Former Obama Campaign Manager David Plouffe discusses what campaign strategies should be ahead of tonight's first presidential debate. Aired on 9/29/2020.
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David Plouffe: Joe Biden's 'Task Tonight' To Lock His Base In | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Whatever he talks about he’ll come across as someone with a brain. He just have to ignore trumps witless insults.
Covid is extremely dangerous because grand ma
But then, Covid is not dangerous at all because pelosis hair
@halalslagt en dansk panser og gør Allah glad go away you stupid drip
Jill ~ Joe, just don’t say anything stupid OK..
Joe ~ Hi everyone, I’m Joe Biden’s husband.
Biden hasn’t got a clue what’s going on around him, so he won’t have any difficulty ignoring Trump. All he’s got to do is stand there and say “c’mon man, orange man bad, you know the thing” and MSNBC will tell you that he absolutely destroyed Trump.
Trump is dead on the covid-19 issue

@Love Day dead man walking part 3,joe, the hero and Trump the villain,see you at the movies

It’s ok everyone, LOVE DAY has only been on YTUBE for 5 minutes, so, Russian bot!
Even though when the pandemic kicked off and the country was in chaos Biden hid for six days, no words of support from him whatsoever. His excuse was that he had something wrong with his internet. “But Biden isn’t the president he doesn’t have to do anything” I hear you say. Yeah that’s true he’s completely entitled to be as useless as he wants in his country’s time of need. Not really the attitude becoming of someone who wants to be the president though.
@Dog Poo Fairy But as the actual President, Trump was NOT entitled to be as useless as he wants in his country’s time of need but yet here we are, 200,000+ later.
gii patrick state governors have complete autonomy to manage the pandemic in their states. How are the Democrats states doing?
Wallace: “Mr Vice President, what is your plan to you get us out of this horrendous economic state we’re in?”
Biden: “Thank you Chris. My entire plan is posted for all to see, but some highlights include creating millions of good jobs through infrastructure investment, addressing climate change through clean energy, creating better union jobs to expand the middle class, expanding agriculture and conservation, and most importantly maintaining and improving health care for all Americans”
Wallace: “Mr President, same question”
Trump: “Thank you Chris. But I don’t waste my time on any plans. I just rely on the 30 odd million suckers and losers who actually believe I have one!
@j t
Considering that Trump has done no infrastructure, no health care, no conservation, jobs are in the toilet, the wall is a joke, coal jobs are going away, people are being evicted, before the virus, a trillion dollars were added to the national debt, over 200,000 Americans have died, and the China tariffs are putting farmers out business without massive bailouts, I’d love to see Trump say what you think he should say.
Those aren’t Biden’s words though, but his handlers might give them to him through his hidden earpiece.
Kevin Skiles. Another day Another Trump Victory! Millions of Democrats will be voting for President Trump. it’s going to be no less than a Landslide Victory for President Trump!
That wasn’t worth the effort.
Jeff Gibson Never is, for weak minded liberal losers .
Choices vote for trump to keep him out if debt and jail or biden to defeat the virus VOTE
Someone needs to keep Don Jr away from daddy’s adderall supply…otherwise it’ll be another low-energy performance like at the RNC convention.

Did you know that Biden refused a drug test?
Your vote will be your only chance to tell this bum,” your fired.”
Trump was nominated for a THIRD Nobel Peace Prize!!!!!!!!! All that in only his first term!!!! Absolutely unheard of!!!! We all can be proud!!!!!!!
@SEM TRUMP train will take you for a ride all the way to Russia… Good luck…
@David Eby Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize but no one knows why, not even Obama.
@Regina Santos hunter biden got 3.5 million dollars from the mayor of Moscow. The democrats are knee deep in Russia
Biden did well. He lost obviously but still did better than expected. Must be good stimulants.
So true:
Go Joe!
Bin Hiden 2088!!!!!!
Go Joe Go to an old age home
As long as he doesn’t go in his underwear on stage. Apparently they’re not allowed a toilet break.
Am 81: Vote Biden: Jesus was not an American Republican, nor an evangelical, nor a Christian…
As a humanitarian for all mankind He was an Israeli Jew who preached democratically but specially to the needy poor….”Poor Lazarus in heaven…the rich man rejected.”
41 Years ago in 1980, beforwi followed the Lord, (1984) i too was somewhat “rich”, with a net worth of
US $ 500,000, owning 4 properties, living in US $ 250,000 house and earning US $ 80,000 a year…. With US $150,000 in my bank i did not know what to do with…But God took it all away from me….not the devil as some of my previous evangelical ” friends” told me…and most evangelicals still believe that today: duped by so many millionair diabolic wolves in sheep skins, huckter$$$ wilth millions of ignorant victim followers, wasting millions of dollars to donated to already millionair criminals, instead of helping the suffering poor of this world 2/3 going hungry.
81: A democratical Biblical Universalist, as millions: Billie Graham finally before he died, etc.
Complete list per email.
Only by Gods Gtace; i fasted 5 times 40 days since 1984, reading the bible 37 times a-z, two times on my knees as recommended by Charles Finney…..
With modest pension: married with
2 children 13 and 18.
Trump’s taxes prove he is a national security threat.
@no halo that’s true, they said Trump will take away free speech, the Klan will rise, he’ll start world war three, there will be martial law, he’ll make ethic minorities, LGBTQ and women suffer and loads of other bad stuff that never happened.
joe biden’s secret new world order Agenda is a MEGA TREAT..
@Dog Poo Fairy It is happening!! Pay attention!
@Sharon Brown how is it happening, how is any of that happening? I take it you’re aware that Trump has proposed designating the Klan a terrorist organisation? No of course not, you just watch MSNBC, they would never tell you something like that.
@Sharon Brown why didn’t Obama propose designating the Klan a terrorist organisation? Maybe it’s cos his sidekick Biden was trained by Klansman Robert Byrd.
Apart from the aborted ones.
Step 1 is to actually show up.
Step 2 answer a real question.
If Biden talks in code instead of beating dead horses and nods “we got this”
He’ll be the daddy Trump always feared!
But he won’t.
Makes no sense.
Well you know that the thing – Joe Bastardin
It’s time to Make America AMERICA Again!!

Why has Biden refused the drug test? Is adrenochrome illegal in the US?
Kamala really embarrassed herself too. She was asked in an interview a few days ago who her favourite rapper is who’s alive today and she said Tupac lol.
@Dog Poo Fairy poo
Barbara Worrall poo you too.
Throwing the Rioting, arsonist, flag burning, looting, and now cop shooting Demonrats/Biden Supports in prison would be a great first step in making America great again.
Mitchell Zachary, who is reported to have worked on Trump’s accounts for more than a decade, told CNN host Chris Cuomo: “I don’t want to get too political, because I don’t want to make enemies. However, right now it appears the president’s only concern is getting re-elected. And now we can see why.” More importantly, we can see why he did not want these returns revealed. Why he fought it so hard, all the way up to the Supreme Court. And then going back up the courts again, because this shows he is not who he pretends to be and never was.” Meanwhile, former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman told CNN on Monday that Trump could face jail over his tax affairs if he is not re-elected in November. He said: “Tax avoidance is simply taking the tax code and getting the most deductions you can get under the code that is perfectly legal. Tax fraud, however, is lying about what your income was, lying about what your deductions are, and there’s a couple of items that just stand out in that report from the that really appear to go beyond tax avoidance.”
Trump: a man who whines about other countries paying a “Fair Share”..*
..has in-fact, NEVER paid his Fair Share!
Trump only ever projects , if he is whining about someone getting away with something it is code for ” I hope they don’t catch me … “

Let’s be clear, Joe Biden could sit in the corner playing on his phone through the entire debate and I’m still voting for him. VOTE TRUMP OUT!
Allan Burns Biden voted for the illegal Iraq war, then later said he shouldn’t have done it. Trump is bringing troops back. Obama started wars and is universally hated in the Middle East. How many wars has Trump started? Zero. And Biden is trying to take credit for the Trump peace deal in the Middle East, which I find really funny.
Allan Burns Trump has opened dialogue with Jong Un, who before Trump got into office was a nuclear threat, but people sleep more soundly now. Trump even visited North Korea, first president to do that for decades. Obama didn’t even try to make peace with North Korea, he was too busy arming Iran, who hate the US.
@Dog Poo Fairy trump isn’t bringing any troops home. Just like his phony middle east deal.
@Dog Poo Fairy trump gave Kim Jong un what he always wanted, a seat at the table. Where nothing happened and he is still the leading nuclear threat. Nobody sleeps better. Except maybe trumpers who believe everything the orange one says as though its gospel. Pull your head out. trump has accomplished nothing other than unrest, division, a higher deficit and an economy that was so amazing that middle class American families are standing in line at food banks.
Patty Kelly if it’s phoney why’s Biden trying to take credit for it? You see the Democrats and their fake news media are full of contradictions, like the fact that they say all the riots are the fault of white supremacists, yet they’re paying the Minnesota Freedom Fund money to bail out the ones who are arrested. So why are they bailing out white supremacists?
Trump doesn’t believe in the rule of law!!!!!