Deadly mass shooting at public transit rail yard in California

A gunman opened fire at a public transit rail yard in San Jose, California, Wednesday morning, causing multiple casualties and fatalities, Deputy Russell Davis of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office said.
The male suspect is dead, he said. Employees of the Valley Transportation Authority were among the victims, and the extent of their injuries was not immediately clear, Davis said.
Authorities received 911 calls at about 6:34 a.m. PT saying there were shots fired near a VTA control center, a hub that stores multiple light rail trains and a maintenance yard, Davis said. Multiple law enforcement agencies and Fire Department personnel responded to the incident using their "active shooter protocol," Davis said.
#SanJose #CNN #DanSimon


  1. Now even the medics look like soldiers in a war. America is going straight down the garbage chute.

    1. @Paul Doporto What it was was what it was.. I don;t know what was in the head of a killer and I dont know why left death or right death is any different unless you would like to paint one side as killers and another as victims. They are all nut jobs who do such a thing. I don’t know what your point is … to separate this from killings? I don;t know.. to dismiss this ?

    2. @daniel martin You must interview the 1.3 million people who apply yearly and become American citizens to join the American family , and ask them why they chose to do this. You must also ask the 30 million illegals what they find appealing about my country, then you must go to your seat of government and discover how many chose to be citizens of that country (if that is even allowed). If its hate, you need to explain ; if its jealousy , then I understand.

    3. @gacj2010 It’s more a case of the Norway killings were planned for nearly a year before he carried them out,where as a lot of the spree killings in the US seem to be more like someone just loosing it and grabbing a gun.This kind of thing happens way less in Europe than in the US.
      Edit: The mention of ‘left and right ‘ was just about his motives more than anything else.

    4. You wanted Joe Biden? There you go. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening at the border. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening to all the shootings… BUT he cares about transgender sports and BLM honoring a criminal and inviting his whole family to the white house.

    1. @Koyaanisqatsi 78 The prophecy was not fulfilled during biblical times, that’s why the Jew told Jesus that his people had never been anyone’s slave.

    2. @Angelo zicarelli phuck of you ill informed sheep, show me one racist thing Trump said or did….I’ll wait

    3. @Hans Bjorkman there’s nothing wrong with being rich ,that’s what most people want and is do able in the usa( easiest country in the world to become rich), the problem is elitist politicians, a main stream media that flat out lies and pushes b.s. propaganda ( cnn is one of the worst)

    4. @LANCE the BOIL 🤦 you have to be kidding right? Or are you just in denial? What was he just being sarcastic? Who’s the real sheep man 😂

  2. When my children’s eyes look at me and they ask me to explain, it hurts me that I have to look away…Drive -by Truckers…

    1. You wanted Joe Biden? There you go. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening at the border. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening to all the shootings… BUT he cares about transgender sports and BLM honoring a criminal and inviting his whole family to the white house.

    2. @Kriptz Only good thing I can say about Trump is he wanted much stricter gun control legislation. You know that, right?

    3. @Chris Martinez Ffs, how many people died of mass shootings under Trump’s ONE term? How much hate crimes blew up exponentially after the orange yankee was elected? Probably about half of the amount of hours Trump spent on the golf course. Which is like counting the stars in the sky.

  3. People get fired every where in the world, people get angry at each other every in the world, people curse at each other, get mad at each other…
    employees hate their employers everywhere in the world… only in USA the response to the aforesaid scenarios result to mass shooting. Let that sink in for a moment.

    1. @reyalsregnava the ones trying to take you guns and divide the country into race,sexual orientation and economic status in order to create hate do not love this country,they want to tear it apart..Govt. kills more people than people with guns do.California has the strictest gun laws in the country doesn’t seem to help much since they had more shooting events than any state.If you look at gun violence in general,mass shooting included democrat ran states and gun free areas by far take the crown.Bicycling,Sun stroke even choking on food each kills more than accidental discharge of guns.opiofds overdose kill more people guns..Let’s worry about guns after we outlaw stupidity and big pharma.

    2. @Mike Hankins YOU chose fascism. No amount of pointing fingers is going to change that.

      YOU divided the country when you went MAGA. It just wasn’t until now that you realized it was even happening. Anyone with the TINIEST amount of political education knew the hallmarks of fascism when MAGA stood up.

      All you’ve proven is you’re either too crazy to be taken seriously. To dangerous to be left alone. Or to unstable to be ignored. You’ve gained the world’s attention, and in the eyes of sane and reasonable people, you look like a bunch of fascist cultists shouting conspiracy theories. You’ve destroyed yourself, the only question is “Can we clean enough of you off of us to stop from getting dragged down too?”

    3. @Mike Hankins I don’t want to segregate everyone, based upon how they look or identify, but I do want sensible gun laws. Nobody is talking about accidental gun discharge, we are discussing the very intentional killing of other human beings, with a tool designed for one purpose, killing. A different large, former British colony, Australia, has 0.15 gun homicides per 100,000 residents, Canada has 0.52, and the US has 4.46. Yes, there are a few countries with higher gun homicide rates, but they are mostly violent Central American countries where drug cartels rule. The country most like us is Canada, and we *should* have a similar homicide rate.

    1. and let see how many “good guys with guns” will start shooting, so the police will not know who is the bad guy…

    2. @West Park Agreed. A person with a gun is still a person with a gun. And, those people can use those guns to shoot many other people. My aunt shot her husband straight in the heart. Supposedly, she was on meth. She was a good person, a good mother and aunt up until the point she smoked meth and shot a good person. I was a kid, but I was mortified because I knew this was all so fucked. I come from a good ole Southern hunting family. My disgust only escalated because she got off without as much as community service because she was deemed incompetent due to being under the influence of drugs. Gross.

  4. I know russia and china will never attack the US,because why should they send in their troops when americans are already killing each other.

    1. They won’t come here because they need to spend days at sea, cross a desert or cross a frozen wasteland. America is secure due to geography.

    2. @Romanian Love Missile is not invasion. And the response to a missile will be more missiles in a rapid upward spiral that ends with a handful of unmolested submarines on each side converting the enemy into a glass parking lot.
      But sure if you need to have something to actually be afraid of….
      Furniture killed more people than terrorists in 2018.

    3. Or they could just wear a red MAGA hat and infiltrate a crowd of angry protesters. They’ve recently learned it’s a good way to be given access to government facilities. Cherry on top, the people in power aren’t interested in getting to the bottom of it, so they could do it again and again.

  5. You know, I’m staring to think “Hopes and Prayers” Isn’t the best solution to mass shootings…

    1. You wanted Joe Biden? There you go. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening at the border. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening to all the shootings… BUT he cares about transgender sports and BLM honoring a criminal and inviting his whole family to the white house.

    2. CA already has every single piece of gun control legislation in place that Democrats have called for on a national level: assault weapon ban, 10 day waiting period, high capacity magazine ban, etc.

      It did absolutely nothing to stop this from happening.

      Gun control clearly isn’t the solution.

      By all accounts CA should be the safest state in this country, because of its gun control laws and it’s clearly not.

  6. And Texas is trying to push side arms for all, no permit required. I don’t understand the U.S.

    1. @Richard Cranium I live in Oklahoma, #12 on the list, and DEEP red to the core.
      These people have no clue what they are talking about, and I am willing to bet they have never experienced firearm violence first hand.
      Give someone the power over life and death, raise them to think they can do what ever the #@%& they please, and then look all confused when they start blasting people.

    2. @Richard Cranium Those things also crawl over the border. Ask any Canadian where the guns used on the streets of THEIR big cities come from. They’ll reply USA faster than you can finish the question, then apologize for cutting you off.

    3. @Mc Ke Tui Ok yes because we don’t cater to idiots. Choices have consequences. Think before you act. You’ll probably live longer.

    4. You wanted Joe Biden? There you go. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening at the border. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening to all the shootings… BUT he cares about transgender sports and BLM honoring a criminal and inviting his whole family to the white house.

    5. @Richard Cranium Lol wrong. Firearms are registered at purchase. They dont just say ‘here you go tall shady guy with a trench coat… no id required.” A lot of weapons are smuggled in from mexico via cartels and sold on the streets for nothing but cash. No ids. No laws. No serial numbers. No tracking. Guns are also stolen and defiled, as well as used in multiple crimes and changing hands. Then idiots pass more and more guns laws and the people protecting themselves feel the noose tighten as their rights to protect themselves vanish. Then we have gun free zones where the criminals on the streets apparently didnt get the memo about the regulations you seals keep clapping, honking and harping about. Thats the difference between gun owners and criminals. One follows the law. One doesnt. You know why people say MORE guns are the answer? Think about it. If a gas station owner who works the bulk of the shifts is armed behind the counter and everyone in the area knows it, think it might sway people from thinking its a good idea to rob it? What about if schools had people patrolling with guns? Some do now btw in the form of actual police but even if they werent police… think school shootings would happen so often? If you were a crook and wanted to steal some money… kids starving, your hungry etc… dont care… you get the pick of two houses… one that has a Trump sign or one that says Biden? Answer should be pretty clear about which entryway you are least likely to get shot breaking into.

    1. @Michael Laughery thats funny because I remember conservatives believing that a husband can’t rape their wives because they are considered their property under the bible

    2. You wanted Joe Biden? There you go. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening at the border. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening to all the shootings… BUT he cares about transgender sports and BLM honoring a criminal and inviting his whole family to the white house.

    3. @Kriptz lol what are you talking about? Floyd was killed during Trump. Mass shootings happened during Trump. Trumps border plan was a wall that was stopping no one.

    1. @Rosie Hugh and I have no plans on fighting the government anyway considering I’m in the army

    2. @Xander hatmaker yep. Thank god ants ain’t enough to figure that out. We are the ants in the govs eyes

  7. I’m only coming up to my fifties …. but I don’t ever remember thing being so out of control.
    At some point this has to change, we’ve lost our bloody minds

    1. It’s the rise of deranged males aged 15-35 who feel rejected by society take it out on innocents like a bunch of cowards.

    1. Yall got as many homicides in London as ny. One use guns. The other uses knives. Not much of a difference buddy. Nothing to learn from except u want us to go from one form of killing to another

    2. And the only thing that has happened to America since this all started is…….. You guessed it….. Joe BIDEN!

    3. @Tom it was pretty easy to read what I said you understanding it I guess is on you Carol from the UK should know the people in the poorer neighborhood of the UK surely know..If you did any research you would know.You surely want hear it from the liberal propaganda machine pretending to be the news.

    4. You wanted Joe Biden? There you go. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening at the border. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening to all the shootings… BUT he cares about transgender sports and BLM honoring a criminal and inviting his whole family to the white house.

    5. When it comes to guns. America likely won’t ever learn. The issue being that they make its possession an integral part of their identity.
      Just imagine that for a second, having guns is an important part of what defines you. When something is that fundamental to your being, it would require an equally fundamental shift in paradigm just to create any kind of change relating to it.

  8. The disturbing thing is I’m not shock in any why this is becoming my normal in America and that’s insane, America you have to rethink yourself as a society as a whole.

    1. @ThruAWiderLens Proud to be the first comment. Gonna get back to flying planes in real life. Good luck.

    2. @D Hill The vid of the take-off from San Diego is pretty cool, if you watch it. Good luck to you! Would be good to have you back in the air!

  9. Schrödinger’s perp; when the race of the perpetrator is both known and not known at the same time.

    1. @Nathan Wood Nate, please out The Big Bang Theory for the Schrodinnger Cat episode you obviously missed some very ckeaver humor in the post.

    2. Huh. I saw this story and it did not occur to me to wonder about the person’s race. Good luck with that.

  10. I imagine that everyone starts off as good law abiding gun owners. Everyone has the capacity for one bad day. People who do this sort of thing snap for reasons. When you do training your giving information to lawful people as well as to potential shooter. All it takes is someone taking out their grievances not in a constructive way and resorts to violence.

    1. You wanted Joe Biden? There you go. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening at the border. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening to all the shootings… BUT he cares about transgender sports and BLM honoring a criminal and inviting his whole family to the white house.

    1. @Kunta Kinte 141 can’t have a mass shooting when people are unarmed. Stop the guns stop the shootings. That how it works.

    2. @mgm105 criminals can easily get guns…
      And if you really wanna kill someone they’ll stop at nothing

  11. When our elected representatives find that doing absolutely nothing is still too much work they send thoughts and prayers.

    1. You wanted Joe Biden? There you go. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening at the border. He doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening to all the shootings… BUT he cares about transgender sports and BLM honoring a criminal and inviting his whole family to the white house.

    2. Cheapens the gesture, doesn’t it? At this point, it’s become perfunctory even for their lazy asses.

  12. This country is going down the toilet, to its destruction,by its own hand, just like the early Roman Empire.

    1. @Kriptz You wanted Trump? There you go. Trump doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening at the border. Trump doesn’t give a damn about what’s happening to all the shootings… Trump does not care about transgender sports and BLM, and Trump is honoring criminals and inviting whole gangs of crooks to the white house. There! I fixed it for you! …. You are welcome!

    2. Good luck taking guns away. There is a line, and that one won’t be crossed. EOS. Period.
      Left wing pussies don’t want to go down that road, it would be very dangerous to your health

    3. @West Park Right he didn’t start borderwall construction or nothing. Right mass shootings totally happened all the time under Trump… the only accurate thing you said is not caring about BLM or transgender sports. Agree 100% there because no one with a rational thought does. As far as criminals in the white house… which? Cause as far as I could tell, he failed draining the swamp… which means he was primarily surrounded by people like, well… you. Lol.

    4. You must not have any family you care about then I have guns never killed anyone I will if anyone intends to do harm to my family

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