Judiciary Committee Member Pramila Jayapal joins MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber to discuss the House’s historic vote on impeachment. Jayapal says today’s vote was a ‘really sad’ day for Congress, to vote on an inquiry ‘into presidential abuse of power.’ Jayapal also gave insight in House Dems’ impeachment strategy arguing they will ‘be focused,’ ‘bring forward the things that are most important’ as they are ‘serious betrayals of the Constitution." Aired on 10/31/19.
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Dem On Key Impeachment Committee Details Historic Floor Vote Against Trump | MSNBC
Next one is Bill Barr.
Impeach, impeach, impeach….
Seriously, with what I just read above USA had a bigger problem than Trump and it is with the 40% of your population endocrined who cannot do critical thinking. Good luck with your country !
DEMS are stupid pathetic people .. Maybe they should do “Climate Change ” a favor an remove their carbon footprint from this Earth ..and “HANG THEMSELVES
@Linda Jackson Can you tell us who ordered the Obama Administrations CIA, FBI and DOJ to spy on Americans and the Trump campaign in the 2016 election? I mean you better have the goods to spy on a US Presidential campaign? Right? Especially the other Party? Mueller said “No Collusion” so we have quite possibly the greatest scandal in American history before us and yet your fake news crisis outlets aren’t telling you about it for some reason?
@Linda Jackson If Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Paige, Ohr, Clapper, Brennan and now Quid Pro Quo Joes shakedowns of China and Ukraine are all being investigated it begs the question What did Obama know and when did he know it? Are these all “rogue agents” like Obama said in the IRS scandal? Or is Obama corrupt and incompetent like Republicans said all along huh? Either way Its not looking good? The Barr hammer is coming for your corrupt career sell out politicians on the left.
Sad day for congress ? I hardly doubt it.
Right, it’s not like Republicans will automatically side with America. No, they are traitors, they will always stand against America.
Hey Jim Jordan found his jacket , look out !!
@Randy Sanders
Trump Pence for Impeachment 2019
Trump Pence for Prison 2020
@Randy Sanders I suggest you also check out what has happened to the National Debt, Farmers, auto workers, seniors, children…among others.
Trump is a showmen, a ex-WWE Mafia screwball and an alligator in the mamas kitchen

Pelosi wore orange to this beautiful occasion
@Forrest Trump is this Rachel Maddows trolling account? Rachel is that you?
This guys account name should be smallus brainus
@Major Disaster Don’t you think Schiff for brains should produce the evidence from the last hoax he was pushing on us for 3 years? Remember he paraded around the country saying he had evidence of Trumps “Russian Collusion” but nobody could find it? Not even Mueller? Now he’s on to a fake whistle blower that worked for Biden and Brennan? You guys aren’t that smart huh? You’re like keyboard ragers huh?
@Forrest Trump CAPS bro! L2TYPE
2 dems nay. 0 Pubs yea. These parties are from separate planets
Why would any republicans vote yea? Just to get bashed by their fellow members and president for the next few months
@Randy Sanders They don’t care, he says mean things, impeach!
@Logan McLean Every Republican already stated their support for President Trump in a press conference today so…yea they would have just stayed quiet if what your implying was true.
@Randy Sanders GTFOutta here with your whattaboutism. No ones buying it.
Wait for a election ? Lmao . He’s been breaking the law since before he got in the White House individual1 should be in jail with his lawyer and his fixer
@Seoul Man obstruction of justice
fkin A right!
@Seoul Man felonious campaign finance laws. The gentleman hinted at the exact crime when he said individual 1. but ur a dumb fkin trumpanzee and you havent paid a bit of attention. which brings us to your dumb question that has been answered a million fkin times. 10 counts kf obstruction. rico. emoluments. tax evasion, money, laundering embezzlement take your pick moron.
IMO- GOPs are so hypocrites – they’ve done far worse in the name of partisan’s sake. SMH
- they are all willing to shield all the lies/abuse committed by trump, et al – really going very low. No shame & unrighteous except when things will fill their own pockets or to their own benefits. We really need to vote them out of office. United We Stand for the great USA.
sheld abuse by Obama by clinton by shiff all the democrats are socialist commies and the media have repeatedly insisted President Trump “acted like a mob boss” in applying pressure on President Volodymyr Zelensky. He, however, defended Trump, saying he felt no pressure. “ I think you read everything,” he told reporters in New York this week. “So I think you read text. I’m … I am sorry but I don’t want to be involved to democratic open, uh, hum… ??????e… elections of U.S.A. You’ve heard we had, um, I think good phone call. It was normal. We spoke about many things and I thought so. And I think and you read it that nobody push it, pushed me.”
3. Timeline. Politico’s Ken Vogel reported that the Ukrainian delegation hadn’t even been made aware aid was held up until a month after the Trump call. It’s hard to see they could feel they’re being “extorted,” as Democrats keep saying, if they weren’t even aware of the pressure supposedly being applied.
4. No Illicit Favors. When the White House released the call transcript, readers noticed that after some initial mutual flattery, Zeleznsky brings up buying more Javelin missiles; President Trump then asks for a favor and requests additional information into 2016 election meddling. Rep. Adam Schiff suggested Trump’s request for a “favor” actually referenced wanting dirt on Joe Biden, but Biden only comes up later in the conversation, and in a separate context. Nonetheless, the major media almost uniformly reported the “favor” line from Trump’s call in the same inaccurate fashion.
5. Whistleblower Complaint Lacks Credibility. This complaint, which Democrats for some reason insisted was more important than the call transcript itself, was basically a version of that original call that had been run through a game of telephone. The report had the basic story reasonably accurate, but then supplemented that synopsis with additional accumulated gossip. At least three key details in the complaint have since been shown to be false. As the document is itself a product of hearsay — the self-described whistleblower admits at the beginning of his report that he never witnessed anything — and the fact it contains demonstrable inaccuracies, its importance should certainly be subjugated to the call transcript itself.
6. Fake News, Bad Polls. The media outlets driving the story have thrown into question their credibility after a series of major mistakes. The Washington Post reported the director of National Intelligence, Joseph Maguire, threatened to resign if he weren’t allowed to speak publicly about the whistleblower report. Maguire responded and emphatically called the Post’s report untrue, repeating that insistence while under oath during subsequent congressional testimony. ABC News and Axios both reported that an adviser to the Ukraine president said their delegation was aware in advance that aid money was being used as leverage; unfortunately for these media outlets, their source wasn’t actually an adviser to the president and the outlets had to issue updates.
Democrats are pointing to a growing number of Americans supporting impeachment to buttress their argument, but it’s a safe bet these numbers will shift after the dust on this story starts to settle.
7. Adam Schiff. Two weeks before Congress was notified of an intelligence community whistleblower report, Adam Schiff was already tweeting out the thrust of the accusation:
Trump is withholding vital military aid to Ukraine, while his personal lawyer seeks help from the Ukraine government to investigate his political opponent.
It doesn’t take a stable genius to see the magnitude of this conflict.
Or how destructive it is to our national security. https://t.co/X4yhTS2q1Z
So they expect you to wait for an election to try to remove the guy who is trying to rig that election.
WTH are you talking about the Democrats are snakes these people all deserve to be in Prison or Hung in front of White House for all to see . Vote Red save America. Trump just proved to the democrats how corrupt politicians are in DC they cant buy him like you can buy a politician . they loved him before he became president . Only President to Deliver on his Promises VOTE RED SAVE AMERICA!
@jfey9602 “My back is spineless, my belly is yellow; I am the GOP.”
New slogan looks great, Jeff! Good luck in 2020!
the beauty of trump’s impeachment is that even the dems can’t screw it up, president game show host has already admitted everything.
@Web Grep Thomas Jefferson, who penned our Declaration of Independence,
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation….
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.****
(did it to england now looks like were about to have to do it again to our democratoc party )socialism is not in any way AMERICAN
@mike stock WoW ..Mike ..Big layout ..
it’s a little too heavy for me ..Dealing with the last 40 years would be enough .
Or if you come from my country “Australia” ..we have been around for 65,000 years so what’s your point . with a history of only 500 years in USA if that ?? .( my comment is the last 50 years your political parties have made themselves very rich ” Pay To Play ” So I think TRUMP Would like to put an end this corruption … DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE LAW AND CORRUPT POLITICIANS ?? Both sides ..and TRUMP Catching the LAW BREAKERS .. ??
Also Mike , I would love to be President ..Wages 360,000 a year + 100Million Bonus .. Cool ..
See if you do your Math’s Obama 2009 had $1.5 Million to his name then became President = $360,000 a year X 8 = 2.8 Million after 8 years ..and then a $40 Million when he left the Whitehouse ?? . Then Book DEAL $65Million for Obama + Wife x 2 books ..+ NetFix Shares ..??? worth Millions ..
OOOOOOOOO hhhhhhh I would love to be PRESIDENT OF USA …
@Web Grep surprise surprise another foreigner who knows what’s best for America. you can have trumpy, please take him and his massive debt. you can also have rupert murdoch back(the fuckhead who gave us trump). you have no idea what donald trump is, was, or ever will be.
The verdict should be unanimous. Trump is absolutely 100% Guilty of High Crimes & Misdemeanors. He should lose his Presidential
If you really want trump out of office. Dems should put forward a candidate Americans likes.
@Logan McLean
Pelosi will do fine enough until we get the chance to elect a real president in 2020.
Trump Pence for Impeachment 2019
Trump Pence for Prison 2020
Bernie for President 2020
I love Rep Jayapal!!!
I love Rep Jayapal!!!
me too.
The vows the republicans party made means nothing they are devoted to a man not country people rules justices righteous laws
I love how you demo-socialists quote its country first – now that is funny.
@S T how is the truth funny to you?
It’s a sad day because he thinks he is above the LAW…
oh kinda like 99.99 percent of you demo-socialists !
@S T socialist… definitely not
Here is Trumps accomplishments since your media fails to enlighten you.
Give me a break! This vote gets us to where we should have been 30 months ago!
your correct Impeach Every Democrat in this Scam.
@jfey9602 lol clown. Trumpo is gone bye bye tho
GOP Phase III Defense: “I do this all the time, get over it!
DEMS are stupid pathetic people .. Maybe they should do “Climate Change ” a favor an remove their carbon footprint from this Earth ..and “HANG THEMSELVES ” ..
Republicans are amoral pigs. Trump is finished.
I love Karma nothing weird its only law of the Universe

“Whatever is ready, we will receive it..we… “. Interruption by Ari.