Mics will be muted at final presidential debate.
RELATED: USA TODAY endorses Joe Biden for president
President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden will have their microphones cut off during portions of the final presidential debate.
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#presidentialdebate #usatoday
Today is the debate?
nah, thursday.
Wen u vote for a clown u get a circus
So both of them
I’m sure the orange clown will still interrupt.
Finally, glad they’re enforcing it at last
That’s good to hear. Then tRump won’t be able to bully the commentator. Maybe MR Biden will be able to finish what he is saying in the time allotted to him without tRump screaming over him. VOTE FOR BIDEN-HARRIS. IF YOU CAN, VOTE DURING EARLY VOTING. NOT ON ELECTION DAY. DO NOT BELIEVE ANY OF THE POLLS. VOTE. Don’t trust the postmaster. Stay safe and stay well. Thanks. Greetings from a senior in Texas.
I guess this is better than the, “stand in the corner option”?
This is great. Thank you.
NO MATTER HOW! THIS TURNS OUT. PRUMP WILL SAY THEY “KEPT MUTING MY MIC”. Like you have never seen before. Believe me.
As a gay black man im voting green party! Im sick of being used by BOTH parties!
I wish the camera would be turned off Biden. Sicking how exploitive he is
Please explain what that means ???????????
Trump will still find a way to over yell everyone!
mute mics??? Doesn’t that beg the question of “infringement” of speech???? even to the listeners?
Nope. Freedom of speech isn’t breaking the rules of the debate and interrupting every other sentence. This regulation is unique to Trump.
wow such much as freedom of speech, huh..
Of course can’t have the liar Biden embarrassing himself any more than he has already. Biggest disgrace to America ever. He might not even come out of hiding on Thursday
It’s not a debate if you’re regulating what people have to say.
Already voted for him.