David Plouffe, Obama’s 2008 campaign manager, criticizes the president’s irresponsible actions while having Covid-19 and argues that Trump’s erratic Twitter videos will not help him win any more votes. Aired on 10/08/2020
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David Plouffe: Trump Won’t Win Re-Election As A ‘Spray Tanned, Drugged-Up, Pitch Man For Regeneron’
Vote America we deserve a president who will fight for us.We need to stop the violence against each other.Stop the lies bring back humanity stay safe.
@Rafael Salas TRUMP&PENCE 2020!!
@Long Johnson https://youtu.be/erZVRcrIpgU
PLEASE share this message with as many people as possible., if you feel u want to.
If it helps just one person feel safe enough to cast their vote, then it’s worth doing.
Plus….It might trigger some despicable maga snowflakes too…(that’s a bonus).
If you intend to vote in-person, but you’re worried about feeling threatened by Trump’s hired thugs.. WEAR RED, VOTE BLUE…..!!!!!!
@07Raza 11 you have no facts at all with Trump just the way he talks is a lie, that’s all the facts I need
Why did Trump use Regeneron to treat his coronavirus when the drug was derived from fetal tissue from an abortion?
angela palmer -Exceptions will always be made to validate life saving measures for certain people. Even if the COVID treatment itself doesn’t contain, fetal stem cells, a quick search shows the company has used them in research. I doubt any of the pre-birthers care. They’re not pro life, if they’re unwilling to care for their most vulnerable citizens, for their own selfish actions.
PLEASE share this message with as many people as possible., if you feel u want to.
If it helps just one person feel safe enough to cast their vote, then it’s worth doing.
Plus….It might trigger some despicable maga snowflakes too…(that’s a bonus).
If you intend to vote in-person, but you’re worried about feeling threatened by Trump’s hired thugs.. WEAR RED, VOTE BLUE…..!!!!!!
@Jeffrey Dahmer Answer the original poster’s question, nazi rodent.
@Bruce strkland I believe mike pence could be a clone.
Please provide evidence…..
Well he waved the white flag. He’s done
Discreet Anonymus Yeah, I prefer a party that doesn’t sell their soul to Satan. What is 2020 (current year) divided by 30330 (Biden’s number to text), or 2020 divided by 666. They purposefully picked that number. They also have spirit cookings with Marina. They are the party that will side with the coming antichrist. The antichrist isn’t revealed until after the restrainer is removed (2 Thessalonians 2:8). You are purposefully choosing this party and these candidates, so don’t come crying when the Son of Man appears in the clouds!

@Isaiah 53 You do realize that the end can’t come until the government turns against religions, right? Trump is highly likely to be that candidate. Biden is a practicing catholic.
You sound crazy. Literally, insane. No one knows the hour nor the day…your numbers don’t add up to anything.
Isaiah 53 Get a grip..
There is not going to be a rapture cause that is a bedtime story that was created to scare humans into a religious dogma!!
@Celestial Times Amen
Dang it was the spray tan drugged up pitch man for me

What’s the Difference between Trumpee Dump being
a Spray Tanned Drugged UP Pitch Man on 10/8/20
and him being a
a Spray Tanned Drugged Up Pitch Man on 9/8/20 ????????? NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL.
Check this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFUjtsxb3OI&feature=share
Did you see the new Meidas Touch video today? That is exactly what they did. A pitch for Regeneron using his speech. Awesome!
People vote no matter what. Get out there and vote no matter what.
@Richard Henry Sr That was so stupid it was funny.
Yup that’s right, vote TRUMP!!!
Vote Blue! We can’t survive 4 more years of this!
someone on another post said if you are worried about trump supporters hassling people at the polls then wear red but vote blue, good luck and best wishes from Cornwall, uk.
Most of us have been screaming for the 25th for years. Those drugs aren’t doing this to him. He’s gone completely mad.
But he’ll always have Putin.
What we need is a Town Hall Style Debate !!!
With Ron Paul and Tulsi Gabbard hosting. The military industrial complex is on its final breath
He’s a crowd freak. Once there’s no crowd, he ain’t going there.
The leader in grime….he’s an immense failure and has slaughtered not only the American people but our dreams for the future….
I have never seen Steve Schmitt smile let alone laugh. That was a nice surprise.
I thought the same
He has a smile,he’s just Steve
But he sure knows his stuff.Thank all of you for the truth.
Was thinking the same. Love that guy
@Hayden Williams Great list Hayden, should manafort have an extra mention because of his stealing from the build the wall scam?
I just had to watch it again.
watching David Plouffe make Nicole Wallace and Steve Schmidt bust up laughing with the video title line makes me SO HAPPY. THANKS!!!
Yeah, its almost like so-called “Journalists” were actually comedians.
Agreed. Gotta take the laughs where we can find them these days.
@NavyVet lol k dawg.
If Donnie botches another debate as badly as he did the first one, he will blame it on the drugs….
…or Obama.
I would say it will be Obama he would blame.Have you ever saw him hate a good man so much.It is hidden envy.He will never be the good man that one is.
Ah, but he thinks he won that first debate.
Or on the emails of Hillary/ The Gold Star Families. He is just awful
IF any of his cabinet had any character or patriotism, Pence would be acting president and T rump would still be in the hospital..
Pence is just as bad.Just sneaky enought to keep his hidden.
Don’t worry. They’ll be fired too.
Spray tanned … Drugged up … Pitch boy …

To earn a title like ‘man’,
you need a name young one-_-.
Farewell ..
Everything he does is revealing his mini mind

He can’t spell change
How can you say Manley when he wears more makeup and hair spray than Melania
I wonder if Durham has an Indictment with Plouffe’s name on it?
“Don’t you use that word smart with me!”
Spray tanned drugged up pitch man for Regeneron!!

ROFLOL did he just call him
OMGOSH I’m dying laughing..
He obviously has a stake in Eli Lilly, I won’t ever touch something produced by them.
Donny boy is a disaster, and he is TERRIFIED of another debate.
Donny will win re-election easily.
Yes he will be , in his playgroup in the psych ward he will
@Mitch Arney Hello there slavic internet troll. Your boss vlad really wants donnie boy to win so he can get his money – or have it worked off in trade by getting orange asscrack to continue to sell out the USA, huh?
He’s even more afraid of a town hall where he can’t bully the questioner.
You got that right