A new book by an unnamed author described only as “a senior official in the Trump administration” paints a chilling portrait of the president. Aired on 11/07/19.
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Day 1,022: A Book By ‘Anonymous’ Describes Trump As A Danger To The Nation | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Hey, fellow hard-working Americans who I love and respect no matter what party you belong to, let’s not vote for a grifter, con artist, pathological liar, unbalanced, immature, big city con artist for president again, OK?
Yes, indeed!
I with you on this matter
That will be the easiest thing I’ll ever do. When I vote 2020
OK, another book confirming what most of us already know.
By the way, I’m not from the USA and I see trump as a danger not only to that nation, but to the whole World.
camelshit well stated
@JoJos HoHo Angela??? Really? Than you also live in a Strange bubble. I’m German I know Things . I dont Like her politics but she is a democrat (Not the American Party)
Trump remains THE biggest THREAT to our National SECURITY
A dangerous impulsive man child should not be a teacher in a public school, why the f**k is he allowed to be in the White House??
@YouTube Moderator Most Americans did not vote for Trump.
@YouTube Moderator Tyranny of the minority was not the intent of the founding fathers. The Electoral College does not work as intended and it will be abolished, soon.
He flunked every school he attended and it shows every day.
They let a Muslim be president!
@Imaginashawn lies
What else do you have?
Never forget: it’s the Republicans that support that danger to the country. Republicans shield that criminal from justice.
@Hiari Theres not a single person in Trump’s administration who didn’t know who he is, and didn’t support him. Even if they are thwarting his most criminal and dangerous actions, they’re just as likely to be motivated by saving thier own skins as they are protecting the country. Bolton, for example, knew that Trump was certain to be caught because of his impulsive criminality and lack of self-awareness. If he thought they could get away with the balls-out treachery in Ukraine, there’s no reason to believe he would have been against it. There is a fundamental lack of morality in this administration.
@MyrnaMinkoff Oh God I hope so!
Arrest every Republican in the House and Senate as traitors to our country. Have Seal Team six take out Trump
Thats because he is a goose that lays golden eggs. Trump will sign anything they give him. They just tell him what he wants to hear and he signs, thinking he is doing something good. He so incompetent, he doesnt know any different.
What bothers me about his reaction is that he is calling “anonymous” gutless. Someone wants to protect themselves and their family and people close to them isn’t gutless. They’re smart.
@CynAnne1 Cowardness so sounds like something Trump would tweet, in between 2 covfefes and “smocking guns”.
Wrong again.
If he was/ is innocent and the impeachment inquiry is a witch-hunt …a hoax!! Why does he block ppl from testifying…what’s to fear..if he’s innocent?. Why has his whole term in DC been one of collusion and obstruction? Because he’s a liar and a cheat and totally unfit. He’s got to GO!
Ike Turner no…they’re just trying to keep up with the BS and hold him to account. Something, apparently.. the first time for him. He’s not liking it.
C J he’s not fixable..no cure for those ppl. Narcissistic ppl are helpless to change. Tons of videos on YT about them.
When General Mattis left, I feel like the only ADULT in the room had left and we were really F#$ked for sure!
FOOMRADIO – I think Anonymous is Mattis or Tillerson.
@tori2dles Ha! Makes sooo much sense!
@FOOMRADIO — The loss of Rep. Elijah Cummings has also created a void in the ‘voice of reason’ department. The Congress can not even get itself together now that he’s gone. He was a binding force between Demos and Repos alike.
@Saroya Fanniel Rep. Cummings was certainly a voice of reason and a fierce advocate for change. There is a gaping hole left here without his strong voice of conviction and the roar of his fight. Can never forget what he stood for. General Mattis was a part of that God forsaken administration and that is the contrast. General Mattis was, in my opinion, the last adult in that administration..
more like a danger to the world and humanity.
Yep so true ### trump is a CROOK
“I’ve come to believe that the most dangerous man in the world is the one who feels no remorse. The one who never apologizes and therefore seeks no forgiveness. Because in the end, it is our emotions that make us weak, not our actions.
” — Tahereh Mafi
He’s an extreme sociopathic narcissist. He HAS no normal human emotions. None! To him, corruption, lies, treason, collusion, adultery, incest, denial, etc, is totally acceptable, and how DARE someone question him.
Political Toast words of wisdom!!!
“Hear, hear!
ONE Next to Satan!
The USA is going down down down. Sad. The worst president in the history of America
Clearly it’s written that, a great nation will fall and another from across the waters will rise.
David Lafleche Pure ignorance. This is about your Liar Of The United States. He did say that the Republican voters are the Dumbest Voters in America.
@test Testing Thank you very much them REPTILES still on OBAMA’S

The most disturbing part about this new book is that his cult won’t care at all
I agree with you. He is a very sick man. He only cares himself.
Twila Johnson pretty much
They will dismiss this. Sad
No kidding
Most can’t even read!
Any normal person knew it was going to be like this when he was elected.
@Margit Ouma Silverlining: he’s not coming back to the city. Good f***g riddance! I’d love to see him & Melly forced to live among the deplorables he so loathes: no gold, no plane, no luxurious limos and overpriced shopping sprees. Just farms Walmart, and the diner downtown. We know he wouldn’t be caught dead socializing with his base, but the cult’s too dumb to get it, even now ~ lol
Yes! He is The Thief in Chief!
Normal people did not elect this giant sphincter hence the extreme anger over this obscene mess. Many I know that did vote by being a lemming to the party are ashamed but most will not allow their ego to face humiliation and admit ignorance. There is no excuse to the fiasco they have unleashed on the world. Also, normal people do not watch Jerry Springer or Kardashian garbage and would never vote for a vulgar, lying, cheating thieving pile of refuse like the idiots that defend this pathetic clown. It should be said that anyone that is breathing should have known better. It only proves that Americans are morons and the Kremlin played it to the T.
The main danger to US national security is Trump himself.. he’s selling US to russia
asu bil Its actually the Republican enablers. Trump is Trump, and they know it. Not stopping him when they have the power to do so is the real danger.
”Gutless”, coming from someone who dodged the draft is such a hypocrisy.
_”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, and traitors are not victims, but accomplices.”_ – George Orwell
J C I didn’t vote for this horrid person Trump . And posted all the known facts about how he was and is before elect. Which I feel was a bad joke on the American public. Trump was Put In by the most corrupt people in the world.
Eva Roop 8
Makes sense why people of Kings landing we’re burned by mother of dragons
_”In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”_ – George Orwell
Orwell was a wise man and a brilliant political author.
Bbbuuuut the dreamers und muh juub !
Some of us already knew Trump was corrupt and inept. That’s why we didn’t vote for him.
Mark Miller there are ones that knew it and voted for him , that is what scares me the most .
Republicans should be ashamed of their self absolutely history will not be kind to you
shereca swearington
Please… Don’t hurt Mitch McConnell‘s feelings.
I’m guessing Kellyanne Conway. Even if it is she’s still a hag.
Such a lousy president and his evil cronies!