Dave Matthews talks about meeting Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Musician Dave Matthews recalls meeting both President Trump and Joe Biden, and tells CNN’s Jake Tapper his message to people who are considering not voting in the 2020 presidential election
#CNN #News


    1. @Jesse Wallace Sorry, your all good. I meant to reply to @Good Thing Not a bad thing. I edited my original post to reflect that

    1. @DMTsmoke well that was a trip down memory lane, you forgot my band ‘Exit’. We always wanted to be in lights, but none of us could play.

    1. I’d be honored if some 90s music fans would take a quick listen to my acoustic piano & vocal YT performances of BITTERSWEET SYMPHONY by the Verve and “1979” by the Smashing Pumpkins in tribute to 2 of the most iconic 90s bands. Live acoustic with no autotune or digital editing. Peace out and stay safe in the ‘020s.

  1. Daily Reminder: Trump said Corona Virus is a Democrat Hoax that will “MIRACULOUSLY” disappear.
    P.S. — I pay more Federal taxes than Donald Trump.

    1. @Jose Ramos Estimated tax is the method used to pay tax on income that is not subject to withholding. This income includes earnings from self-employment, interest, dividends, rents, and alimony. Taxpayers who do not choose to have taxes withheld from other taxable income should also make estimated tax payments.

    2. If Biden wins, Democrats will suddenly ignore the Coronavirus because they don’t want to put blame on the next Democrat.

    3. Auntie – We don’t care about Trump’s taxes. The Dems tried that in 2016 and it didn’t work. That’s why Democrat candidates never win, because all they do is spend their time trying to smear Trump, when they should be talking about what they plan to do. Bernie even told Joe that he needs to change his focus and start talking about the issues, but dementia Joe keeps on rambling about Trump.

    1. I’d be honored if some fellow concerned Americans who appreciate 80s music would take a quick listen to my acoustic piano & vocal performances of PURPLE RAIN by Prince and DANCING IN THE DARK by Bruce Springsteen on my YT channel in tribute to a pair of legendary American classics. Peace and vote ‘D’ for Decency on Nov. 3rd.

    1. @Scott Allen Projection is that Trump is currently leading the mail-in vote and is set to take Penn. There is a projection for you.

  2. Went to a Mathews concert at Saratoga springs, NY back in 2007..one of the best concerts ever . Biden2020

    1. @speakerboxexpert trump is awful man look at the past four years. We are literally living in a toilet right now. What’s he done?

    2. @Yoshiguru Namoki Past 4 years have been great. most if not all the horrible stuff going on right now is being caused by the left. TRUMP 2020.

    3. @Just Me again damn! You are lucky. I’ve seen him about 15 times in indiana and once in florida. The crowd was better in indiana, Florida people were all preppy asses.

    1. I’m not a fan of his voice, but he’s a really good guitarist and his band is AWESOME! They know how to get down. LOL…

    2. A word of WARNING: .. the more you play DMB … (Dave Matthews Band) the more you get addicted to him. If you buy a music DVD for your blu-ray player called “Dave Matthews Live at Radio City” and play it on surround sound .. you will immediately be a DMB fan.

  3. “If sometimes our great artist have been the most critical of our society, it is because their sensitivity and their concern for justice, which must motivate any true artist, makes him aware that our Nation falls short of its highest potential. I see little of more importance to the future of our country and our civilization than full recognition of the place of the artist.”—President John F. Kennedy


  4. Dave! God I can’t wait until this is behind us, and I’m in attendance at one of you’re shows once again. Vote y’all! 😎

    1. According to the latest numbers, Trump is winning the count on mail-in voting… thought you’d like to know. Check CNN.

    1. @Space Monkey
      If people just read the constitution they would stop complaining about half the stuff they complain about when it comes to our government and laws etc.
      If they don’t like it maybe the United States isn’t for them.

    1. hey, do you know why republicans have and tend to be assholes…like, i’m not talking about republicans…but trump followers seem to have a sick kind of neglect for democrats…i mean, if you’re a trump follower, sorry, but still…am i alone in this?…

    2. Yes he is essentially and technically speaking an African in America, an African American. So is Elon Musk, Charlize Theron…the lady married to Prince Albert of Monaco is from Zimbabwe. The best fighter pilot in the RAF in the second World War was from South Africa…the writer of the Lord of the Rings is South African as well.
      And a lot of these families have lived in Africa for hundreds of years as …with significant migrations from Europe to the ‘New World’ especially in the aftermath of the two world wars but certainly much earlier as well during the colonization of Africa. So it makes sense to have the debate of White Europeans or Whites in general as Africans just as an African living in the USA or Europe to be called persons of African descent as Anericans or Europeans.
      I am a black man from Southern Africa living in the US and i can safely say there are some whites down there in Africa who can’t fathom their lives anywhere else but in Africa. Some migrate to the USA, UK and other countries and end up coming back to Africa.

    3. I’d be honored if some fellow concerned Americans who appreciate 80s music would take a quick listen to my acoustic piano & vocal performances of PURPLE RAIN by Prince and DANCING IN THE DARK by Bruce Springsteen on my YT channel in tribute to a pair of legendary American classics. Peace and vote ‘D’ for Decency on Nov. 3rd.

    4. @tecumseh Toccoa these fun facts are pretty crazily cool…all kinds of traits and genes that makes someone has so much potential from africa…thanks for showing me this…

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