David Fahrenthold: Trump ‘Lost It All Because Of What He Did On January 6’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Washington Post Political reporter David Fahrenthold says that any hope former President Trump had of his businesses recovering after the pandemic was killed after the events of January 6th. Aired on 01/22/2021.
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#DavidFahrenthold #Trump #MSNBC

David Fahrenthold: Trump ‘Lost It All Because Of What He Did On January 6’ | Deadline | MSNBC


  1. Oh well.. If he listened to the experts instead of his gut he would have been president again.. He brought it on himself because he’s his own worse enemy..

    1. @Montesa That isn’t necessarily true at all.

      A narcissist sociopath, status-anxiety ridden, fragile ego figure like trump certainly is.

    1. Democrats need held accountable for election fraud.unity will be had whe the yoke of oppression is lifted from the rights neck.
      Justice will be a hearing of evidence in court.until then you get nothing.

    2. @metalmauler just because 45 keeps screaming fraud does not make the elections fraudulent. 45 was a liar in chief. When someone exhibits racist behavior, we have every right to call it out

    3. @metalmauler if you want the weight lifted off your neck… then vote! Oh wait? Your base thinks elections are fraudulent so why bother? So the alternative is storming the capitol then…. haha back to square one, loser.

    1. @outdoor fun Do you think failure trump will keep getting paid millions of $ through that secret chinese bank account of his.

      Like he did while in office.

    2. @T Electronix True, but the effects are never always the same. That is why for some people Karma never catches up to them. Look at Trump …. he’s gotten away with Murder all his life & he still hasn’t faced any serious consequences. He’s beaten the Bell Curve. He’s already beaten the odds ….
      If it all goes to pieces tomorrow for him, he would have lived a “Gifted” life.
      When some people get what they deserve we call it Karma, but it doesn’t apply to everyone, very few in fact

    3. @metalmauler where did you hear that? The fact that ppl all over wants to enter dose not mean that he is going to open the gate wild open. Biden has not been there for even a week and you are comparing him to you cult leader. Come back to this site and defend him when all the litigation starts. Trump was bad for this beautiful country.

    4. @Montesa It is ‘the effect of what you do’ so it is always coming into fruition.

      It’s not like a ‘universe admonishment’, more like ‘the next thing to happen’

    5. @Montesa Karma is not a theory. Karma is the Sanskrit word for Action . Just because one never faces consequences while living, doesn’t cover the full extent of karma. Karma is a highly complex concept. One has to understand that there is reincarnation.There is no creator god, although there are many gods.Karma should make people understand the importance of ethical conduct and morality. If one wants good things to happen to them then its good to do good things now. Bad things happen to one went they do bad things. Killing of any being, stealing, inappropriate sexual behaviour, lying, manipulation, harsh language, gossip, ignorance, attachment to ideas, things, people, and jealousy, are all bad actions. Anger as well.

      Donald Trump in a previous life had to be good and was generous. To be rich one has to be generous. This karma is ending and now he must start to face the seeds his has sown. As with any seed under the right conditions, can grow into huge trees; so can the results of out actions. What we think , say and do, postivie or negative create our future.

  2. We need to remember those who enabled and benefited from the monster. Not only GOP politicians but businesses like the PGA.

    1. Monster? He did more in 4 years than any other president did in 8. The hypocrite media judged him for everything yet he still fought. Democrats defended the George Floyd riots and blm terrorists but now want to act high and mighty?

    1. Traitor to the constitution he swore to protect. Turned against that constitution, that citizenship that had supported him..Yep! That kind of action will turn a man into a man without a country.

    1. @Forward Think Hay Forward thinker, look BACK over the last four years and tell us about ur misguide dead opinion!

    2. @Tony Murray was it OK for Chuck Schumer to say to Republicans,you have unleashed the world wind of the people and if you go through with this decision you won’t know what hit you!? How about when Bernie Sanders said the Republicans are going to take everything from you and Steve Scalise got shot was that OK!? Or maybe there is a clear double standard and you’re being lied to!?

    1. @Luke Rabin Bernie Sanders said the Republicans are going to take everything from you! Then a Bernie bro shot Steve Scalise! But that’s OK?nobody talks about that?

    2. @T Electronix do you think Biden will keep getting paid for hunters Business dealings in China even though Hunter wasn’t registered as a foreign agent to be making any type of deals? Do you think it was OK for Joe Biden to brag about not giving the Ukraine $1 billion unless the prosecutor is fired that was investigating the Russian company Burrisma that son hunter was working for at that time quid pro quo!?

    3. @Forward Think Except that, for “some” reason, that was never picked up on the multiple times Biden released his taxes.
      Because what you posited didn’t happen.

      AAAnyhoo, back to your failed orange idol who got paid millons of $ through his secret chinese bank account.

    4. @T Electronix you mean his Chinese bank account that he had before he was president because he did business dealings all over the world it wasn’t a secret nor should it have been public business!? But you were saying it’s OK for Joe Biden son to make money all around the world with no prior experience in any of the Fields that he worked in abroad admitted it on TV and his father fire the prosecutor that was investigating the company his son works for that is OK!? Just trying to clarify🤔

  3. When you attack the USA because you lost a fair election and cause people to die while you cowardly hide in a bunker, then businesses prolly dont want to work with you or be associated with you. When you lie 30,ooo times in 4 years and actually break records at being a liar, then businesses prolly dont want you associated with them. When your default move is to cheat at everything and you still lose in epic self-owning fashion, businesses prolly dont want to have anything to do with you. Do i need to go on?

    1. Bet it’s in Russian and Chinese accounts. It’s taken our justice system till now to look into where the money he swindled from his inauguration party, doubt they have enough intelligence to figure why his billion dollar election fund was broke after spending 400 million? Duh.

    2. I think a lot of that money is going to be used to mount the longest and most expensive legal campaign to delay and obstruct justice ever.

    1. Oh, hey… haha! It’s a LOT more than seven!!!
      Trump Air
      Trump Vodka
      Trump Magazine
      Trump Steaks
      Trump Water
      Trump Mortgage
      Trump Travel
      Trump Financial Services
      Trump Communications
      Trump: The Game
      Trump GetAways
      Trump University
      Trump Resorts Florida

      And that’s just a few. There are more. Don’t forget to add his three casinos.
      Trump holds the IRS record for being the single biggest financial loser in American history. I kid you not. The guy is a disaster.

    1. You can’t hide from your own shadow; you can walk away from a mirror but you will always see nothing but yourself when you return.

    1. My army of Pac Men will devour every last one of your guffawing emoji goons and leave their hollow shells for my jackboot troops to crush on their march to our pixel palace on Gumby Island. Have a nice day.

    1. @Marti Waterman no, you mean he DID call him s sucker and a loser. Those people are too dumb to have a say in anything important. Trump literally said when he was campaigning he didn’t wanna shake their hands because they were nasty. These idiots still defend his every word. WTF?

    2. Trump got fired by America and Corporate America. Trump supporters,….your hero is a soon to be living in a cardboard box.

    1. @Agent Orange you don’t find it strange that this reporter said insurrection four times in less than 20 seconds or she also made the hand gesture 👌🏼 which is now deemed racist? Maybe you’re being brainwashed🤭

  4. My grandmother used to say: “People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”

    It amazes me that Trump who has been crooked all his adult life would further expose himself to the law.

    1. Patronize what business ? trump steaks ? trump airline ? trump water ? trump crappy made in China clothes ? trump has been a failure his entire life, and tomorrow doesn’t look any better.

    2. @Happy Days Great point. Look at all of the Trump rallies and events…a sea of merch and Trump paraphernalia. The size of the sales village at a trump event were unbelievable.

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