The White House is struggling to answer questions about impeachment, Republicans are struggling to defend the president, and the Feds keep breathing down Rudy Giuliani's neck. Aired on 10/18/19.
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Day 1,002: One Month After Trump Whistleblower, Chaos Reigns In Washington | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Rick Perry is the next person to “refuse to comply” with investigations and subpoenas…
Can someone share a link to where I can get a “don’t have to comply with the law” pass
It might be useful one day
Me too please. And I would like a spare spine…there must be a storeroom full of one’s removed from Republicans.
Yours and Simons comments have me laughing out loud. I’m wondering if I could hand the cops an actual Monopoly “Get out of jail free card” if I put a pic of Trump’s head on the card??? What do you guys think?
@Yusuf Ginnah Yours and Simons comments have me laughing out loud. I’m wondering if I could hand the cops an actual Monopoly “Get out of jail free card” if I put a pic of Trump’s head on the card??? What do you guys think?
Will everyone agree to stop calling extortion and bribery a “shadow foreign policy”? Shakedowns for political favour is not foreign policy.
Trump and his cronies are the real deep state.
@Chris H … No, that’s not what I’m saying.
“Threatening Ukraine” and leveraging other countries is not the issue. Not for Biden nor for Trump. Heads of State do that all the time. (Its actually their job, honestly).
Again: The issue is that trump used Ukraine to *dig up dirt on his political rival* . (And perhaps using military aid as leverage to get a foreign entity for PERSONAL GAIN). *This is the big issue and it’s unacceptable* .
@Chris H Again, to reiterate: the removal of Shokin was not a “Biden” thing.
– It was official Obama administration policy.
– The international community ASKED the Obama administration to help remove Shokin.
– *Senate Republicans* gave their support in the removal of Shokin (Senate Republicans wrote and signed a bi-partisan letter expressing this).
Trump sent his own personal lawyer, who has NO official standing in the government whatsoever, to go do backchannel deals and contacts with a foreign government to dig up dirt on his most-likely campaign opponent. Not the State Department. Not an official justice department probe. His. Own. Personal. Lawyer. In. Secret.
That is misusing the power of the presidency and subverting US foreign policy for personal gain. Plain and simple.
@chris marraro There was an international coalition to remove the Ukrainian prosecutor like there was an international coalition to invade Iraq. That Joe Biden would lead this effort to fire Shokin because he wasn’t investigating Burisma hard enough makes no sense. _’Prosecute my son or you’re not getting the money’_
trump has turned the white house into the center of a criminal empire-wow
mark kimbrell
Jared and Ivanka will set things right – once they return from their current snow skiing trip.
@willl 88 That would be the trumpturds dragging the average down.
The Boss Trump is a corruptor cheater manipulator lier so is his administration and his Family..
Arrest these guys who don’t comply with subpoenas.
@Bryan Smith your’e right. They specifically didn’t write laws that would hurt them and their buddies.
@Pete 952 There are legitimate, verifiable facts that work in or to Trump’s favor. Him mostly having the DoJ in his pocket, and Congress having mostly symbolic means of dealing with a criminally non-complaint president and admin, is a matter of fact. Possibly rullings by SCOTUS may force their hand – but those will take a long time, and there’s no actual _guarantee_ their ruling will be in favor of enforcement. And – even if it does, there’s kinda no telling what _this_ particular President will do in response to that.
There’s plenty of fact and data working in favor the way around, too, like witnesses defying the admin testinony blockade, Trump’s own big mouth spilling barrels of beans in public, “1st hand” whistleblower(s) coming forth etc.
Presenting the data as a matter of non-manipulated fact, is not inherently political, neither is it a declaration of support nor affiliation. It’s a reality check. This thing is gravely serious, and going forth in this ordeal, no one will be afforded the comfort of cherrypicking what fact and data will play its part, and be part of the larger narrative. Because this thing won’t be contained within the court of public opinion and media / optics – this is moving towards a bichameral formal impeachment process.
Exactly, they need to. The Sergeant At Arms does the arrest not the DOJ.
The chipmunk just shot himself on National TV…
…..or on 5th Avenue?
I’m sorry Are you talking about Harry Potter ?
@Erik Nystrom And no one believed it!
I think he’s right, for the wrong reasons.
People need to go behind bars for refusing to cooperate with congress. It’s the law!
Frank Rodriguez The list of people who have seen jail time for Contempt of Congress in living memory is very short. These people are above the law … for now.
Imagine the world we live in where a politician can defy a subpoena to testify before congress, but a young man can oversleep, arrive to jury duty late…and get jailed for 10 days!
@Bobby Wells No kidding ! I saw that and felt horrible that this even can happen . An innocent event and you get jailed for a very human error.
ty mr williams and everyone, we all need to hear these things. trumputin is destroying our country. he needs to go!
Hahahahahahahahahaha sry i had to laugh intensly there…. destroying the country? He has improved it immensly like never before, ever! Brainwashed moron.
The circus does not stay in town this long, aren’t we lucky
Time to rise
I don’t know about lucky, the animals left a lot of dung to be cleaned up.
@Ian G
Chris – I’m sure in the alternate facts universe, we are super duper lucky. For those of us in the real world, I appreciate your sarcasm.
Chaos administration, no one knows what’s going on, the president wants to sound intelligent, but he’s dumb as a rock, that’s why he hates Obama and Hillary, brilliant scholars, lol
Eric Charles I only wish I could “like ” your post more . Don never made it . Although in his mind …..????? We don’t wanna go there
Dumb as a rock, is insulting to rocks everywhere. I think the expression will now have to become Dumb as a trump.
trump, his cronies, and his base eschew education and learning. They made fun of and discounted Obama’s educational credentials. They will walk off a cliff before asking an expert in the state department about protocols and procedures. They are too arrogant to even consult their own lawyers. For one thing, most of what they are doing is illegal and they know it. That’s why they’re hiding tax records, bank accounts, phone calls and emails. Their stupid criminal enterprises are being exposed and, hopefully, their ignorance will be replaced by some people who put us first and not themselves or their criminal, ignorant cronies and families.
I’ve never felt such disrespect towards any president then I do to this one, stupid Donald Trump he is a risk to the country
@American Pride You are joking. aren’t you! The only way I’d hand that man a lighter was if he dosed himself in gasoline first!
@David Sumser MAGL TRUNO 2010
Trump needs to go. now. don’t wait till 2020. for the good of America, it must be now.
i agree 100%
Bill Taylor will be the only one who will remain unscathed after this is over.
Good! He is the only one of the lot of them to sound the alarm. All those career dogs guarding the property and not one raised a peep, officially, until this new dog came along.
Why don’t they go to jail/be held accountable for disregarding/breaking the law?
Agreed, Arrest them for NON-Compliance! They are NOT above the LAW or Constitution! They forfeit their Rights,
“The Kurds are happy.” How in the name of God himself can that possibly be true? This abnormal President is truly unfit for office – he fails to grasp even the most simple points.
The turkish people have been using white phosphorus and he says their happy? Who believes this garbage?
@josef raphael His stooges who keep voting for him and are all over social media still defending him.
Yes, he is abnormal. In a disturbing and mentally sick way.
This is the worst American President ever. I’m sad inside.
@Jacob Leibel -agreed !! This bs needs to be over !!
@Ellen Kortman – I feel the same way. I just want this to be over !! I am so embarrassed he will be in the story of our history. Embarrassing to call him our leader. I dont and wont follow him or anything he says or does !!
joe Domjan
He does own slaves. Just look at the GOP and the MAGAs.
@Jacob Leibel I agree !
@Ellen Kortman You are not alone in wishing he would die.
It’s more than “what Nixon did” this is but one criminal thing the dotard has done.
All of this makes Nixon look like a saint in comparison. This mal-administration by trump and Co has been one scandal after another with barely any time to digest anything before the next scandal envelopes us.
This iceberg is just the tip of the iceberg.
@Cocoa Liveson – hahaha, thanks good joke!
“The full pause…the oil everyone was talking about…and we are in a very strong position.” Wha???
No kidding who was talking about oil?
What does the US care about oil in the middle east?
As a net exporter of oil means you export more than you import and 40% the oil the US imports comes from Canada.
The US only imports 10 to 20% of it’s oil consumption so that’s 4 to 8% from Canada and the other 6 to 12% is split between Mexico, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Columbia and Iraq for an average of 1.2 to 2.4% each.
So who was talking about oil?
Exxon, Shell who else?
Alternate facts in dumbtrumpland.
@Ian G – the Saudis need to export oil. It’s their only income, which is why Donny diapers sent troops there instead of bringing them home. That’s the oil he means.
Trump is an orange stain on American history.
They need to lock ALL of them up. Not just Trump!
@Jim Smith Pelosi and the Dems need to develop a spine and start using their “inherent contempt” power. They have the power to arrest (and/or fine) anyone who defies a House subpoena. Instead they’re allowing Trump and his henchmen to delay the investigation by fighting these subpoenas in court.
trump shows his tone deaf ignorance and stupidity with each utterance that the Kurds are happy.
the Kurds are HAPPY to be betrayed, bombed, shot, running for their lives???? now that’s insane