CTV News’ Medical Specialist Dr. Marla Shapiro speaks on the Delta variant is hard to identify and less effective against two vaccine doses.
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Queue the clown music!
Thanks for sharing
Stop this……you all will be held accountable when the Nuremberg 2.0 trials start!
Lol never going to happen
Did Israel lose a war?
@Jumbo Me starting September 8
Enough, you guys aren’t fooling anyone and should be held accountable for the civil unrest
@Matt MacCallum they are telling both sides of it. If you chose to ignore it that’s on you not them
@Jumbo Me explain Justin and pals partying it up maskless at the G7? LOL
They are fooling many unfortunately, discernment is out of style I guess and qualifies you as a conspiracy theorist…lol not that I care coming from cyborgs who are willing to trade their humanity for a donut…
@Matt MacCallum what’s a stretch ? I’m not assuming anything. Wanna try again
@Jumbo Me can you explain to me how they’re covering both sides on a regular basis?
Science is real.

yes, science is real. it’s too bad that our governments have no use for it.
Vaccines longterm effects are unknown. Take at your own risk and always always trust the government because they know what’s best for you.
Lol more crazy talk
@Carmen Lajoie Prove vaccines stopped polio
@campion04 Bless the government and celebrities
@Gen Patton I’ll one up you. Prove Canada was destroyed.
The symptoms are harder to identify eh like the ridiculous list u have of things that be caused by anything . Rapid spread of a summer cold u may not even feel how many pairs of pants have u pissed
More experts and specialists who have no clue other than opinions. Vaccines save lives but it requires 5 to 10 years to test and market vaccines.That’s science.
lol complains about specialists saying they have no clue then continues to give his two cents haha priceless
I agree about the so called specialists who give opinions without knowing what they are talking about.
I agree
92% – 96% = forever…..CHA CHING !
Baa,Baa line up.
Look for real news,not here.
Maybe it doesn’t exist
Much more infectious….but harder to diagnose
Ha ha
So dangerous it has no symptoms laughable
If it is harder to diagnose. How do you know it is more infectious.
Can Marla explain how countries with 1%3 % vaccinations rate has low cases of Covid same like countries like Canada with 60 % vaccinations rate????
@Jeff seychelles had no covid deaths until vaccinations began. Follow the science.
@oli Babba Follow the science huh? What does the science say about The Seychelles Islands?
@Jeff Croatia, Azerbaijan
Cases doesn’t mean anything
Yes. With data and geographic makeup,m any infection of a region can be explained.
These experts and special advisers are afraid if the hype goes they will fade into obscurity once again.
Infections in Europe are up 70% hospitalization is up 50%.
Prepare to get wrecked in August. Womp, womp waaa.
It’s not
Yep, we ALWAYS FOLLOW WHAT HAPPENS IN THE UK. In about a month. trudeau keeps letting flights in from around the world. So if you are mad, THEN CONTACT HIM LIKE I’VE BEEN DOING TO STOP NON ESSENTIAL FLIGHTS!!!!! He’s the one to blame!!!!!!!
Who is that dirty old wizard and why is he wearing a sleeveless top and earrings?
Dr. Shapiro went through a year of cancer treatment of chemo and operations.
Nice smear campaign Traul!
Lot of big egos at work here