Investigative reporter and tax expert David Cay Johnston weighs in on the latest New York Times reporting that President Trump was financially rescued by The Apprentice. Aired on 9/29/2020.
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David Cay Johnston: Trump 'Has Certainly Extracted A Lot Of Money' | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Donald Trump killing this country
@Dee-man8 You dont get to talk about deflection while being a trump supporter pal.
Bonnie Bagley You’re a left wing loon. Obama is all over the internet kissing up to the Arabs. Keep your eyes closed. You won’t see it
@muuuuuud lol you keep deflecting this
Disgusting Biden inappropriate touching
@Dee-man8 ….the desperation of trump bots, like I said.
@T Electronix says the person that has no actual evidence and can only use insults to reply
Trump has finally run out of suckers to con. America was the last one.
he stills got 40 % of american con. lol
Maybe you are just stooopido. Get ready for another 4 years
I can see him scampering off to Russia to be an oligarch.
@Linden NZ yiu can see him? Really? Special glasses?
The downplayer in chief downplayed his taxes. What a surprise.
@Dee-man8 trump touching little girls exposed
While Joe was releasing his taxes and donating to actual charities someone else was stuffing thousand dollar bills in his daughter’s garter.
He does what locusts do. Raid a field, eat everything there, and leave nothing. Just a barren field
Interesting & accurate analogy.
@Golden Eagle 22 clown? Is that all you got? Go annoy someone else
Malignant Narcissists burn it all down when they go. Heads-up, Americans.
jason rodgers Your comments are right on point. I saw that with the democrats at the Kavanaugh Hearing
Grainne Harte Think what you wish Many of us feel strongly that the farce of a government started with the biggest fraud of all—- by far—- Hussein Obama
I can’t believe these crooks ate still in office…
Regina Santos And might remain in office… And probably will remain in office. The last one is more accurate.
Hillary and Obama are not in office
Donald Trump is your common street THUG!
Trump isn’t the President. He just plays one on TV.
Tweetie-Louise Go take a walk in the woods with Hillary and get lost
Dumpty Trumpty How much fluid will his diaper hold?
S EE Go peacefully riot and throw a brick at a cop
@Golden Eagle 22 the suit are oversized so probably a gallon he loves his coke
God Some Democrats Are Brain Dead.
Maybe that’s where the Cash people donated to campaign went, in false Fees, “Consulting”, used to help cover his repayments …
Trump was interviewed years ago and he stated, ” Dealing in profit is boring, anyone can do it. I love debt! I specialize in it .. . ”
Don’t believe me? Google it yourself.
Al Capone was a tax evading gangster with a lot of similarities to Trump or should that be the other way around?????
Yes! I was thinking about Capone too.
Ignore the polls and trolls!

Biden/Harris 2020

Vote too big to rig!
Vote country over party!
Vote too save democracy in America!
And Al Capone went to prison for eight years for tax evasion. Soon after he was released he died from untreated syphilis.
How many times has this fraud Trump managed to get away from complete bankruptcy, who helped to close his debts? What foreign countries gave money for this? These questions need to be asked in the debate. Americans do not be fooled in November!
@Dee-man8 trump touching little girls exposed
@jason rodgers your video does not show that
Once again, the greatest threat to the American people is it’s president. A complete failure to all mankind.
If you’re still a trump supporter….You are the “biggest loser and sucker” in the world
Greg, you must be a carpenter? You hit the nail right on the head!
Greg, no the greatest threat to the American people is wilful ignorance, self interest, a lack of empathy and an inability to accept a world outside America. The greatest threat to the American people is the the American people and their apathy and individualist self interest.
D MP Joe will love your comment. He has promised you the first game of checkers with him when you visit Joe at the home
@Golden Eagle 22 tRumpets are like dogs wagging their tails at him and licking his butt
Roy Cohen’s Cousin did an interview on FRONTLINE The Choice 2020: David MARCUS…he said Roy taught Trump how to use his Playbook to Lie, Cheat, Steal, Deny, Deflect, and Attack. Well worth viewing 20 min video. (Full is 2 hrs) This show’s you why Donald acts the way he does.
Roy Cohn is the direct link between Joseph McCarthy and Orange Caligula.
Trumps best seller “The art of the rip off”, how to suffer chronic losses but yet receive 72 million in refund!?
Written by a self-made loser.
@jade ouch
Ouch to both of you, fourthqtrplayer and jade. If we only knew we might have been able to prevent this. I was not a Hillary fan but boy does she look good now!
Trump paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 and the US only $750, yet he screwed America much more than Stormy.
From a man who whines about other countries paying a “Fair Share”*
Ahhhh pardon me, but where is Trumps Fair Share?
If Trump doesn’t get reelected, how long will it be before he’s trying to sell sensitive information about America to the highest bidder, just to pay off his bills? If anything good comes out of this mess, it should be that NO ONE with a checkered financial history like Trump’s should be allowed anywhere near the top levels in the federal government.
He’s a fool. He’s already given away secret military nuclear systems plans with his big mouth a couple of months ago.
A mask, face shield, and a chair is all that is needed to VOTE IN PERSON! LET’S DO IT!!!

all I need is a mail box
@Roger That if you can find one since Dejoy’s stunt.
I worked in what is considered an industry that could have a direct impact on public safety and health and I was REQUIRED to have random drug testing, have a psychological evaluation every 5 years and to have my finances checked every 2 years to ensure that I, and all the others that worked there, did not get compromised and become a security risk. Why don’t our political leaders have to do the same thing? Makes you wonder!!!
Excellent question!
*I like presidents who aren’t TAX Frauds and Criminals.. Just sayin…..*