Death doulas: How COVID shifted society’s view of death and dying | USA TODAY

Death is often a taboo topic, but a death doula can help families in the grieving process.

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Everyone dies. And while it will happen to all of us, we rarely talk about it with ease. But that's starting to change, from video games about the afterlife to death doulas.

Although death remains a painful and mysterious part of life, experts say new technologies, grieving options and professions related to end-of-life care are shifting society's comfort levels around discussing it

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Death doulas: How COVID shifted society's view of death and dying | USA TODAY


  1. Not for me it didn’t.
    At 5yrs old I had already accepted that everyone around me including myself can die at any moment of our fleeting lives, because death is inevitable.
    To live is to die, to die is to live.

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