Delta CEO weighs in on the post-pandemic future of airlines

Ed Bastian, CEO of Delta Air Lines, tells CNN's Poppy Harlow he thinks "it will take 2-3 years" for the airline industry to get to a new level of normal.
#CNN #News


    1. @rand wise they can file for bankruptcy. and restructure there debt while saving employee jobs. they can also sell of stock from the tax cuts that trump gave corporations + the corporate bail. how can they be broke.

    2. @rand wise no you fool. We support aid to the airlines to save those jobs. As long as they don’t fire anyone and they pay them to stay home.

    1. @FE Gaming we on the left know how insecure you knuckle dragging mouth breathers on the right are. Neo Nazis, Alt Right, White Nationalists, White Supremacists, and White Christian Evangelicals support Trump. That tells us everything we need to know about y’all.

    2. Saeed Adib
      Trump blaming The WHO is like a F student criticizing a C student for poor grades.

  1. hes a good man , believes that layoffs are the last resort . just trying not to lay off people is a good sign

    1. A good sign is that workers are willing to take a hit. As much as people mistrust big corporations this pandemic is capable of bringing anything to it’s knees, especially those that aren’t careful.

    2. Unfortunately a lot are furloughed, which probably aren’t paid (only keep benefits). Depends on contract, might not even be able to work part time elsewhere.

    1. @Mike Hall she won by 3 million voters. That’s a huge margin. But she lost the EC. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, Russian interference and a weak candidate all played a role. But the polls were right.

  2. Will continue to fly Delta and SWEST as long as they limit seating. Have fights early August.
    I gave up on UNITED two decades before Covid-19. Customer service was lacking. Proven in last few days by filling planes along with American

  3. I am flying this month with Delta. Thank God I’m not flying United who thinks passenger safety is a PR Stunt while laying off their workforce.

    1. @Mike Hall Bro, all you have to do is Google it. And I watched him say it on live TV so my own eyes and ears don’t lie. Unless, one’s so biased that they’re incapable of seeing and hearing the truth, eh?

    2. Stillwater 👈. ? Send me the link unless this is bullshit. I work for an airline and have not heard what you claim. .

    3. @Mike Hall my wife warned me not to fly American. They pack em in. She also said United is doing the same now.

  4. I fly every week to work and i have started refusing to fly American because they pack all seats. I will fly Delta only, and i fly to hotspots to help with COVID-19 patients on the front line.

    1. MarkCEO09 i am a critical care NP now with ongoing experience with COVID-19 pts in the Intensive Care Unit. I have my own full time job in critical care that i am allowed to go back to, and on all my days off from my full time job, i am flown to help out in one specific state (it’s an emergency state) by a dedicated COVID hospital.

    1. yup, would have said me too- except they don’t fly to most of the places I fly but they’re def getting the nod when they pop up

  5. I have give respect to to this honest CEO for being truthful about what’s going on in this country and at delta. I love flying delta and they are one of the top of the line airlines out there!

    1. Vital Signs It means there will be no carbon dioxide releasing from there airplanes, making it much better for the environment and lower pollution.

    2. Why can’t they pay their employees on unpaid leave.
      You want to be left unpaid while delta sucks up our taxes?

    1. I think we’ve learned the value of public service before electing a president, now. No more “businessmen.”

    1. He has me crying like a baby. Nice to hear someone in charge who seems to understand. Stay safe✌️

  6. That’s why I always like delta airlines fr fr Where is playing I ever flew out as a kid still got the damn pain they gave you from way back in the 90s lol

    1. Cos this jerk have to relive not thinking parents from theirs worries and go make money for him.

    2. Schools are essential and airlines aren’t? You can drive anywhere you need to get to, since we can’t really leave the country now.

  7. He sounds like a man with a heart. I really hope that he is sincere. I will definitely try to fly Delta as much as I can.

  8. I am so proud to have him as my CEO! This man is sound and reasonable. He is very professional and I appreciate his transparency as far as the future of our company is Concerned.

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