Days after announcing a provincewide shutdown, Ont. Premier Doug Ford hinted that more restrictions could be coming.
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Mobile units into companies?
What restriction
City of Toronto moves about as if nothing happens.
“Our number one priority is health”
-Premier of Ontario (300lbs)
is it after he takes a dump or before?
@edward gibson Every time he opens his mouth he takes a dump.
They get pay no matter what happens.
Why stay at home when travellers are coming in . ???????
They will never shut down the airlines. Too much money would be lost.
Take your measures and realize they do nothing. Hasn’t worked before , why would it start working now?? Use your heads
But maybe it is ‘working’ …
Does anyone else notice that the reporters always ask why the restrictions aren’t tighter? It’s like they are pushing for it.
They need to be tighter.
Reverse psychology they are told to ask that
Because Texas and Florida and other Republican states have opened up, so the press must instinctually call for the opposite.
@J S lol and when that doesn’t work, do you recommend that we just keep doing it over and over, definition of insanity….
Looks like he’s been eating well.
net worth went from 2mill in 2019 to 50mill, I’d say so
Our family has been using Echinacea Purpúrea since 2020, some friends even used it to treat Covid right at the onset of symptoms and after 3 days they were much better.
Anyone who truly believes the government is doing all this because they deeply care about our health is naive and delusional beyond redemption.
Really. And what exactly would qualify you to make that particular statement.? LOL
@John Stephenson you just proved his point.
Okay so why is the government doing this? If not for health and protecting the health care system then why else?
Don’t just throw that out with giving an alternative reason
@shizuokaBLUES not saying that it is the cause of the lockdown but on a side note to your question it seems unethical for doug ford to be the guy issuing the lockdown that destroys businesses and saying we r in this together while at the same time his company is profiting from ongoing lockdown because his company makes and sells the covid related decals we see in stores…
Lord Cheesecake has spoken
I love this “Lord Cheesecake.” This is better than “Fathead”.

The definition of insanity
Is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
Another beautiful month to be a big box store CEO!

Insanity is also repeating the same quote over and over again…even Einstein is sick of reading this.
I believe half of what I see and none of what I hear.
Give these guys an inch, they’ll take a mile.
Bigger Protests Coming.
Every day the covid measure continue Doug Ford makes more money.
Yup he can’t lift the restrictions until all those labels are sold.
World War Z
Yes world war generation x
The lockdowns and restrictions are useless when used against an imaginary pandemicc
That’s completely true. Unfortunately we have a very real pandemic.
@John Stephenson if this is a real pandemic the all cause death numbers should be much higher in 2020 than 2019 or 2018 but it isn’t also the flu has been eliminated according to the numbers, According to Canadian doctors only 3% of the positive PCR tests are correctly identifying a clinical infection. So please explain why you believe the government.
@Canadian Truthseekers well it’s obvious to me that the numbers are not higher because the government’s effort keep the numbers low is working. I think it’s pretty obvious why the flu has been eliminated, masks, hand washing social distancing Etc. I find your 3% numbers on the PCR test to be just a little unbelievable to be truthful. So there would be a couple of reasons to say the least why I believe the government.
The government is corrupt and not on our side
@Joe Montana well that may be your opinion, but it certainly is not mine.
He didn’t shut anything down
Have you seen the malls, Costco, Walmart, he is on crack.
Hairstylist, Nail Technicians, and Gyms. All self care!
DougTrudeau,de villa are making millions from their incompetence.