Democrat makes case for impeachment: Can’t have unity without accountability

Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) lays out the Democrats' case for moving forward with the process to impeach President Donald Trump a second time.

#Trump #CNN #News

Democrat makes case for impeachment: Can't have unity without accountability


    1. President Trump stoled Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop from the Capital Building!😂
      Intel came back that ANTIFA was disguising themselves as Trump Supporters. And President Trump knew, through law enforcement, that they were going try to instigate a breach of the Capital. So he allowed it and used that as a distraction so his Special Forces could run in and steal Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop while she was under armed guard. That operation was successful. Ret. Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney was boasting about it at a dinner at the White House to other guests. The Lt. Gen. even confesses to have seen Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop and speculates that that’s why she’s so eager to try to impeach the President just a few days away from January 20th.
      Here’s the Lt. General’s video at the White House, with a video insert of the Special Forces that infiltrated ANTIFA saying they weren’t there for ANTIFA inside the Capital making hast to get out quick. Mission Accomplished!
      The Inserration Act is just a few hours away.

    1. @KuariThunderclaw the choice was made by the people in that mob. Trump never directly incited violence towards the capitol. He called for a peaceful transition of power and a peaceful protest/ march just like all of his other hundreds of peaceful marches. What you need to look at is the bail fund joe biden and kamala harris had set up over the summer for the violent domestic terrorist acts of antifa and blm. They bailed terrorists out everyday to encourage more violence and unrest yet it is said nowhere on the msm. Blm and antifa were praised while trump supporters were targeted with hate for violence that was caused by these groups. The proud boys were unfairly targeted as a hate group and labeled white supremacists when they were created by a cuban man who wanted to defend innocent citizens against these acts of terror. It seems as thought you got your information off twitter because even foreign news networks saw the hypocrisy in all this

    2. @Music777 Hillary Clinton was the one who actually said that she also said not to concede in the 2016 and 2020 election. There may not have been a dem president whos incited insurrection but trump isnt a republican president whos done that either. His words were twisted and his message was altered. He never incited violence and actually its funny bc dems incited insurrectionists and domestic terrorism all summer. Remember blm getting praised for doing gods work when in reality they killed innocent people destroyed innocent businesses and the lives behind them. Caused many to stay home bc of the unrest in the streets literally blocking people of their free travel by protesting in the streets. Or when they started hitting cars and throwing things at them for driving past them or not reciting BLACK LIVES MATTER. Dont even get me started on antifa either. Joe biden and Kamala harris organized a bail fund for these rioters, looters and murderers. The Main stream media whos in obvious bias against trump and republicans tried to smear Kyle rittenhouse and nick sandman. No repurcussion for the violation of our first amendment right by not being able to view and share the story of hunter bidens laptop or voter fraud instances but yet allowed a fake document of trumps tax returns which is illegal to share. And they also allowed the russian collusion hoax to go nationwide for four years but permanently suspend trumps account for???? You are supporting communist corrupt politicians who give two shits about you. You are being manipulated to hate the very man who wants to help you. We are being brainwashed every single day

    3. @Ceo of god blah blah blah… your whataboutism about a group that was actually mostly peaceful with more violence from the police than the people doesn’t make your argument convincing. Just makes you look like the racist you are by trying to hold them more responsible for a minority group.

      Meanwhile Trump’s action lead to a majority group of violence, placing of BOMBS that DIDN’T happen by those groups, and frankly ignoring the context of Trump telling them to fight or else they won’t have a country is essentially saying “well I don’t want violence, but go do some violence!” Context matters. Simply saying “I don’t want this, but…” isn’t a “Get out of jail free” card. Would be like “I want you to make an example out of them. But I don’t want violence.” That mafia bullshit doesn’t fly unless you support what they are doing yourself.

    4. @Michael Taylor Well given no one else is inspiring people to plant bombs to kill Congress.. seems to me only Trump has anything to fear and those like him in regards to accountability for sedition.

    1. @Landon Harris The Automated Lie Detection System Has Determined That All Statements Made By User Landon Harris Are: FALSE

    2. @Mark Gibson commie joe stold the election so his low life can live for free and make the Americans pay triple taxes for your fake problems .get a job because communie wil want your pay ck for hunters crack cocain .Communism means gov control no freedom at all. enjoy your no freedom .and high taxes .

    3. @Landon Harris The Automated Lie Detection System Concludes Through Advanced Neurological Triggers And Stress Detecting Algorithms That The User Landon Harris Is Presenting An Uncontrollable Sensory Reaction And Biological Response To What Is Commonly Referred To As : FEAR
      The System Further Detects Through Advanced Olfactory Sensors That The User Is Presenting An Abnormal Amount Of Perspiration And Defecation In The Users Trousers.

  1. “The rules are simple: they lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them.” – Elena Gorokhova

    1. @Landon Harris His words were not the cause of the riot. It was the people’s choice. Trump didn’t control or even tell them to riot, so why is it his fault? Bc they had trump flags and supported him? That’s not his fault

    2. @Angry Imperial Your sticking point doesn’t make any sense. Banning hate speech and misinformation is objectively the correct course of action. Allowing either on social media contributed to further polarization. Getting rid of it is a step in the proper direction.

    3. @Jim Partridge Who do you consider to be spreading misinformation and hate speech? All Trump followers, all Republicans?

  2. I estimate that 1 month from now, no politician will feel safe and that situation will last for years. The fuse has been lit and many politicians insist upon throwing gas on it.

    1. horsterer77 you’re most welcome to give it a go. The panty raid on the Capitol scared the democrats? Lol. One cop was repeatedly hit with an American flag so I guess now you wusses will push for a ban on all semiautomatic flagpoles.
      You guys are pathetic.

  3. When somebody smacks you upside the head and tells you they want “unity”, they aren’t trying to be your friend.

    1. @Alex You’re not watching because you are incorrect. And afraid to hear something real. Yeah there were people who made threats. They are angry. For good reason. But the threats don’t reflect everyone like you wish it did.

    2. @Kristen Price So that’s a no on the having evidence then? This is why no one takes crazy people like you seriously. Your feelings don’t make things true.

    3. @FatherLucid There is no leftist media in the US .
      Also, the division we are talking about, and the subsequent mob attack on Congress, are Trump’s doing and that of his enablers and supporters in the GOP .

      There is nothing from the Dems that contributed to it, or anything that would compare to the crisis Trump & co have created or allowed to happen .
      Any comparisons to some riots during the BLM protests are utter nonsense .

    4. @Test Test Yes…he did not do it. He got his goons to do it. These actions would not have happened without 45’s constant lies.

    1. Red jam 611 so you condone the attacks on the Capitol. Good to know you’re a “patriot”. Live in your bubble! Just reflect if your little brain can, if you would have been this benevolent if a democratic president had incited this violence.

    2. @Mars Boyo The little bullshitter is one of them!! Graduated from St Petersburg Technical Institute, a whole three months ago!!🤭💥👹

  4. The only way this will get cleaned up is term limits for the House and Senate Representatives. So long as the same people stay in power, corruption will never be cleansed.

    1. @Jena Latz I’ve travelled plenty. You obviously haven’t if you still believe this USA #1 garbage. I can get better healthcare in Mexico and Colombia (and many other countries) than the US. The US is 50 years behind the rest of the world and does not take care of it’s citizens. Republicans are the reason the US will never be great.

      President Trump stoled Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop from the Capital Building!😂
      Intel came back that ANTIFA was disguising themselves as Trump Supporters. And President Trump knew, through law enforcement, that they were going try to instigate a breach of the Capital. So he allowed it and used that as a distraction so his Special Forces could run in and steal Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop while she was under armed guard. That operation was successful. Ret. Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney was boasting about it at a dinner at the White House to other guests. The Lt. Gen. even confesses to have seen Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop and speculates that that’s why she’s so eager to try to impeach the President just a few days away from January 20th.
      Here’s the Lt. General’s video at the White House, with a video insert of the Special Forces that infiltrated ANTIFA saying they weren’t there for ANTIFA inside the Capital making hast to get out quick. Mission Accomplished!
      The Inserration Act is just a few hours away.

    3. I heard 2 new congresswomen talking about that. One said, ” I’ve been here a week I came here to help my citizen in my state; and all I see is people wanting power not to help their citizens.” I wish I knew who she was but she reintegrated what you said and I agree with you. Also McConnell does not like mail in voting and says he wants to change that. No way

    1. @Speedy PW He said I know that everyone will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard……..and that’s a quote….. You see the media just want to pick and choose there part to spew there lies.Its pathetic!

    1. Trump is an adulterous sinner. Trump is like the Michael Jackson with under age girls. His darkness will be put in light. Thanks Republicans for loving adulterous man. Creepy!

    2. @Al Notterbot I want fresh politicians that arent older than dirt. And i want a reformed msm that investigates instead of just giving news commentary and being an echo chamber for their coworkers; and where the only way to fact check is to cite the actual source instead of citing another news commentator.

    1. @Truth 4tufftimes Funny how when someone speaks the truth they are labeled a Troll eh ? Democratic mayors senators and even Pelosi herself called out on television for civil unrest encouraging rioters to loot , set fires and tear down government monuments yet still walk free . The democrats wasted millions on false Russian collusion accusations and never admitted they fabricated the whole thing which is punishable by law . Even election result , every time a Democrat running for President doesn’t win they contest the results but Trump and Republicans are apparently wrong for doing so .. Take pride in being called a Troll because honestly i wear it as a Badge of honor . If all a person has is ” Troll ‘ or some childish verbal assault that only means they have NO Argument ! Have a great Evening Truth 4tufftimes

    2. @Truth 4tufftimes There were Republicans in the Capitol also. And a lot of REPUBLICANS were in on the LIE to STOP THE STEAL. And all along the steal was from their pockets. Wait til these ppl find out what your wonderful wanna be fascist republican party did to them. They made a death wish. And you know it.

    3. @7natcho Tell me what station and when Pelosi and mayors called for civil unrest? That’s all you ppl do is conspiracies. Come to reality. If you don’t come up with something creditable your full of it

    1. Yes. Do the right thing. Expel kamala and others alt the same time for their own insurrection support. Let’s go.

    2. @James Griffith Absolutely! If they are ready to arrest Trump for the situation at the capitol then we must arrest every democrat politician who allowed over 100 days of chaos in our cities.

  5. If they didn’t want protesters r blm IN the capital tell pelosi to NOT INVITE THEM it’s that simple 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂✌️😎

  6. These people don’t want unity. They want more power. They’re actively trying to destroy anyone who disagrees with them. They are fascists.

    1. and they want to send the children of anyone who disagrees with them to concentration camp (while they shed crocodile tears on illegal aliens in facilities) watch minute 11:29 you will hear clearly they want to send republicans’ children to RE-EDUCATION CAMPS just as what the Russians did with the gulags, or Chinese labor camps for Uighur.

    1. President Trump stoled Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop from the Capital Building!😂
      Intel came back that ANTIFA was disguising themselves as Trump Supporters. And President Trump knew, through law enforcement, that they were going try to instigate a breach of the Capital. So he allowed it and used that as a distraction so his Special Forces could run in and steal Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop while she was under armed guard. That operation was successful. Ret. Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney was boasting about it at a dinner at the White House to other guests. The Lt. Gen. even confesses to have seen Nancy Pelosi’s Laptop and speculates that that’s why she’s so eager to try to impeach the President just a few days away from January 20th.
      Here’s the Lt. General’s video at the White House, with a video insert of the Special Forces that infiltrated ANTIFA saying they weren’t there for ANTIFA inside the Capital making hast to get out quick. Mission Accomplished!
      The Inserration Act is just a few hours away.

  7. And do you plan on achieving that accountability? Holding kamala harris accountable for encouraging insurrection over the summer? And dem politicians that supported them? Les do all that and unite. I’m on board.

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