Dem Rivals Zero In On Michael Bloomberg As He Rises In The Polls | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Black voters make up most of the Democratic primary voters in South Carolina, but are Democratic candidates making a mistake in how they are reaching out to them? NBC's Trymaine Lee and Bloomberg campaign surrogate Geoffrey Canada join Stephanie Ruhle to explain. Aired on 2/17/2020.
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Dem Rivals Zero In On Michael Bloomberg As He Rises In The Polls | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Dem Rivals Zero In On Michael Bloomberg As He Rises In The Polls | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC


  1. The guy in the blue suit is a sad character; he’s willing to slither across the floor in exchange of Bloomberg’s dollars.
    Dignity, completely gone.

  2. Baron Von Bloomberg simply won’t get votes.

    He is the DNC’s “Break glass in case of Bernie” situation.
    They would rather lose to Trump than have a Bernie win.

    1. He’s also an attack dog against Trump. While he’s a candidate, he doesn’t have to worry about limitations on the money he’s spending because it’s his.

  3. You can blame ADOS let it burn! Never bloomberg! There was violence with all of that strange fruit that has been hanging! Jeff come on by brother!

    1. i can’t believe he is seriously being floated. in head to head with bernie sanders, bloomberg literally does the worst out of all democrats. People don’t want this racist, sexist pos as president. They want literally anyone else

    2. So am I. I will not support another war monger, oligarch and sexual deviant. We already have one in the White House.

  4. Notice you don’t hear Mike Bloomberg on these shows defending himself. Making the case for his plans for the black community. He has these purchased faces to talk for him.

  5. “I want someone who will fight tooth and nail to win.”
    Ah yes, the fighting that is done by skipping debates and using your money to buy the Presidency.

    1. Stay positive, don’t put this out there this early. We don’t need separation. Sometimes some comments are best kept to yourself. Does this means you will not vote or vote for tRump. Either way you aiding us losing all the way. Be good. We need your support.
      Blue Bleeders
      Blue is the New Color of Power
      Follow the Blue 🌊🌊🌊

    2. A Proud Black Man here.. These two Black Token hacks, were paid off by Bloomberg to SELLOUT BLACK PEOPLE! They don’t speak for Me or most of Black America!!! #NeverBloomberg!!! Bloomberg is a Racist Oligarch!!! We’re not interested in voting one Racist out of office to elect a Racist Oligarch into office to maintain the Billionaires Tax Cuts!!!! Bernie2020!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    1. @The Husketeers You had better hope that you’re right, for Trump’s sake. Because if Bernie wins, he gets to appoint an entirely new administration. There will be no one left to protect Trump from the law. *If Bernie wins, then Trump goes to prison next year.* It’s 100% guaranteed to happen. We’ll see you in November.

    2. @Tessmage Tessera Said everyone about Trump and Mrs. Electability…. We are in an new era, GenZ and millenials will outnumber centrists if not this election, next.

    3. @Tessmage Tessera Trump hasn’t commented any crimes and that is why Democrats impeached him for non crimes

    1. ‘This dude on the right’ is a very respected and successful advocate for youth education. Much loved by a great many people, with endless accolades. Geoffrey Canada. Google him.

    2. @The Grand Review “WE NEED A DEMOCRAT IN THE WHITE HOUSE” he says, but then he went on to say he’s supporting Mike Bloomberg who’s been a democrat since halloween.

  6. Politically speaking 2 yrs ago is still the present. Two yrs ago, Mike Bloomberg IS a Republican turned independent supporting republicans.

  7. “Purists” is just code for people who dare to stand by their values and believe in real change! I’m proud to be a “purist”! 💪😊

    1. It was our value & believes that a person with black skin has less value! It was our belief & value to burn a person for thinking Earth is a glob! I can go forever, you get my point? Time to change some Believes & Values. SANDERS will save you.

    1. I thought the same thing, until I realized that Bernie has been repeating the same lines interview after interview. He is not as cognitively sharp as 2016, while Bloomberg is freaking smart.

    2. @reel deal And Bloomberg supports unregulated foreign trade, has a long history of sexual harassment, is openly racist and what’s best he is extremely pro war so we get to fight more senseless wars. Bloomberg all the way to the grave.

    3. @Matti the topic was AGE. It is readily apparent that you don’t like Bloomberg based on your copypasta talking points, and that’s your prerogative. Keep on sharpening those responses, and keep on wasting the next several months as Bernie wears his frustration on that beautiful face of his (only 10% in the most recent Florida poll, while Bloomberg leads Biden 27% to 26%).
      As for the topic, there is no doubt that Bloomberg’s late 70’s age is not the same as Sanders. Look at them. Sanders had a heart attack, bends forward (his chin will be embedded in his chest in about a year) and he probably won’t even be alive in two or three years. While Biden makes Sanders look like the smart kid, neither really have any cognitive flexibility. Bloomberg can run circles around both of them (physically too), and is already getting under the skin of both of them. Facts are facts.

  8. Geoffrey Canada: “I’m gonna find out the most electable person”. (“to save democrazy and put as many black people in jail as we can”). Oepsss….

  9. Its amazing how easy it is to buy the US presidency. He outspent his opponents for NY mayor by many times to win that race so he knows how it is done. Bloomberg has a track record as a racist.

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