Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire, former Bush White House aide Elise Jordan, former White House Comms director Jennifer Palmieri, and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson on Marianne Williamson’s breakout moments in the second Democratic debate
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Debate Night 1’s Winner (According To The Internet) | Deadline | MSNBC
What????!!!! I may have to stop watching daytime MSNBC.
What’s stopping you???
I’m just here to laugh at the lies.
Hannity on soon….you’ll be alright
Lol giving props to a nobody while taking swipes at Bernie over and over … IMAGINE that
@Downright Dutch Wow. Pay attention everyone, this is the kind of brainwashing that Fox “News” does. This is why Bernie has to win this time.
@Lex Gaming Tulsi Gabbard 2020… She’s a total darling.
Every candidate needs to be judged on their merits, Bernie bros act like he’s entitled to something. I like Bernie too but IMHO he comes off like he thinks he’s entitled to be nominee. Not a good look.
@Oliver Quach What’s a Bernie Bro? Please elaborate.
MSNBC is one of the worst News Outlets. Ugh.
They are all bad, but MSNBC is horrific. Even CNN executed a smother debate.
@Katherine AT H2O MAGA 2020

MSNBC is just a tiny step behind CNN as the worst news network in the United States. I think an independent organization should host the debates. Why put something so important LIKE SELECTING OUR PRESIDENT in the hands of corporate BIASED media organizations? Someone start a petition or something to change this please.
You have that right, the Clown News Network is the next worst
Interesting how all the journalists laugh at Marianne Williamson. I think she is refreshing
I hope Marianne wins and becomes the President and make all these “journalists” eat their words.
diane whalen Most of the Democrats proclaimed their love for illegal aliens, er, immigrant ‘families’ and most want to reward them with free stuff in their sanctuary cities
Young) and their infesting Cummings & Corrupt wife. Wow; $16B + $66 million in 2019 federal grants! WHERE is that 

all ?! 

And if a far lefty gets elected president, they will go to work to make sure our entire country resembles Baltimore—or Venezuela
Totally fakenews MSNBC Matthews heard the word “rats” and not only immediately thought of “Jews,” he proudly admitted that Jews were the first thing that came to his troubled mind.
Of course, that stinkin thinkin is in the OWN Antisemite and racist mind of Arrogant Socialist – anti Trump & Anti USA -MSNBC Matthews! Again. Trump never was racist, READ his twitter well, ungodly haters! Who thinks this way? Certainly not Trump, who used “infested” to describe the opioid problem in New Hampshire, a state that is 93 percent white.
Sure, Time = UP, also for this panicking, hatred, racist and corrupt (dRAT Mayor
Don’t worry they laughed at Trump too. Don’t take these people too seriously.
Journalists are not the most intelligent. Their job is tonjust repeat what they hear.
People want to dismiss her and make fun of her. Just know that that is a tactic used to discredit people. Listen to what she says and let your heart tell you if you hear truth. I do.
Raphael Spector At least she is genuine, unlike most of the others.
I’m sure drug addicts and Vape stores love her
They did that to Donald Trump….and he won.
Lol at msnbc. They’re not happy that Bernie did so good last night.
@Terrance Smith
ONLY racists traitors criminal morons and sexual predators support this pussygrabber POS DRUMPFF
@ruth depew It makes perfect sense. Why so salty, ruth with a lower case “r”?
@ruth depew Shut up Ruth. You don’t even know how to capitalize your own user name.
@Unintended Consequences Your sentence does not define “they.” Do you refer to MSNBC, Democrats, or french fries? French fries are generally salty. If you mean “salty in some other sense, I have no idea what other sense.
I know how to capitalize, but with the creature in the Oval Office persistently over capitalizing, I have decided to compensate in my own way. It is but one of the many unintended consequences of having a a monster in the White House.
More STUPID conspiracy theories. An independent who’s never run as a Democrat, Williamson is probably closer to Sanders than any other candidate. Probably to his LEFT on many issues.
According to the internet, bernie won. Of course msnbc would focus on anyone else.
TRANSLAYION: kids living off their parents want free money
I love how alternate accounts of the usual Fox/Trump propagandists are here in force pretending to be pro-Williamson hippies. Like when they pretended to be the “Yang Gang”.
jim bob Most of the Democrats proclaimed their love for illegal aliens, er, immigrant ‘families’ and most want to reward them with free stuff in their sanctuary cities
Young) and their infesting Cummings & Corrupt wife. Wow; $16B + $66 million in 2019 federal grants! WHERE is that 

all ?! 

And if a far lefty gets elected president, they will go to work to make sure our entire country resembles Baltimore—or Venezuela
Totally fakenews MSNBC Matthews heard the word “rats” and not only immediately thought of “Jews,” he proudly admitted that Jews were the first thing that came to his troubled mind.
Of course, that stinkin thinkin is in the OWN Antisemite and racist mind of Arrogant Socialist – anti Trump & Anti USA -MSNBC Matthews! Again. Trump never was racist, READ his twitter well, ungodly haters! Who thinks this way? Certainly not Trump, who used “infested” to describe the opioid problem in New Hampshire, a state that is 93 percent white.
Sure, Time = UP, also for this panicking, hatred, racist and corrupt (dRAT Mayor
It’s more important than ever that Bernie’s base get behind him. They screwed him in 2016 and they’ll screw him again. This is big money, the corporate media, they are not fans of his.
Wow, these establishment commentators are getting more and more unbearable. Listen, I get that Marianne isn’t your cup of tea, but she has more substance than some of the losers these folks love to talk about like Ryan and Klobuchar.
And of course, it wouldn’t be your average MSNBC segment if they don’t smear Bernie. I’m sure that if Bernie were to exit, these folks would go after Warren.
Nah… Warren is safe. She’s a trojan horse.
“I don’t believe in unilateral disarmament” = “Hey Corporate America, i’m really on your side on most things…I’m just pretending.”
Wow msnbc is freaking ridiculous starting this clip out with an akward moment and then straight up laughing at her. That was really rude! That clip had nothing to do with her answers on stage!
Replay the clips of them laughing at Trump then crying when he won and that will make you feel better. Don’t think of it as watching Trump win, think of it as the stuck-up media getting their a**es handed to them on a silver platter.
Bitchs please.
1, bernie
2, warren
This panel and corporate media msnbc can stick it.
#1 Donald J. TRUMP!!
You forgot to add Tulsi Gabbard to your list…
#AndrewYang no alternative
@Ray N Trump is #1 anyway

Elise Jordan…. You too cute to be lying like that boo boo.
Gross. Raw chicken. Yuck!
They are expressing opinions – how Can that be lies?
LYTA AVBL Most of the Democrats proclaimed their love for illegal aliens, er, immigrant ‘families’ and most want to reward them with free stuff in their sanctuary cities
Young) and their infesting Cummings & Corrupt wife. Wow; $16B + $66 million in 2019 federal grants! WHERE is that 

all ?! 

And if a far lefty gets elected president, they will go to work to make sure our entire country resembles Baltimore—or Venezuela
Totally fakenews MSNBC Matthews heard the word “rats” and not only immediately thought of “Jews,” he proudly admitted that Jews were the first thing that came to his troubled mind.
Of course, that stinkin thinkin is in the OWN Antisemite and racist mind of Arrogant Socialist – anti Trump & Anti USA -MSNBC Matthews! Again. Trump never was racist, READ his twitter well, ungodly haters! Who thinks this way? Certainly not Trump, who used “infested” to describe the opioid problem in New Hampshire, a state that is 93 percent white.
Sure, Time = UP, also for this panicking, hatred, racist and corrupt (dRAT Mayor
Bjarke Stemann Leftist opinions. Always lies. As a born again Christian, knowing Jesus, I always have a better opinion as children of darkness, Eph2.

Complete lies. Sanders and Warren won the debate. MSNBC your financial interests are showing.
I’m a bernie supporter. Williamson did great last night. I would like to see her run with Bernie. Bernie/Williamson 2020.
LOL. How does boosting Marianne Williamson coincide with MSNBCs financial interests? Seriously man that’s some Hannity level conspiracy theories right there.
@Oliver Quach If I was a conspiracy person, I would suggest they are pushing her because they think she would lose against Trump.
Please God nominate Warren watching Trump destroying her would complete my life.
Don’t write her off yet. No one thought Trump would win and remember, the harder the country swings to the right, the harder they swing to the left. She could very well be the Democratic Trump.
Being genuine. A novel approach. Sardony aside…why is everyone so angry. She has the toolbox to address ” a deep psychic darkness” prevalent in the now
When I heard this I was just like: “wait wa what…? is miss cleo running for office?”
They really seem like smug elitist while they sit there and chuckle. They are so out of touch.
it’s sad actually, all them are victim to old programing & their unable to be creative on the job.
yep, they will drive the narrative and drive the winner and drive the whining when the Dems lose again.
Where do these people hosting these shows come from? They always seem so out of touch with any candidates that aren’t elite and/or privileged.
To all the bernie supporters in the comment section. You are doing to marianne the exact same thing that hillary did to bernie in 2016.
I like Williamson. She is brutally honest, and has a good heart. She won’t be nominated though. Sanders probably won’t be either.
She’s a lovely lady and I would be proud to call he a friend, but president? I think not. Bernie is the only one who if elected will never back down from his promises.
I wish they’d stop mocking her and treat her seriously. I’ve seen quite a few interviews of her talking about substantive policy, and she’s very eloquent talking about corporate greed. She’s not gonna win but trump won appealing to hate and vitriol emotion, it was more powerful than logic. So she’s right when saying we live in an era where emotion trumps logic, no pun intended.
This is what the media has been doing since 2016….I actually respect Trump for fighting these stuck-up media organizations and winning. I don’t have to like him but I like that he stood up for himself when they pull this kind of crap on him.
Denver Donate one thing is to stand up for yourself and flat out call out bias, but another is to call every reporter fake news just bc you don’t like what he is saying. The latter is unacceptable.
Marianne is real. Is not a fake lying sociopathic politician. People like genuine.
I think Marianne is a great candidate. Go read her policies and bother learning about her. She also already knows people to put in cabinet posts. For the Environment, International affairs. etc. That is what I love about her, she is not afraid to say she does not know and look for those who do. She really isn’t woo woo anything she is a very intelligent, compassionate person.
Msnbc and CNN are pro Republican Lite Joe Biden – so they do their best to put down any other candidate.