The Delta variant is spreading in the US, but the WHO, CDC and local governments have put out conflicting mask-wearing guidance. Here's what we know. RELATED:
The World Health Organization has urged fully vaccinated people to continue wearing masks indoors and practice social distancing as the delta variant surges in many parts of the world.
“People cannot feel safe just because they had the two doses. They still need to protect themselves,” said Dr. Mariangela Simao, WHO assistant director-general, during a news briefing Friday.
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Fox released a video on the “delta variant” at the same time as this channel. It’s all propaganda.
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::Tell •: Jessica :• i : referred ::• you
Now if we could just get the conspiracy theorist antivaxxer nuts to start believing in science rather than QAnon we’d be off to the races and back to living normal lives.
Keep thinking that…. covidiot sheep.
Right just in time for the 4Th. Sorry but the WHO lost all credibility. I’m vac and I’m done. Take this fear mongering and shove it
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Truth be told non morbidly obese ppl will be just fine too doesn’t matter if you wear a mask or had the poisonous vax. I won’t get it I don’t want an enlarged heart or all the other things that are happening to ppl like death.