Bloc Quebecois Yves-Francois Blanchet offered condolences to those mourning Queen Elizabeth II but says the legacy of the monarchy is cruel.
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Canada needs to severe the monarchy
I agree with him 100% and if we dont talk about it now, then when
I agree
It is very hard for me to respect new king and his queen consort given what they have done to princess Diana.
I’m shocked, absolutely shocked that the French separatists don’t like the English monarchy.
What Do you expect after everything the english monarchy has done to the francophones. Also we’re not french but francophones, it’s like calling the anglos “english” or “british” Who are in uk.
For once I agree with these guys. I say we have a referendum. I think English Canada would vote to leave the monarchy aswell.
Im english and I am related to the monarchy and I say its time to say gb
It’s not that simple. You need the HoC, Senate and then 6/10 provinces to agree on this. You are also reopening the constitution act, which is a Pandora’s box. And that former attempts to change the constitution had failed.
@mooniexplans the govt official need to do their job what they are paid for alot of countries had to re-write the constitution due to change of monarchy to republic. It’s a process if we are scared of this then we are doomed to begin with.
Abolish the monarchy.
Canada is a constitutional monarchy. If Quebec doesn’t like it, they can continue to leave our constitution unratified. When compared to costs like m.p pensions, the goveneor general & associated costs are minor.
They’re just jealous because their own Monarchy was kicked out in 1848. They were kicked out because they sucked, Quebec!
I’m not from Quebec & I’m English speaking, I agree it’s time to dump the monarch. What do they provide for Canada’s growth & future?
Bloq Quebecois… mean…it’s time for Quebec to leave Canada…ha ha ha…always about leaving
Oh you again? Why are you always crying about Québec? Would be Nice to leave.
@Yannis Laurin Agreed.The sooner the better. Then the rest of Canada can stop listening to the wining
When all they have is a hammer….
@Shane Vaillancourt ?
Dont let the door hit you on the way out.
How disgraceful ! Only from Quebec,disgusting !
How is this disgusting?
Monarchy has a dark history …end monarchy
I agree to end it very much.
We need to start being Canada which is North America, we have too many British concepts and ideals and it undermines our security and position in the world.
Great idea, while we are at it we can leave the Bloc Quebecois in the past as well. They do not bring any benefit to Canada, are far too influential and outdated.
That’s right you have nothing to Say with no connection. Bloc is not a monarchy and it’s here to represent our désires. Cry more.
@Yannis Laurin You do not represent all of Canada and neither does the Bloc.
No. It will relieve indigenous communities of a person to blame for their communities’ societal challenges. They need this person to blame to continue receiving an income.
Canada leaves the monarchy and we gain nothing, Canada leaves Quebec, and we save 13 billion $ every year just for a start.
Maybe stoping paying alot of money when Someone from the royal familly go in vacation on Canada:)? Also why don’t you just stop the equalization
Crown land should become public homesteading land then the tent cities may start thinning out as some housing gets cheaper as those that can build homes on it and develop healthy communities move out. Country home property dividends as well to all citizens with input on logging, mining, hydro revenues and water Nestle buys buy the gallon for pennies LOL!