Day 1,107: GOP Blocks Trump Impeachment Witnesses As Another Bombshell Drops | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

As Republicans vote to keep any witnesses from testifying in the Trump impeachment trial, there's more bad news from John Bolton's book for the president and his attorney comes out. Aired on 01/31/20.
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Day 1,107: GOP Blocks Trump Impeachment Witnesses As Another Bombshell Drops | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. @b k Yes yes Donald Trump. I suppose once he is no longer President it won’t matter and we shouldn’t talk about it anymore because then he isn’t in office.

    2. what?? what country do you live in? because in america the witnesses are IN the trial-hence the word TRIAL. trier of the facts & witnesses. omg.

    3. @Bleeding Eye Watcher you are going back & forth. he doesn’t have congress in his pocket-he has the trump senators in his & putin’s pockets. & you are over dramatizing socialism. you don’t have to adopt every aspect of a party to change things. we want social-democratic ideologies put in place. capitalism isn’t working & never will because of the base greedy nature of the entitled wealthy white man. he believes everything is his for the taking. & that is the republican party & look where it has led them-right into putin’s hands. & here we are thanks to them.

    1. @Astra You can thank YouTube’s algorithms for propping up & pushing what they deem to be “authoritative sources” onto everyone’s home page.

    1. TehPiemaygor – Oh, are you so butt-hurt over Trump that someone’s comment on here hurt your feelings? Maybe go to your safe place and hug your Hillary doll for comfort you pansy. You can take your little link and shove it where you normally keep your head too. Are you going to come on a politically charged thread like this and not expect some crap slinging? If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen pansy.

    1. Is so sad that gradually USA will become like Russia and NK where they have dictatorships, welcome to banana Republic where their Senate’s are like crabs and ruled by turtle

    2. @Bleeding Eye Watcher Acquittal coming next week. Acquittal as in did nothing wrong and has the power of the Senate and Judge Roberts as proof. So, Nancy and Co. screwed that up to high heaven. Must feel really horrible to be wrong every freaking time the DNC creates some BS story . Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate Trump .
      So where and who is the Whistle blower again ? Duh. Oh FYI – new voter laws are now in place in various states good luck to the DNC with their election fixing.
      TRUMP 2Q2Q. You know it’s happening.
      HOUSE 2Q2Q – Vote against Communism.

    3. @The Lugoff Gamecock I was a Democrat but turned Independent and do not like this new Democrat party. Trump has been several steps ahead of the DNC, and 2024 is already a done deal “if” Trump wins. The Dems were sabotaged by AKA Bernie, Squad and ANTIFA. That’s where they get their extremism. The 2024 line up will be similar as the 2020 line up if the Dems do not change. Hopefully, the voters may help knock some sense into the Dems in 2020 by showing them reality of a communist platform.
      Trump will likely take 2020 and I am sure the Dems will lose House seats since the Nov 3rd 2020 election includes ever house seat.
      I would like to see who the Dems offer as a option in 2024, if it’s Warren, Bernie or god help us AOC, then they lost again. For the Republicans, I do not want to see Don Jr. or Ivanka, (not into the Family thing) I would like to see Nikki Haley maybe Pence but, Pence is currently like a wet religious noodle.

    4. James Allen: Had you been paying attention you would already know that Trump successfully blocked almost all witnesses from testifying before the House you MORON.

    1. Isaiah Kern And here comes the socialist BS that wages aren’t up. They have been in fact. Ask the average worker and they’ll say that their wages, benefits, retirement, have all gone up. Not to mention taxes and the cost of living are down. The unemployment is so low that many companies are struggling to find workers. CEOs just don’t horde their money away when the economy is booming. They reinvest it. You people act like companies take all the money away from their employees and lock it in a vault that is never touched again.

  1. So the house impeached trump without sufficient evidence? I thought the evidence was overwhelming and uncontested …..strange

    1. Martiens Bezuidenhout – You “fail to see….” – Yes, thank you for admitting that and thereby proving everyone’s point here. You are truly enlightened. And I sincerely hope you can firmly grasp sarcasm as I have noticed most TDS sufferers have absolutely no sense of humor.

      Trump2020 😁😁😁😁👍👍😁

    2. @Steve E it’s not so much that they don’t have a sense of humour… it’s just that most Trump defenders online aren’t funny, they’re just sad. But let me try and put my point in another way. In 50 years from now, children around the globe will learn about this period through their respective history books and they will be told about this US President through a series of simple facts, shaped by a narrative that will be influenced by this president’s words and actions towards the international community.
      And currently, the picture of Trump to the world is neither that of the “Best president the US ever had” or frankly, being suitable for the position to begin with.

  2. Go buy his book and give him money. Thats exactly what he wants keep talking about his name and book

  3. Why do they keep saying “No witnesses”? They already had 17 witnesses and evidently felt that was enough when Congress did their articles of impeachment saying they had “clear and irrefutable evidence”, while republicans weren’t allowed even 1 witness. They just make me tired.

    1. facts not feelings send it I have not won nothing. Every time i go grocery shopping I get less and pay more. My utilities have risen. I pay more taxes. So when i start winning I will let you know first

  4. Our leaving the EU is not as a result of Russian interference directed by Putin. It’s been rumbling on for donkeys years ,long before Putin came into office

    1. They’ll say anything to convince their fleeing sheep that they really aren’t lying to them and everyone else is a part of a vast conspiracy. It’s all they have left to swing.

  5. Bolton’s book isn’t even in print yet. What an “unnamed source” says might be in his book… As if the current hearsay evidence isn’t compelling enough, you come out with yet more hearsay evidence? This is what MSNBC calls a “Bombshell”??? You guys really need to go back to school and actually pay attention in your journalism classes. Just more fake news from the propaganda arm of the democrat party.

  6. I can’t believe they won’t let this hard hearsay evidence in the impeachment trial. It says clear and plain as day that some people did something!😂😂😂😂

    1. Elizabeth Gamble it hasn’t been taken seriously since the big eared Muslim Obama the clown……a hater of America….you know the one you voted for and weakened our economy here and abroad, our military and police with his snide little comments. Thanks for the laugh, and your melt down.!!!!!!

    2. Elizabeth Gamble – You’re NOT a liberal or a democrat? Now I find that hard to believe. You’re NOT an American? That one is much easier to believe. It’s amazing how many of us ‘deplorable’s’ as you TDS sufferers are fond of calling us are out here. You might as well get ready for that severe case of butt-hurt you’ve got to get a whole lot worse in November. You might want to pick up some extra salve for that.👍

    3. Robert LVN – Well said. I have a feeling, however, that any logical, fact-based argument, especially one that concerns our rights and freedom under the constitution, is largely wasted effort on this person who obviously lets emotion rule her decision making process. I do commend your efforts though.

      Trump 2020😜

  7. The Senate did NOT block the motion to call witnesses in the impeachment of President Trump. That’s not the way it works. The House of Representatives acts as a prosecutor and must prove guilt. The Senate acts as a jury and does not call witnesses. Jurys don’t call witnesses, and that’s the way it is. If the House was too poor of a prosecutor to make its case, that’s on them, not on the Senate. And you “news-people” act all incredulous about it, as though you do not know how it all goes down. If you do not know how it’s supposed to work, shame on you for commenting on something you don’t understand. If you do know how it’s supposed to work, shame on you for trying to make citizens believe it works some other way. You have fallen too much in love with your own voices, and have no regard for how the two Houses of Congress work. Are you really that ignorant, or are you deliberately taking sides out of your own hatred of President, Donald J. Trump? I doubt that you have the integrity do what’s right and tell the truth about your motives.

  8. Mind boggling that this partisan hack was once considered one of the most respected news anchors in the nation.

    1. The left is deeply unhinged ,i think the loss in 2016 broke them mentally ,you cant even have a rational conversation with them

  9. If only there were some venue, forum or
    sort of impeachment hearing where the Democrats could have called all
    the witnesses they wanted before even going to the Senate. If only
    there were some sort of supreme court that could have adjudicated any
    refutation to calling those witnesses or clarified how executive
    privilege applies to congressional subpoena. Alas, it seems we live
    in a nation without any manner of checks and balances. (snark for
    those too dumb to tell)

    1. @Graham Campbell do you know that the impoundment Control Act literally has built into it a consequence for violating it… and it’s sure not impeachment… and even though this is what they’re charging the president did they have no interest in pursuing the actual consequence prescribed. This is an impeachment in search of a justification.

    2. @Graham Campbell when the Republican Senators say that Trump should not be punished with impeachment or removal from office from a technical violation of the impoundment Control Act it’s because the impoundment Control Act has been violated frequently by many past Administrations…. and even though a very modest consequence is outlined by the impoundment Control Act for its violation that consequence has never in history actually been dealt out to a president who has violated it. Why would we impeach or remove from office Trump… for a technical violation of an act that no other president has ever been punished for in any way? Because it’s a Witch Hunt

    3. Toms Best Life – Are you calling me a snowflake socialist?😂 I’m a conservative Trump supporter as my comments clearly indicate. I’m also agreeing with bellicose pariah who is obviously not a snowflake or a socialist! 😂 lol.

  10. The video of Biden withholding billions in aid to Ukraine until the Prosecutor investigating Hunter was fired is the real corruption.

  11. Wow, here’s some news, Main Stream Media sides with Democrats in attempted coup of sitting President…Addendum. lots of comments from Dems. Responded to all, no responses. I know, Facts hurts, tell me about how you feel then snowflake.

    1. sclogse1 you have not done your research. Trump did not skim money off the top. Trump was not found guilty and Trump gave $250,000 to several NY charities and when he closed the fund he gave the balance of that account to many more children charities. This all came about because someone didn’t like how he handed out the benefit money to the veterans.
      You really need to stop believing everything you hear and do a little research and then decide on what to believe. It’s called “thinking for yourself”. Try it! You’ll be surprised in what you’ll learn.

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