Day 985: Trump Lashes Out Calling Impeachment A ‘COUP’ (In All Caps) | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

As Secy. of State Mike Pompeo pushes back on Democrats looking to get some answers about Trump and Ukraine, the president lashes out calling the impeachment inquiry a coup d'état. Aired on 10/01/19.
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Day 985: Trump Lashes Out Calling Impeachment A 'COUP' (In All Caps) | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Day 985: Trump Lashes Out Calling Impeachment A 'COUP' (In All Caps) | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. I gotta stop asking Trump supporters “How stupid can you be?”
    They seem to take it as a challenge.

    1. Gloria What you say about Obama in the middle east and elsewhere, equally applies to all US presidents including Trump. So your point is what exactly? Every US president has blood on their hands.

    1. @Carpe Diem Yes, he did so very well. Adderall, Big Mac’s, and copious amounts of Diet Coke….. he is a walking heart attack. He does have a heart, right?

    2. Trump: Melaniiiiaaa! Wheres my nose powder??
      Melania: what? It’s in your suit pocket!
      Trump: Ok place a healthy size line on each one of your breasts.
      Melania: Agaaiinn?

    3. @Lily Zavala “I Don’t Care Do You.” “Be Best.” Without immigrants trump wouldn’t have two of his wives. Ivana and Melanie (yes, Melanie, as Trump referred to her on Twitter) #VoteThemOut

  2. president MORON just gets more and more deranged each day. can’t wait for the dems to take out the trash

    1. It’s so obvious that Dems are going to get crushed hard in 2020 because they failed to learn anything from 2016. People are voting _against_ liberal hate much more than they’re voting _for_ Trump. And they have even more reason this time. Dems will lose in a landslide, guaranteed.

  3. why don’t you guys just straight up ask pompeo why he lied about his first hand knowledge about the phone call ? just go to the heart of it . i’m tired of these polite questions
    just say hey it looks like you totally lied ? how do you live w yourself ?

    1. Obviously he does drugs . He stopped nearly 52% of all issuance of precribed narcotics during his so called Opiode Crises to all past patients trying to target the fake patients and pill mills but in doing so, he has hurt many Military soilders injured in war and those involved in devastation crashes as well the pain from cancer issues and more. Well bottom line, I just think these narcotics did a detour to be consumed by the handfuls by Trump, his family and his Muppets.

  4. Call it a ‘coup’ all you want, the Founding Fathers included impeachment in the Constitution for a reason.
    Does that make Trump and his followers anti-constitution?! Could there be anything more un-American?!

    1. @Chris H of course you’re not voting for Trump you’re not an American citizen house Moscow this time of year?

    2. @this is brak’s pu don’t touch it Very funny. In fact I make it a point not to vote for imperialist parties. No Republicans. No Democrats.

    3. Chris H mhm yeah right, you may wanna make your liked videos private before lying like your orange messiah. for someone “neutral” you seem to really dislike the “fake media” and the liberals. nice try tho

  5. Finally this Mob Boss and his Criminal Enterprise are being held accountable for the crimes they’ve committed…

    1. @Chris H Stop trying to deflect attention from the present situation by bringing up something that has nothing to do with the current one…… very trumpian of you im quite sure donnie would be proud of you

    2. The reason it took so long is that Trump always managed to bribe his way out. Grateful recipients were both Democrats and Republicans.

  6. Hey Rudy your lawsuit sounds like a GREAT idea. Are you thinking of crowd funding it? Good way to flush away some cash. Go for it fool.

  7. When your lawyer hires a lawyer that was on one of the biggest president scandals of all time…. you might need a lawyer

    1. @Sweet TJelli Both have deep political ties to the Ukraine. Theres a reason he surrounds himself with these type of people.

  8. Impeachment is a process the founders saw fit to include in the constitution when they created it. Trump as always doesn’t have a clue.

  9. Wait a minute so the first election was rigged now they caught him trying to rigged the next on lol

    1. No…Now they caught Trump, Rudy Culludy and Mike Pompeo in conspiracy to rig the next election….much, much better…

    1. YouTube Moderator only Jesus can do that dear not trump
      We’re about to go into a civil war then martial law
      Pay attention to Brexit
      Don’t say I didn’t warn you

    2. @YouTube Moderator
      There is nothing more idiotic than a trumpanzee copying and pasting a moronic joke, AND putting it where it makes no sense at all.

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