Debate Night 1: Progressives Vs. Moderates Square Off – The Day That Was | MSNBC

On night one of the second Democratic primary debate, the progressive wing of the Democratic party, represented by Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, faced off on healthcare, education, and other policies.
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Debate Night 1: Progressives Vs. Moderates Square Off – The Day That Was | MSNBC

Debate Night 1: Progressives Vs. Moderates Square Off - The Day That Was | MSNBC


    1. @DivineHeresy
      You and Laura should team up together. You two could tag team against women wrestlers on the Larry King show.

  1. A “moderate” Dem candidate in 2020 will mean another 4 years of Trump. Warren-Sanders 2020 please!

    1. @Trumpocalypse Well that comment is very out of date. He is already making this country hum along with the most stable and strong economy in half a century.

    2. @brian gardner : Your comment is very out of touch. The unemployment rate is at a 50 year low, but the overall economy is not doing as well as it did under Obama. Don’t take my word for it. Look it up.

  2. This is the supposed “left wing media” in America, yet they have hacks like Claire Mcaskill on who lost her seat and ran as a moderate and consistently attacks Medicare for all

    1. That’s because M4A as proposed is DOA in the Senate without the Democrats picking up at least 13 Senate seats in 2020.

    2. Philippe Hunt AMERICA as in the land mass AKA continent which runs from Tierra del Fuego aka Earth of fire near the South Pole all the way up North to Kiska Island on the Bering Sea near the Homeland of the current USA president VLADIMIR PUTIN?????..

    1. They all piled on him and Warren because they are corporate shills, bent on keeping the status quo and making sure their corporate donors stay rich and paying them.

  3. MSNBC is a corporate mouthpiece, doing whatever they can to bury Bernie. The facts are: Americans overwhelmingly support M4A, free college tuition, forgiving student loan debt, etc. It is the House and Senate that are far to the right of their constituents. Why? Because they represent the criminal oil and gas industry, big pharma, the military industrial complex and wall street.

    MSNBC anchors are millionaires who represent the interests of their parent company, which opposes a living wage for most Americans, medicare and higher taxes on the wealthy. CNN, MSNBC and Fox have done more damage to our elections than any Russian hacker could ever dream of!

    1. The only people who want free stuff are those who think they wont have to pay. Government run healthcare would turn into the DMV

    2. @Gabe Dudley : You’re correct that I hate Trump, but my account is not fake. I only created an account so I could comment. I’m a Mayflower descendant, so I wager that I’m more American than you.

    3. @Trumpocalypse can’t comment with a legit account? Sure vlad. All that’s left are the fakes. America isn’t as stupid and racist as the propaganda projects. And its the hate that blinds you if you actually do still refuse to believe what’s already in front of your face.. They know that. That’s why they feed it to us. Become the real you and walk away.

  4. Every time I hear Claire Mccaskill concern troll about the dems going too far left I laugh. You lost your seat running to the right and Hillary lost to a reality tv star running to the right

    1. Yeah dont know what she was on about.

      So apparently the Republicans going to too far right wont get them elected…….oh wait.

    2. Hey, show that Picture again of Hillary in her Pink Dress with the Poop Stains in it! Ha, Ha, Ha, Don’t you just Love Politics! Hillary is full O’ Crap and it shows……….HA, HA HA, HA!.

  5. We all know what side youre on, MSBC. You were on the side of the illegal iraq invasion. Your network pumps half truths and lies and is nothing but a mouthpiece for corporate interests and the deep state war machine. Disappear.

    1. Illegal Iraq invasion?Bernie voted for the AUMF that sanctioned it.Take your delusional conspiracies and labels and you disappear.

  6. I was counting myself as having a view from the center, but after last night I seem to be siding a little more left of center now. Thank you Bernie Sanders for that.

  7. “moderates” = conservatives. They don’t want to change anything, they are literally conservative. They think it’s all working fine and dandy. They should go move to the republican party.

  8. That thumbnail of Bernie is hand picked to make him look senselessly angry. Wake up American citizens are angry that’s how Trump won. Bernie 2020 Warren VP!

    1. You obviously haven’t watched Bernie over the years .His angry defense of his ideals was and is his trademark for 30 years.Trump won because of reality TV mania ,James Comey,and progressives voting third party or staying at home holding their breath until they turned blue on election day..

  9. American : health care for all is a radical proposal
    Rest of the world: taking away our health care for all is a radical proposal.
    Americans Will Always Do the Right Thing — After Exhausting All the Alternatives

    1. More like when healthcare costs hit 50% of the GNP, then they’ll do the right thing.Always follow the money.

    2. @Toad Tea We’re nearly halfway there already, with 20%. I’m loving watching the MSM trip over themselves to smear the front runners of last night’s debate.

  10. Claire McCaskill please share your supreme wisdom on what policies win elections seeing that you lost your last election bid. MSNBC needs to stop taking right wing pundits that happen to have a (D) behind their name seriously.

  11. Chris Hayes is much more sufferable than rest of this clown. Hayes dont hit the benchark but at least i can imagine debating him on intellectual basis

    1. He’s smart, I listen to his podcast and you can tell that he’s an I interesting person when he’s allowed to say what he wants.

    2. There’s the problem.You have your intellectual debate meanwhile the one issue, one dimensional GOP voters eat you alive at the polls.

    1. You’re nothing but a vocal minority within the Democratic party.If you don’t like put away your labels and delusions and join the real world.

  12. By ‘Moderate’ you mean Bought. Everyone (but Warren-Klobochar-Williamson) piled on Sanders, including the moderators. Telling fables about Sander’s platforms.

    1. No by moderate you mean rational as opposed to the repressives irrational. Bernie has no chance getting any of his proposals through congress.

  13. Is this Fox News? Rightwinger framing shows just how out of touch MSNBC and CNN really are

    1. The ones out of touch are you and Bernie.Wake up!You don’t have the congressional votes for any of it.

  14. Centrists are like Republicans. They are all against universal health care but do not offer any alternatives. Which means they want millions to be without health care and hundreds of millions to be dependent on their current job for health care and be afraid to be courageous in their job just to keep health care.Why is the discussion not about alternatives if you do not like universal health care? Why are centrists and Republicans allowed to make propaganda against health care for all without being prompted for alternatives? For ten years now they wage vile propaganda against health care reforms Americans do want and do not need to give any plans of their own. Why?

  15. Claire Mcaskill and MSNBC are pathetic sycophants. The People WANT Medicare for All… start listening or you all lose.

    1. @Herr Kartoffelkopf
      You seem quite uninformed.
      Perhaps an open mind along with more research would help.

    2. @Jeffrey Hagelin You are delusional, only in your liberal bubble. Prepare to be disappointed again.

    1. You don’t have the votes for the kind of changes you’re bantering about.So what are you proposing?

  16. To me its a no brainer, single payer health care is urgently needed and Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who can be trusted to actually delivery it…

    1. Maybe to a degree, but Bernie’s been to Canada a thousand times. He knows exactly how it works and how to implement.

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