Dean: ‘Mr. Berman Got Better Of That Corruption By This Attorney General’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Rep. Madeleine Dean joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss what she heard during ousted prosecutor Geoffrey Berman’s testimony about how Attorney General Barr tried to entice him to resign to replace him with someone who might disrupt investigations into Trump, but Berman “would not let that happen and his first deputy now stands in his place.” Aired on 7/13/2020.
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Dean: ‘Mr. Berman Got Better Of That Corruption By This Attorney General’ | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. America is in serious trouble.. our national security is extremely vulnerable.. right now! Because of this administration traitorous ways.. vote America or vote trump to continue the downfall of America!!

    1. I was realizing the other day….man, if an enemy of America was ever going to attack here on American soil…..we’ve literally never been weaker…never been an easier enemy to defeat. Trump has turned us into one of the developing nations he despises so much

  2. Roger Stone was Trump’s connection to WikiLeaks. Rick Gates and Steve Bannon both testified under oath in Stone’s trial that Stone was Trump’s link to WikiLeaks, and everyone involved in Trump’s campaign knew about it.

    Rick Gates testified under oath in Roger Stone’s trial that he was in the presidential limousine with Trump, and he’d heard Stone tell Trump about the WikiLeaks release of hacked DNC emails before the dump happened — a direct contradiction of what Trump told Mueller in his written testimony. Trump knew about every WikiLeaks release before they happened, but in his written testimony, he claimed he knew nothing about WikiLeaks, or the hacked emails.

    October 10, 2016 in Wilkes-Barre, PA: “This just came out,” Trump said. “WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks.”
    October 12, 2016 in Ocala, FL: “This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable,” Trump said. “It tells you the inner heart, you gotta read it.”
    October 13, 2016 in Cincinnati, OH: “It’s been amazing what’s coming out on WikiLeaks.”
    October 31, 2016 in Warren, MI: “Another one came in today,” Trump said. “This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove.”
    November 4, 2016 in Wilmington, OH: “Getting off the plane, they were just announcing new WikiLeaks, and I wanted to stay there, but I didn’t want to keep you waiting,” said Trump. “Boy, I love reading those WikiLeaks.”

    Trump on April 11, 2019, after Julian Assange is arrested:
    “I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing, and I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. I know nothing really about him. That’s not my deal in life.”  😲

    Stone’s denials of having any contact with WikiLeaks were obliterated by under oath testimony from people like Gates and Bannon, and a trail of emails and phone records. One message from Aug. 16, 2016, shows Stone telling Bannon on the day he took over as campaign CEO about the prospect that WikiLeaks would drop more damaging documents for the Clinton campaign.

    “I have an idea … to save Trump’s @55,”  Stone wrote.

    July 27, 2016, on national tv, Trump invites Russia to interfere in our elections.

    “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

    5 hours later that same day, the 12 Russian operatives indicted in the special counsel investigation, launched the 1st cyber attack against the DNC.

    This was Watergate all over again. Except this time, it was far worse. In this case, it wasn’t Americans physically breaking into the DNC headquarters, it was Russian intelligence officers hacking into the DNC servers. And Trump and his cronies were all in on it.

    Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the truth shall make you free.

    1. You have to admire the irony of the situation. Not sure if Barr is thinking about the long game of the AG job, because with a Biden win, his predecessor may be one of these people he removed.

    2. @Just Say’n That’s one of the most puzzling aspects of the whole debacle. These people are all behaving as though there can be no consequences, as if the current state will just go on forever.
      The fact that many of them are committing criminal, even treasonous acts in plain view doesn’t seem to bother them in the least – and these are lawyers ffs!

    3. Thank you for laying it all out David. Very scary but even scarier that there are still people in this country that agree with trump’s action.

    4. @Verruca Because they figure either they will steal the next presidential election, or when charged they will appear before a jury picked from the general voting public. They only need to have one Trump devotee on any jury to get a hung jury and basically be let off the hook for their crimes. This isn’t anything like Nixon. Trump has built a base of followers that will not listen to facts, can not see the corruption happening before their eyes, and believes the conspiracy theories and lies broadcast by the fools on Fox. And worse. We may in fact see endless indictments of this crew, and never see meaningful sentencing or convictions. That is the game that Barr is playing to win.


    1. Yep. But, we will come back from this. As a child of History, especially our history, I will not accept that the idea of America can be taken down by clowns such as these. We will investigate, confiscate, indict, prosecute, try, convict, and imprison these 7kn VAMPIRES. And, with luck their spawn who have benefited. And for the rest of our history, racist fascist bigots will no longer have a platform from which to spout their gargblebargle!!!@#^^ tm. Faux Snooze, we are looking at you!

    1. @William IV what does you constitutional law book say about the fbi being used to spy on a presidential campaign.
      What does it say about the fbi then lying to the fisa courts keep those investigations open so they could undermine the elected president.
      What do your law books say about roger stones right to a fair trial. He had an openly bias prosecutor, judge and jury .
      There is now publicly available evidence to prove everything i have said here.
      This is a link to get you started
      These are closed door testimony that has now been released.
      You can see in these top secret testimony that no one had any evidence that trump colluded with the russians.
      Not comey, brennan, clapper, rice, powers, none of them.
      Rices testimony is of particular intrest because she names obama as the one that told her about the flynn investigation .
      The entire russia probe was the fbi sh-iting on the constitution.
      Never ever should have happened.
      That entire investigation and all they got was manafort for tax evasion for money he made while working with tony podesta long before he had ever met trump. Funny thing about that. The only reason they got him on that is because the obama admin pressured the ukrainians to help them.
      They got cohen on tax fraud as well.
      That is it.

    2. Will Peyton my constitutional law books are telling me you need the adjust the antennae on your tinfoil helmet, seek deprogramming therapy, take a civics course to learn American Government 101, and then rejoin the rest of us in the real world.

    3. @William IV i actually provided you with a government link to pdfs of testimony that backs up what i am saying.
      You are a fool

    4. @William IV Don’t waste your time and effort on Will Peyton cause ignorance isn’t an excuse. For some people even after being educated they cling to the past and their ignorance for comfort and deny the truth in favor of personal desires.

    1. This is THE most corrupt government ever. They know exactly what they’re doing and it’s pure evil personified. Only diehard supporters of trump will defend it. He’s taken America to the worst possible place and further divided the country to suit themselves.

    2. If the next Biden doesn’t pursue charges against both of these clowns then the next Republican who enters the office will be 10x more corrupt than Trump.

      This is so disturbing to witness the fecklessness of the American justice and political system.

      The only thing that seems to be working for change are the protests because they are energizing and galvanizing the people and Trump can’t survive that.

    3. @maggie craigie DON’T under any circumstances take that for granted. VOTE! and take everyone you know with you to do the same.

    1. @Warrior Poet More likely, trump will drop out early (or die from Covid, since he has zero self preservation instincts). Pence will pardon him for all crimes, and then they will have to go after pence instead. However; trump will NOT BE ABLE TO KEEP THE SPOILS, the investigations, will still happen, and accepting a pardon, is an admission of guilt;l so his ENTIRE EMPIRE WILL BE DISMANTLED, bankrupted, for the LAST time. This will negate political careers for his children, FOR GOOD.But don’t expect forethought about his kids from trump. This is, of course, only if he does not refuse to step down, and try to turn parts of the military into his own Red Brigade, requiring him to be removed by force, or start a war (most likely a limited exchange with Putin), and declare martial law.

    2. @Warrior Poet It will more likely be on his VP, because he is likely not to make it through the next term. So I hop he chooses well.

    3. @Warrior Poet Don’t bank on Trump being there. He will have something medically conveniently to contend with.

  4. Thanks for not taking our eyeballs off the things the crook trump does with his tiny hands behind his back!
    This matter and the russian bounty issue go to the core of trump: criminality and #Tre45on.

  5. “He _was_ a Republican in his past” are words you will be hearing a lot. Trump has perverted the party to such an extent that decent people are leaving it by the thousands.

    1. trump just accelerated the fall of the Republicans in Washington. They have been corrupt for a very long time.

  6. Friday nights when the stock markets are closed for the weekend , so there isn’t a market collapse , and this isn’t political !

    1. Not really, it’s a common tactic of crocked administrations because the news cycle slows down & people don’t pay as much attention being busy with other things for the weekend.

  7. Berman should have asked Barr one question: Are you trying to protect Trump by enticing me to resign?

  8. “Roger Stone has lied and cheated to help me win the last election and doesn’t deserve to go to jail for it!”

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