for a job.

    1. This massive failure is not the Iowa people fault. The Republicans caucus ran smoothly with no issues. The Democracts caucus app had problems days before the election. The phone (traditional method) backup also failed. This major failure is an example of persistence failures of Democrats and their policies in action.
      The Iowa caucus “Shadow, Inc” app is just Democrats “learning to code”, because President Trump wins 2020.

    1. dub2459 – Nobody registered dead people. Registered people die, and Republicans tried to twist that basic fact of life into a baseless conspiracy theory. Do you think all dead people vote Republican?

    2. @J Groovy yeah I’m sure millions of people died just after they voted, I mean if I voted for Hillary I’d drop dead too.

  2. I like to think that Joe Biden’s campaign staff just told him he won, because it would be too hard to get him to understand what’s happening.

  3. To set the record straight, this problem is with the Iowa DNC. The Republicans seem to be able to pick their candidate without too much trouble.

    1. Tell that to the iowa caucus in 2016 when GOP didn’t announce a corrected winner till two weeks after. /hypocrisy

    1. @Mulinaster you mean the neolib democrat cuck? If you think Pete will be any different to Trump youre lost.

  4. Who’s laughing now, Lemon? Democrats can’t even count ! But CNN can count. Pay all those millions to Nick Sandmann!

    1. The Iowa caucus “Shadow, Inc” app is just Democrats “learning to code”, because President Trump wins 2020.

    2. @Bobs Black Getting paid to hate CNN is better than liking them for free. And if you do, then you’re the stupidest dickhead around here “MUH HAHAHA”. Idiot.

  5. Finding a viable candidate in the 2020 democrat field is like trying to find a Tootsie Roll in a septic tank.

  6. So you’re telling me the guy who’s behind, in many polls.
    Who’s campaign invests in the DNC App that conveniently ‘fails’ and delays the results.
    Who announced early as hell that he ‘won’ ..without official results out yet.
    Is suddenly the winner of the delayed Iowa caucus?

    Press X to Doubt.

    What a Shady Snake.
    #TomPerezResign #DraintheswampDNC

    1. He made the biggest last minute push before the caucus. His numbers had been on the rise. He’s from Indiana, which makes him somewhat more appealing to Iowans than the rest, (Sanders will do better in New Hampshire). Biden has been losing support that may have gone to Pete. And maybe he just had as good message. Unless you have proof of something, go with the he most obvious explanations first.

  7. DNC is trying to rig the process against Bernie again. Just like they did in 2016. That is why they are going to lose to Trump again.

    1. @J Groovy Aren’t Democrats supposed to be better than Trump? Or DNC are allowed to rig when using Trump as an excuse?
      The problem is no one in Democratic party learned the lesson in 2016, so they are trying the same sleazy tricks again. I am sure Hillary and her cronies are behind the whole thing.
      And they are going to blame the Russians again when they lose LOL.

    2. @JR Perez How do you know that? With only 62% supposed votes reported 24h after. lol. I guess Hillary told you so.

  8. Bernie is talking like there’s a problem that needs to be fixed.

    Everybody else is talking like it’s not a problem and that they won.


    1. @Daniel Bond as independent I will never ever vote another Democrat , after voting for Obama I saw how corrupt they are .

    2. Bernie and his supporters need to understand that America was formed as a Republic. Not a Democracy or a Socialist or Communist State. If you do not know the difference then Google the difference and check out any third world Country you wish to live in and think might pay your way and accept you as a citizen. Adios Muchacho

    3. Steven Johnson – It’s a Republic AND a Democracy. Those are not mutually exclusive. Where did you people get that moronic talking point? FOX News?

  9. This is hilarious. Pete says he knows he won before the votes were “counted.” I guess when you create the vote counting app with company called Shadow it doesn’t matter if you’re 3rd and 4th in the pre-caucus polls.

    1. corrupt , Nancy Pelosi and her son Joe Biden The big news from Iowa’s caucuses is the abysmal finish for ex-VP Joe Biden. His 4th place is a sign that allegations of corruption, erratic campaigning, and disturbing glad-handing are doing real damage to his presidential bid.
      The former vice president’s presidential primary campaign is in trouble

  10. When CNN is calling the dems out for non-transparency you know something really bad is going on behind the scenes.

  11. “Okay everyone, bleachbit is acting funny and we need to get more hammers. This will all be cleaned up in a day or so. Hillary is acting as a consultant. Everything is back on track.”

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