David Plouffe: The Insurrection Was A True ‘Trump Enterprise’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe explains how Donald Trump’s rhetoric for months leading up to the riot provided the fuel for his supporters to storm the Capitol. Aired on 01/12/2021.
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#DavidPlouffe #TrumpEnterprise #MSNBC

David Plouffe: The Insurrection Was A True ‘Trump Enterprise’ | Deadline | MSNBC

David Plouffe: The Insurrection Was A True ‘Trump Enterprise’ | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. @K Watkins – You don’t have the intellectual equipment to post coherently on ONE thread – I never imagined idiocy could be spread so thin…

    1. @Gwendolyn Williams he is actually way more precise than the part of a sentence you wrote. (Sorry hun) you cant be trusted to make decisions…

    2. @McVenison Steaks how could members of congress know that Turnip would refuse to allow national guard troops to come in to subdue the terrorists? Normally, when there is a joint session of congress with the VP also in attendance, security is pretty reliable. I wonder why the capital police were so understaffed on the 6th and why Turnip dragged his feet on approval for more law enforcement…

    3. AOC thugs and criminals being released from prison wearing red hats for red flags by comrade Harris to think they were conservative peaceful protesters and AOC thugs and criminals being released from prison wearing red hats for red flags will take care of your grandparents since they been vaccinated they have your best interest in mind like our little brothers sisters and babies murdered in the streets and do as your told nothing to see and some people do things lock yourself up take communist unconstitutional laws and rule the elites push on bots don’t concern yourself the elites don’t follow just do as your told and we are not for the first step to Marxism to silence the people we are not for tyranny but for your safety and their is nothing to see lock yourself up AOC thugs and criminals being released from prison by comrade Harris wearing red hats for red flags will take care of you the little brother sister and babies murdered in the streets democrats bankrupt sanctuary cities and districts was some people do things not chaos as we will tell lost and confused new leader to te you when there is chaos the pandering race baiting and division we can blame Trump be a good bot lock yourself and family up and unconstitutional laws and rules are for your safety AOC thugs being released from prison burning down the system for months is some people do things just do as your told we will take care of you

    4. @Eloise Nega why would “AOC thugs released from prison” listen to Turnip’s incitement to commit treason? Why would AOC allow her prison thugs to prevent the electoral vote count? Why did Turnip tell his domestic terrorists to try to execute people, including his own VP?

    5. @Jew Dy jeep pushing propaganda your learning the gestapo SS tactics well just do as your told and lock your family up in your homes and don’t concern yourself as there is nothing to see the chaos for months burning the system down was for your safety and this BS went on for months and the elites like repeatedly the same BS you know bot like mostly peaceful like a broken record who and ther right mind buys this BS it no such thin as mostly peaceful it is or it isn’t all I can say is protect yourself from chaos and tyranny

    1. @K Watkins There is a differentiation though. After January 6th, there are crooks and then there are treasonous crooks that would be willing to have this country run by a dictator wannabe just to appeal to their seditious base.

    2. Lock yourself up for tyranny AOC thugs being released from prison wearing red hats for red flags will take care of you like they took care of your grandparents after they received the vaccine

    3. @K Watkins wow, “all politicians are crooks”.
      Let me guess, you think that trump is the only one who’s honest?
      You are not very intelligent and shouldn’t comment on things you don’t understand.

    1. @moody rick Over 20,000 lies in his 4 years in office could make a pretty thick book. Or are you wanting to include his lies from before his time in office?

    2. A hoax. A guy who told people no indoor gathering more than 10 people caught indoor party with over 12 people, no mask and no 6 ft apart. Wait a minute it is not Trump. It is Newsome.

      And again how much % death rate vs survival rate? Educate with fact and not fear please. Check on world of meter to get your daily update covid number okay instead fear then pull your head out of your butt.

    3. @Arnold Fossman 😝😝😝 still less than those anti trump did all years long since 2016. Where did you sleep under the rock stupid? Block highway, burn buildings, looting, riot, anonymous zone…… and again peaceful protestors right? And again quote by Cuomo “where did it say protestors need to be peaceful?”? #stupid

  1. It appears as if the Trump crowd at the capital can be divided into 2 parts.
    One part of the crowd really believed they were there for a protest, the second part of the crowd were there for the planned attack and were using the protesters as cover.

    1. @Gerg Nossirag the right wing media is saying that Turnip is the leader of antifa? Mystery solved! We have all been wondering who was in changes over there.

  2. We can’t move on , we need to deal with those that made this sedition move from political Yada yada yada to violence…

  3. Of course he’s back talking this, it’s what he always does. Saw this many times, and he didn’t care about our country all along. First mishandling the virus, then the unacceptable way he’s acted since he lost the election, and the numerous lies these four years and now his encouraging of a crowd to march on the capital. He’s never accepted one thing he’s done wrong, he won’t and can’t.

    1. They won’t unify anyway, they’ll go underground again, listen to Trump radio and complain about 2nd Amendment rights.

    2. @recycled365 2nd Amendment obsessed while ignorantly burning their 5th by live streaming their crimes in high definition. Had they been American revolutionaries we’d still be part of England for they all would’ve been hung.

    3. @Scott M Wilhelms Hanged? What a wonderful idea, but I would rather give them all rakes and assign them to a chain gang raking the forest floors out west.

    4. @Arnold Fossman You’re correct it’s historically hanged because judges preferred it. Yeah the dirty forest floors are the problem. 🙄
      Also not sure I like the idea of them enjoying air that fresh. 🤔 I’m also a believer that some are such an intentional detriment to civilized society that life isn’t for them. 😐 Forgiveness is more God’s domain than mine.

    5. @Scott M Wilhelms Do you think any of them would actually enjoy anything about nature? Besides, they would have blisters after 10 minutes and just think of how they would feel about being out there with all the “creepy-crawlies” that would be out there with them. Remember, it would be a more decent group of “creepy-crawlies” than they are used to.

  4. We’ve joked about Trump escaping on a midnight flight to Moscow. Now realistically that’s his only choice.

    1. What on earth does trump have to offer Putin now? He’s going to find out how the powerful people really think about him.

  5. The healing can’t begin…the country can’t possibly move on….UNTIL ALL of these seditionists and the instigators are held accountable FIRST.

    First things first.

  6. Don’t forget his replacing key Pentagon officials late in 2020 with his own lackies. The same guys who stalled the national guard. All culpable. All planned.

    1. In another comment I mentioned capitol murder, and thought we would be able to cast a very wide net to catch all the rioters and Trump, but after reading your comment here I now can see that we will need a wider net so we can catch those in the pentagon who were indirectly involved in those deaths.

    2. He has entertained the seditionists that any other President would have rebuked. Now, they plan “armed protests” on every state capitol and in D.C. If that all goes ugly he would likely invoke the Insurrection Act – which he would have on the 6th if his raiders weren’t so incompetent. He needs to be in a cage with comm full stop -and all 10,000-15,000 National Guard coming from around the country to Washington this week need to be vetted. All of the participants in the soft part of the coup (over 100 reps and almost a dozen Senators), need to be unseated immediately under the 14th. This thing is NOT over. Very few states have deployed their militias to defend the capitols. smh Guillitines, gallows, zip ties, organized active military (oathkeepers) and now guns marching on the seats of power

    3. Without question. This is a cancer that has infiltrated all levels of government. Entirely un-American, treasonous cronies with no allegiance to our Constitution.

  7. Trump’s actions/inaction after he knew the Congress had been breached shows his intent and makes him responsible for the deaths that occurred. At minimum he should be charged with felony murder.

  8. Just think how differently this would be playing out had Obama been the one who instigated those riots..

  9. Trump’s reality show turned deadly. Should arrest the whole mob including the riot inciters including the Trumps.

  10. – I remember Trump saying “my building is now the tallest” immediately after the 9/11 twin terror strikes. He’s that sick.

    1. Yes, indeed. I will never forget his support of Putin against our own intelligence apparatus while in Helsinki. It was an outrage.

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