Kristin Urquiza, daughter of Mark Urquiza who passed away from Covid-19, shared her father's story and criticized President Donald Trump's coronavirus response in a speech during the 2020 Democratic National Convention. She speaks with CNN's John Berman. #CNN #News
Daughter of Trump supporter that died from Covid-19 speaks out

Sorry but what do you expect? This is what everyone in science is telling us yet many Americans ignore the reality
Such a lie. There are plenty of scientist and doctors who disagree with the liberal narrative about covid. Please.
Kelli doctors that don’t think that Covid-19 isn’t a global pandemic???? Oh you mean that doctor trump quoted, same doctor that believes that the government is being controlled by aliens. Yup that’s a great source of information there.
@D Wy Follow the science. So long as it iis only the doctors and scientists you agree with. I see.
@Kelli He probably suffocates himself thinking it cures viruses. Mask wearing minds.
Peacock Moonlight you make no sense, “mask wearing minds” but yet you preach “follow the science”. The science indicates that wearing a mask cuts transmission rates drastically, not a cure, just cutting the odds of spreading the virus. It’s fools like you that peddle idiocy, then end up catching this disease, then start preaching that people need to take the virus seriously.
Q: How many Trump supporters does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None. Trump just LIES and tells them it’s already screwed in and they’ll all stand in the dark yelling how great he is.
@robert davis I know trump has been lying to the American people all his life
@derrick landers I sound biden 2020
@Tijuana Mike Unfortunately.
@Tijuana Mike well the stormy daniels lie cnn put out there cost stormy. She had to pay trumps lawyers 273k for bogus suit. Stormy got to do alot lap dances to pay for that.lie. Maybe lying cnn should pitch in
@robert davis funny, but after saying on video on air force one that he didn’t pay off stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen ends up showing the check made out to her with trump’s signature!
So remind us again who lies more.
She said it”Only at the edge of death he changed his views!” This man was brainwashed!
Then why don’t you go get covid and we’ll see what your last words are.
Exactly. Smh
So are you!
“It is what it is!” – donald j. trump
Brainwashed republicans live in denial until their loved ones becomes a victim. oh, well.
Weak-minded people are easy to brainwash. I’ve seen a lot of them get brainwashed by Qanon copy and paste chain letters and memes on facebook.
People have to use their own common sense because Trump doesn’t have any. Listen to the medical experts.
@Haywire Infinity Good luck with Grandpa Joe.
@Haywire Infinity If a baby dies at the Border then blame the parents as they are the ones putting their own baby at risk! There are no concentration camps. Illegals need to stop breaking our laws and come into this Country the LEGAL WAY! America comes FIRST.
Rudy Jay Gonzales not what they said, they said reopen schools WHERE it is safe to do so, and with safety measures. Trump is the one claiming kids don’t get sick and threatening to take money away from districts that don’t open.
@Rose Lilly Lol you’re the moron here since Science ACTUALLY tells us that a baby’s heart starts beating in 2 months and damn, weren’t you paying attention in school or did your education system fail you
But but listening to the medical experts instead of Trump or alt-right media makes you a “globalist” and a “socialist” *sarcasm
Praise be to the nurse who held his hand as he died. Praise to all nurses (that nurse was not the only one), who have the dignity and compassion that these people do not die all alone. It’s a sad thing to die and cannot even have your family or loved ones be there with you.
So much respect for nurses. The endless care and empathy
@Love is the most powerful force in the Universe Covid 2- 19 is presenting as some of those diseases- stroke,bleeding disorders and heart ailments.
The survivors list these diseases and more during and post Covid 2-19.
In fact one young man recounted on T.V. testing positive for this disease.
Then becoming negative.
Then developing Covid 2- 19 with multi-system organ failure.
After some time in ICU on a ventilator he recovered.
He had no preexisting morbidities or medical conditions.
@Richard Rodrigues The flu/cold viruses also cause organ failure. Look it up on Google.
@Love is the most powerful force in the Universe I do not remember this as a problem with cold and flu viruses.
But pneumonia that the elderly and very young died from.
Except for the flu pandemic of 1918.
There was a worsening and increased mortality from viruses.With HIV in the 1990’s.
Followed by a succession of viruses- Ebola,Marburg,SARS 1,H1N1 and the most contagious and lethal virus today.
The SARS 2 virus- Covid 2- 19.
This new Corona Virus seem to encompass and include all the clinical features/ presentations of the viruses listed above.
And we have the diseases of the above viruses carried in one virus.
The Covid 2-19.
Trump unveils coronavirus therapeutic “breakthrough”
I lost my father almost 6 months ago… a week before the government decided to tell us about this … my condolences.
So sorry for your loss. ♥️
We knew about it in January.
bob saget
Well he didn’t die in a car accident. You can’t compare the two. He died from a pandemic that Trump was told about long before he acted. He brushed it away later …no big deal he said …It will disappear. His words. Not mine. Damn right she blames him and so do I. He is our President, but he will never act like one. He is not capable. I wouldn’t put it passed him that he didn’t shut us down earlier because everything is a campaign to him. It would have made him look bad to his supporters if people were out of work and it would cost him money but it looks worse that people are dying. He has a narcissistic personality disorder. Please look up that definition and come to your own conclusion. I beg everyone that might vote for him to do that. Plz. He is a ringleader not a showman.
@Erica Caswell people die of alot of this everyday. Should he all be afraid of everything and stay home, breath carbon dioxide, and buy all the toilet paper in the store. Trump attitude is. ‘ if you want to be afraid be afraid but just doing quietly and dont bother us’
@Erica Caswell Educate yourself, woman! And for God’s sake (and ours) stop watching cnn and all their crap.
COVID do not have any difference in religion, race, or politics.we all have to take care of ourselves
Anyone who would use a natural disaster like CoV-2 for political reasons is a irredeemable subhuman.
Covid was man made you moron, natural virus what are you talking about.
Trump unveils coronavirus therapeutic “breakthrough”
fran bran , Conspiracy theories: do they appeal to you?
@Slate Your leftist bias is so typical of a cnn-brainwashed Canadian. The democrats twist things so much that they themselves are hopelessly lost in their own tangled thinking. And of course the American msm is just as hopelessly addicted to their own lies and twists. And by the way, you are already living under a “childish immature dictatorship” in your own country of Canada. Obviously, you are also blinded to that fact.
@Thanks for another bad haircut, Mom! NoFirstName “Killing hundreds of thousands”?!?! And some call me “delusional”!
Rule # 1 NEVER believe anything a politician says and that includes The Orange Menace.
Most presidents and government officials tell the truth about things like a pandemic. Ofcourse politicians lie but not about things like public health. They’re smart enough to know the truth comes out. Trump’s just the dumbest person alive. The only thing he knows how to do is con jobs. He’s a grifter and always will be.
Also, don’t put your eggs all in one political basket. Vote locally, vote progressives and kick out the establishment who only care for big money and corporations.
I didn’t believe anything the Brown Clown said either.
FYI: the corona virus is still here.
@clxu ooo bad liberal. you’re making fun of people with disabilities. I’m tellin the SJW thought police on you.
@Jeremy Nesser too bad you weren’t one of them.
@Michael S Herman Cain said the same bs. How’s he doing these days?
Trump unveils coronavirus therapeutic “breakthrough”
Votes for Trump. Goes out socializing during a pandemic. Dies of the virus.
What a shocker.
how is that Trump faught people protesting going to work thier okay,he was in bad shape,so quit being a IDIOT.
Ron Wuerch lol, yeah and he’s also representing the US at the next Olympics
Why blame Trump? blame Pelosi for criticizing Trump closing the China border early March and calling him a Xenophobic. You dumb rats seem to be blaming Trump for everything, from the Hurricane, Typhoon, Viruses….. think he is GOD and can solve all the natural calamities in America.
@DUMDEMO CRATS troll bye
Ron Wuerch Let’s not be too optimistic here. The polls could change later on. We’ll just have to wait and see during the election
“We must all learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” MLK
@Mars Gravel : So true…lol. That’s what I get for multi multitasking and focusing on your words “political parties” and “politics.” Still multitasking, and if memory serves me correctly, I believe race somehow factored into the discussion before I posted. Apologies.
Sorry i don’t like having batshit crazy brother and sisters. And NONE of my family members are racists.
@dean mushtuk I get what your saying your sources are solid IF THIS WASN’T BEING WORKED ON BY EVERY SCIENTIST IN THE WORLD. This has effected everyone and every nations economy if the rich want to continue to get richer they need there sheep.
Trump unveils coronavirus therapeutic “breakthrough”
@My Name is Gladiator well you don’t know every black person, so that statement is ignorant.
My deepest condolences to Kristen and the rest of the family. May he rest in peace

Maybe she should not stop using a father to make a quick buck
@Whizzpopper name he should have takeing advice from his doctor
CNN could care less about this story!CNN ‘s MISSION is to try to make President Trump look bad! We did not elect a scientist for President we elected a PRESIDENT. Vote for Dr Fauci for President if you want a scientist to lead the Nation. It is NOT President Trumps fault who dies in a Pandemic. ONE MAN has NO CONTROL over a worldwide PANDEMIC! President Trump put into place a TRAVEL BAN way back in January which SAVED LIVES! Dr Fauci PRAISED President Trump for his quick response! To blame our President for the virus deaths is ignorant. It is in Gods Hands who lives and who dies. I LOVE President Trump but he is not God! Grandpa Biden called President Trump a racist for putting that Travel Ban in place! wow
Covid deaths over the last week:
Canada: 46
USA: > 7,500
Facts are clear, Trump is literally the most incompetent leader in the world managing this crisis.
JackFrost, So we all know they have been lying and padding the numbers all along. But I’m sure those numbers are reported accurately this time for sure.
@Kelli We can expect the Trump administration to pad numbers to make them favourable to Trump, but it would be ridiculous imo to think they pad numbers to make Trump look bad. I take the numbers given by the Trump administration, so a “best case scenario” for Trump.
Supporter? That’s an understatement.
They’re Cultists/Cult members.
@Phoenix Omen How when it was literally in equal inverse? Maybe you just didn’t understand. Pity if you weren’t so arrogant we might have gotten along.
@Royal Klowns It wasn’t inverse at all, since I didn’t defend any side thus your comment made no sense within the context I exposed. I’ll copy-paste my entire segment, maybe once you read it again you may understand this time. My entire statement was exposing the hypocrisy of OP. OP calling cultist those that do vote for Trump and then I got attacked by someone (that appears do share same IQ level with you) stating Biden voters do so for a reason and I tried to get examples of such stand (examples that were never revealed and always avoided). So there was no need for your comment. Your comment makes no sense what so ever and no matter how much you try to victimize your self, it won’t change the fact. Your comment was a pathetic attempt to have your self look smart (and as I stated before) you did the opposite. And please, don’t reply back because I will just paste my segment and won’t even bother in reading your non-sense.
The only thing that makes sense in your statement is your Nick.
“They are not choosing Biden just because”. So could you please tell us why are they voting for Biden. Let us know some of the policies that he is for and how he is going to represent the people that are supporting him. Seems by your “Biden supporters I’ve talked to were willing to listen” statement, that people are not so immature to just vote for the childish excuse of “TRUMP IS BAD”. Because you know, voting just because “TRUMP IS BAD” for a person who is the reason Trump even exist would be kind immature and Ignorant.
So you didn’t like my comment and just decided to throw the “What a rambling comment. Do you even realize what this is about?” when by your comment it seems you are the one “rambling” and it’s obvious I know better than you what this is all about.
You also stated that “Biden supporters I’ve talked to were willing to listen” yet you are not willing to talk in a mature manner when asked for mature reasons that support your statement.
You did follow with “Biden supporters support him for VARIOUS REASONS” yet you haven’t given us any, so could you please let us know the mature reasons of why they are voting for Corrupted Criminal Biden.
And to your “tell us why you’re voting for Trump?” I’m not voting for Mr Trump, I am voting 3rd Party. I personally think Mr Trump is incompetent and because of his ignorance he is easy to manipulate, but I don’t think he is the devil your “kind” pretend he is. Your “kind” is just taking advantage of and exploiting the fact that he is not articulated. Because you know, he exposes the true nature of America.
So again, could you give us some examples of the reasons why “so many” people are voting for Biden, A candidate that didn’t even run yet won the nomination (by magic) and selected as VP someone that got even less support than him during the “race”
@Phoenix Omen Just reread. Pinged the wrong dude unfortunately I wasted my time with you.
@Royal Klowns It wasn’t inverse at all, since I didn’t defend any side thus your comment made no sense within the context I exposed. I’ll copy-paste my entire segment, maybe once you read it again you may understand this time. My entire statement was exposing the hypocrisy of OP. OP calling cultist those that do vote for Trump and then I got attacked by someone (that appears do share same IQ level with you) stating Biden voters do so for a reason and I tried to get examples of such stand (examples that were never revealed and always avoided). So there was no need for your comment. Your comment makes no sense what so ever and no matter how much you try to victimize your self, it won’t change the fact. Your comment was a pathetic attempt to have your self look smart (and as I stated before) you did the opposite. And please, don’t reply back because I will just paste my segment and won’t even bother in reading your non-sense.
The only thing that makes sense in your statement is your Nick.
“They are not choosing Biden just because”. So could you please tell us why are they voting for Biden. Let us know some of the policies that he is for and how he is going to represent the people that are supporting him. Seems by your “Biden supporters I’ve talked to were willing to listen” statement, that people are not so immature to just vote for the childish excuse of “TRUMP IS BAD”. Because you know, voting just because “TRUMP IS BAD” for a person who is the reason Trump even exist would be kind immature and Ignorant.
So you didn’t like my comment and just decided to throw the “What a rambling comment. Do you even realize what this is about?” when by your comment it seems you are the one “rambling” and it’s obvious I know better than you what this is all about.
You also stated that “Biden supporters I’ve talked to were willing to listen” yet you are not willing to talk in a mature manner when asked for mature reasons that support your statement.
You did follow with “Biden supporters support him for VARIOUS REASONS” yet you haven’t given us any, so could you please let us know the mature reasons of why they are voting for Corrupted Criminal Biden.
And to your “tell us why you’re voting for Trump?” I’m not voting for Mr Trump, I am voting 3rd Party. I personally think Mr Trump is incompetent and because of his ignorance he is easy to manipulate, but I don’t think he is the devil your “kind” pretend he is. Your “kind” is just taking advantage of and exploiting the fact that he is not articulated. Because you know, he exposes the true nature of America.
So again, could you give us some examples of the reasons why “so many” people are voting for Biden, A candidate that didn’t even run yet won the nomination (by magic) and selected as VP someone that got even less support than him during the “race”
Trump unveils coronavirus therapeutic “breakthrough”
This is why you look to medical doctors for medical advice not politicians.
@Rose Lilly So trump wasn’t running around telling people use bleach to get rid of the virus or saying the virus was fake at first so don’t wear the face masks yea its definitely not his fault smh dumbass kide nowadays
Trump unveils coronavirus therapeutic “breakthrough”
But only the doctors pre-approved by the shamestream media.
@dahalofreeek Bungled for sure. Yeah did you see the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo force nursing homes to take in the most sick infected folks. Skyrocket deaths in the nursing homes. No accountability from the shamestream.
yes actually trump wanted to close it but other didnt want him doing that, this is a tough situation. i mean i think other presidents would have made it worse honestly
President Trump is NOT evil but the PROTESTERS BURNING DOWN our beautiful CITIES ARE EVIL!
We did not elect a scientist for President we elected a PRESIDENT. Vote for Dr Fauci for President if you want a scientist to lead the Nation. It is NOT President Trumps fault who dies in a Pandemic. ONE MAN has NO CONTROL over a worldwide PANDEMIC! President Trump put into place a TRAVEL BAN way back in January which SAVED LIVES! Dr Fauci PRAISED President Trump for his quick response! To blame our President for the virus deaths is ignorant. It is in Gods Hands who lives and who dies. I LOVE President Trump but he is not God! Grandpa Biden called President Trump a racist for putting that Travel Ban in place! wow
Trump unveils coronavirus therapeutic “breakthrough”
The government is not your friend…why don’t people know this… It does not matter if the government is left or right wing. They do not and will not EVER have your interest, your kids interest or your families interest in mind … Politics 101
Exactly. What do you call a person who believes a stupid racist dummy?
Guess Who?
“I will never lie.”
“I will surround myself with the best people.”
“King Trump” and His Jesters of the Round Table.
All Presidents- Democrat and Republican surround themselves with very competent people.
One example is Dr.Anthony Fauci;who had worked with ‘ many ‘ Presidents of both political parties.
Like President Trump’s predecessor President Obama.
But unlike Obama and previous Presidents.
President Trump publicly, at his press conferences and in his tweets. Chooses to undermine, circumvent and offer completely contrary advice to the American people.
On how to combat this pandemic.
That is contrary to his team of medical doctors at the White House.
While admitting he is not a medical doctor.
Some of these competent advisers; sublimate their will and expertise to keep their jobs.
Either because of political affiliation and or patriotism.And to continue to serve and save their fellow Americans.
And I will publicly disagree with them and fire them regularly.
@J C When was President Trump ever a genius or stable?
Quite the contrary!
I think the ‘ genius’ you speak of is the Presence of God.
And the resilience, faith and innate decency of the American people.
HC-11 hysterical…how many times do the best people get fired and become losers…I lost count after a few months in office.
United States
Coronavirus Cases:
You for got the “believe me folks”.
@J C Then get ready for four more years of this Covid hell.
Who knows, under a second Trump term, *you* might get the virus.
That would be a catastrophe if *you* get it!
Alex He was acting under so-called “medical expert advice”. Better do some research on your Deaths figure.
@Dennis Leveridge The degree to which you are delusional is stunning.
@kjp551 Lol. At least my stunned half brain is working better then some people’s full brain!