Parkland High School shooting survivor and co-founder of March For Our Lives David Hogg and executive director of Guns Down America Igor Volsky discuss President Joe Biden's unaddressed promises from 2020 on ending gun violence in the US. #CNN #News
David Hogg says Biden needs to act before another Parkland happens

Still saying semi automatic as if that’s something unusual…lol
The left lost the gun control argument when the allowed BLM to riot all spring and summer long. Game set match . . . They lost a thousand times over. STFU already.
Sorry gun grabbing fem boy never get any gun control thru the senate so get back under your bed
there must be David hogg loading his musket ball, ever alert, and ready for his one and only needed asset.
there must be David hogg loading his musket ball, ever alert, and ready for his one and only needed asset.
I bet my bottom dollar, if I took david Hog to a range and blasted a target with a musket shooting a ball with a 12 bore using a mean diameter of 18.51 mm musket ball he would be like
“Okay..nvm, go back to using a .45”
“Let me go home and get my camera”-David Hogg.
Finally yes
Hogg wasn’t even at the school at the time of the shooting. He was at home and ran to school to be a part of the excitement
*Crisis Actor*
Bahaha David Hogg….you people still using that crisis actor? Bahaha
@Warren Hunter Guns are sold like candy in America. That is the problem. The crazies will get them too. The sane also use them when they are easy to own.
@Bruce only an issue if bad people have them. And they can get them illegally. Your laws accomplish nothing
@Delling Conley most frail people would love a gun… I miss the old fisstfighting days. There was more respekt against eachother… Now days pfff
@Bruce This might be a shock to you, but there’s this revolutionary thing called the *BLACK* *MARKET* where criminals get their guns instead of a legal gun shop. Gun control will not shut it down whatsoever if anything it will be booming with business.
@Bruce last time I checked you don’t need to get a background check for candy
How is this “breaking”
They’re all broke struggling to keep viewers as they’re dropping faster than their scandalous staff.
@D R

Maybe you should go after the fbi since they had info on the parkland shooter but didn’t do anything.
@Ivar Brouwer
You don’t care what the constitution says?
So we should be able to be locked up for what we say? Police should be able to enter our houses when ever we want?
& most people know how to handle them properly and won’t do anything nefarious with them.
Annually, it’s LITERALLY less than .0003% of the population killing people with guns.
That small amount of people should ruin a right for the rest of us? No
@Surgical don’t waste your time with this sheep
@Ivar Brouwer I mean.. Switzerland’s citizens are armed to the teeth as well but yet hardly any crime. Why is that? Gee idk, maybe it’s because they have homogeneous populations, low incidence of poverty and higher percentages of educated citizenry. Japan has virtually no civilians firearms and Switzerland literally has fully automatic machine guns in 1/3 of of all households but both have some of the lowest murder rates in the world. We don’t have a gun problem, we have a cultural problem.
@Matt l yes, and until that is solved, your toys should be taken away from you until you learn to behave sensible.
CRIMINALS will never turn in their guns!
We want to hear about the Durham report !!!!!
@The Real American Patriot!
CNN bots don’t even try anymore to sound like real people <---truth Hillary
Won’t hear it on this democrat fascist outlet
The Hill just reported it
I heard about it from a democrat friend that saw it on Fox
@Marc Simpsons Fox can’t be trusted with a single thing. Should be kicked off the air!
Hogg, the insufferable Democrap that couldn’t compete with the MyPillow Guy
You can’t talk to nut cases. Typical of mental illness “God told me…”
“Quick, let’s try to push gun control before we get destroyed in the midterms!”
Yep, taking your money & rights is the only things Democratic politician are good for!
You’d think that the desire to preserve life would be enough of a reason, but … America..
@Anti elfimation League You are wrong about the riots. The purchase of firearms took off just prior to the pandemic. The demographic that drove most of the first time sales where African American females who made the major buying decisions for their particular families.
These are people who have been conditioned that guns were nothing but trouble, and that they should look to Jesus to keep them from harm.
Fear of the radical right along with the viral outbreak drove those sales.
Eight years ago, when I went to renew my Texas L.T.C. , the majority of my class was white by about five to one. In 2021 my class ratio was eight to one African American women.
Like empowering law enforcement or defund them?
I think the question is: “should we only allow the government, government officials and the government controlled military to have firearms”?
I hated trump as a person I loved him as a president…. We the American people need to understand better to balance our beliefs. It’s okay to hate trump but vote for him because he’s a good president. It’s not okay to like Biden and vote for him when he’s a bad president
@Bruce haha so what guns can we have?
@Jeiku Anime Review Also need to ban assault hands, they kill more people then the dreaded AR-15.
@Delvien Vol
Omg you’re right!
This pandemic of assault humans!
The left lost the second amendment conversation in 2020.
‘A scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate:’ and here we are……no reporting
Who said its greater than Watergate? Trump? Lol. GOP has screamed about “Russia hoax, phony dossier, spying on Trump and Hillary going to prison” for literally years now, it’s just not as newsworthy as you think. This story about Hillary spying is just nothing-burger crumbs for the pigeons watching FOX News. Also spying on the president is not a crime and neither is data mining. Collusion is not a crime. Get over it.
With the amount of gun laws on the books now and murder with guns still rampant means all gun control laws do are restrict the law abiding citizens, non-law abiding citizens will still use illegal guns to commit illegal murder that’s already illegal to commit to begin with
Why are you laughing at this?
@Julius Moore Because some people think more laws are going to stop people breaking them. The level of stupidity is hilarious.
@Julius Moore Democrats have had gun buy back programs. People sold them broken pos guns and used the money to buy new guns. This is why we laugh. Democrats cant understand that it’s the people they’re allowing to roam the streets that are doing most of these killings. A criminal uses a gun to shoot someone. A Democrat feels sorry for the shooter and releases them from jail. The shooter kills another person. And then the Democrat blames the gun. I live in an area where almost EVERYONE owns a gun and I cant remember of there ever being any sort of shooting, accidental or not. We use them for hunting and self defense. Everyone knows their neighbor has a gun so they dont try to hurt or steal from their neighbor. Its pretty simple. We leave our house unlocked sometimes even while we sleep at night. We leave our cars unlocked, with the keys in them. Crime is almost unheard of around here. Then again, it’s not a very diverse area either, if you’re picking up what I’m putting down.
@FinznFowl82 Hmm…okay. I appreciate your perspective. However I think both parties are complicit in this forever battle and debate over guns. Doesn’t feel like it will ever end.
@Julius Moore They make the battle about guns instead of the issues causing violence. Because they know guns will cause voters with different viewpoints about the 2A to argue, but not get on to fixing the causes of violence.
If you made all guns illegal then they would just immediately start flowing over from our southern border the same way fentanyl does, law abiding citizens stripped of there rights while criminals have the exact same access to weapons
People forget, you can meke guns, it’s not an impossible thing lol, bullets is another thing, but most eople working with CNC and simple industry materials u can make a first class gun, you get surprised but not everyone likes to play with metals and industrial equipment. It’s ez for engineers to build guns its a very simple weapon to make. Just saying nothing against guns some don’t live in the city’s
And yet they still bothered to make fentanyl illegal.
Law abiding citizens still don’t need assault rifles.
@ShellBelle Define “assault weapon”. I’m sure your response will have zero ignorance in it.
More Hoggwash.
David Hogg: “I’m going to start my own pillow business to go up against MyPillow”
Random bystander: “Oh, you’re going to start your own business? That’s awesome. That takes long hours and a lot of hard work.”
David Hogg: “Oh, it does? Ok, nevermind then. My bad.”
Remember when this kid started his own pillow company to put the MyPillow guy out of business?
Aren’t his fifteen minutes over yet?
After watching this, everyone should commit to buying at least one gun.
There is nothing he can do to stop criminals from doing horrendous acts of violence. Law abiding citizens follow laws and don’t commit these crimes.
Hard to take this seriously after screaming defund the police lol. What a joke