Dangers From Coronavirus Beyond The Politics Of The Hour | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The panel continues its discussion on the latest coronavirus developments, including mixed WH messaging, a lockdown in Italy and U.S. school closures. Aired on 03/09/2020.
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Dangers From Coronavirus Beyond The Politics Of The Hour | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Dangers From Coronavirus Beyond The Politics Of The Hour | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Heard one person this morning comment that Trump has met his match here.”He can’t insult coronavirus into submission.” How succinct. Anyone care to wager that he’ll fire everyone at CDC and install his own “experts”

    1. I’m in for $20…😅 Mulvaney got exiled to Ireland. I can’t wait to see Meadows get fired.

    2. @The Garden Shed Here’s a few more I just heard from Mrs. Betty Bowers – America’s Best Christian.
      People believe lies, viruses don’t.
      People are influenced by Fox News, viruses aren’t.
      People go to Trump rallies, so do viruses. I agree. I can’t wait to see the Trump/Meadows combo!! Buckle up coz it’s going to be quite a ride.🤣😂🤣

  2. Love this : The virus is gonna kills Americans regardless of their stupidity, or actually, because of their stupidity!

    1. It’s amazing how many white folks are willing to hand him the rope for the noose around their own necks and beg him to pull it. They deserve what is coming for them. It’s called KARMA.

    2. @Ang A not only white folks, try “trump-tards” many races/colors, all want a cult leader so bad, no matter the braid marks left on their or any else’s neck

    3. Perfectly example of the the world we live in . Idiocracy the movie is reality. vary well put 👍

    4. @Jonathan Cutrel mostly true except media has actually hasn’t pushed the reality the markets will continue to fall
      Hospitals will be so overwhelmed unable to cope
      Everyone will be effected by loss of someone they know
      We haven’t seen anything like this since Spanish flu
      I’m not saying media don’t fear push just not seeing truth how this virus will cause suffering from so many and disruptions just being seen
      There hoping this subsides in mouths to come.just no evidence of that
      Yes this sounds like it could have been a bio type weapon as we have 40 sites in USA and some clame it came from lab in us then sold to China to develop vaccine but somehow got released.? But one things for shore are Heath care systems can’t cope with the large amounts of people that’s going to need care making death rate higher than being told net counting ones with other medical conditions that won’t get help they need
      That’s my take on it and I think it’s happening now but within a mouth all bets are off

    1. @frogmarch tRUMP off to jail! Yea, just watch Soilet Green with Charleston Heston. I saw that movie when I was like 8yrs old. I remember it like it was yesterday. Freaked me out real bad. Food shortage from overpopulation. The govt made food (Soilet Green) from dead bodies and fed it to the masses. Gotta watch it.

    1. I’m starting to believe the President secretly believes, if he has no medical plan & puts a gag order on the top CDC Doctors on the Convid-19 team, Trump can use any saved funds for his campaign or building his Wall.

      He “team” is truely dragging it’s feet on making the tests available to the American Public. So, we can get tested & self quarintiened. So those who are contagious can get the care they need to survive this epidemic. Letting healthy citizens return safely back to work. While helping to slow the progression of the Convid19 Viruse.

      There’s something terrably wrong going on in our upper Health System & Manufacturing when these tests have been miss made, then delayed, by one of the most progressive Nations in the world. The fact that Trump always has his finger on the plans is an indication of how much presidential meddeling is occurring to make America weak so we cant protect ourselves even from a health epidemic.

      The fact that our health researchers & manufatuars can’t get these test out to the Nation, before now is unthinkable. Could the CDC & Congress not see what was happening in China?Then proactively taking steps to preemptively start Manufacturing these tests, so they were available before the viruse hit the US?

      This is one of the main problems with our currupt President, his staff & currup Republicans when they intentionaly break good relations with our allies & advisaries. When good will, positive National interactions stop , then no information or help is jointly shared between countries. Leaving each Nation suspicious & protective of the intentions, of other Nations. This is a solution for world disaster.

      By the intentional lack of control exerted by the Trump- publican’s in the House, Senate over: McConnell, Graham, Neunez, Trump & their hit teams. They have been free to mess with not only out countries relations between citizens but also meddle with the balance of world power world communication pasted out of obligation & good will.
      So this effects our own preperations for this pendemic.
      By not making enough tests available, or having started the research, creating tests & treatment our presidential staff weakens our Nation. Any money not spent or is saved could be diverted quietly, by Trump, to build his fake wall at the Southern Border.

      Also, Trump could move money around to finance the recovery of States who could help more of his base survive the Convid-19. Trying to assure he will be voted back in for a second term.

      Trump seems incredibly heartless to most Americans, except to those who financially support & vote for him. He is incredibly ego centric! What he feels is good for him is also goof for our country, maybe. That’s all he focuses upon. Or he focuses on what will help those who help him. Everything is all about what Trump wants.

      ***On a different note! There is well proven, well researched information which shows how to build up the bodies, natural defence against all known Convid viruses. If you are Vitamin D deficient, you might think about supplimenting your diet by taking 1000 to 2000 mg of Vitamin D 3, daily. The most effective form is of Vitamin D is D3, not the other types of Vitamin D.

      This information comes from British Professor Dr. John Cambell, of Oxford University, Microbiologist, Virual Research.

      You can find his information on Dr. John Cambell’s daily site on YouTube. He’s information is very real & honest. Based on the daily accepted research of each day, plus a little back up information to help the listeners understand what he is discussing.

      My close family member who just had a major stroke & needs her family to extend her care! Is now in full lock down at by the health care center. Not even her husband can go in to support her or send in the gluten free foods she needs to possibly recover!

    2. And I thought adopting a policy of separating babies from parents then putting them in cages was the worst; I stand corrected. Will Trump do and get worse?? Of course he will.

    3. Deji Docemo, if you assign blame, why don’t you blame it on seafood? The first people to catch it were workers in a seafood fishery. Chances are it could have been dredged up from the sea bottom where it lived dormant for thousands of years. A poor little clam probably was feeling under the weather and then it was all downhill from there.

    4. @Jonathan Cutrel Flouride in the water is a good thing. That’s a long debunked conspiracy theory. You probably think MSG is harmful too?

    1. Ben Frank
      More propaganda to take our rights for a bill gates and cdc patented virus- qurantine is worse than martial law….
      The media ïs a fear pushing machine….
      How bout that

    2. @Jonathan Cutrel; Dude, I have the “liddle” grey-matter you may have left, checked the first thing in the morning.

    1. Pence explains then Praises Trump then Repeat. Trump sits in back waiting to hear praise. #Ego

    2. Yeah how many times has Power of praise Trump for stopping flights from China
      Every single day
      When the virus is spreading like wildfires did in Australia.in every state of the nation. Some still haven’t shown up yet.but for every single case that is confirmed.its only logical to realize 1000s are going about daily lives spreading virus unknowingly. The numbers game president playing with bite him hopefully it wakes up the sheep that still worship the Greedy 😈

    1. Tom Goffnett … So you think virologists can’t tell a Coronavirus from influenza virus when they look in an electron microscope? Are you really that stupid? Besides the coronavirus family ALL being nasty virus, SARS and MERS are both Coronavirus as well. Ironically, they are related to the Coronavirus and rhinovirus that cause the common cold. THIS Coronavirus is more like SARS and MERS and less like one that causes the common cold.

      Who told you influenza virus can’t be dangerous? The world has had pandemics that have killed millions from certain TYPES of flu. As I said before, Coronavirus viewed in an electron microscope can not be mistaken in any way as influenza. That is like confusing a Gorilla with a rabbit. Or a Komodo dragon with a newt.

      When testing for the virus, the dna of a Coronavirus is significantly different than the dna of anything else.

      I am so glad that you keep your “big boy pants” on. None of us want to see that.

      I don’t want to act like a man. Maybe you should try.

    2. @Ms Cloudherder I’m telling you the flu is dangerous. Below 1% death rate. This new virus is below 1% and the average age of those that die is 80.

  3. He should greet those passengers in Oakland with his whole family and give them the cute cap and paper towels….trump has got to go NOW!

    1. US citizens, not to mention all of the others, ordered to set in the worse situation possible because he does not like the way the numbers would look?

      🌊🌊🌊2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣🌊🌊🌊 ☮☯💖😎🙌

    1. Ivan Hairnandez
      More propaganda to take our rights for a bill gates and cdc patented virus- qurantine is worse than martial law….
      The media ïs a fear pushing machine….
      How bout that

    1. OH MY GOODNESS! I just said the same thing. What about the people who aren’t American! The staff on that ship matter too. Not being American shouldn’t matter, they are human beings for Goodness sake 😔

    2. Aldous Jose A. Castro lots of them are not even Americans dumbo and I’m sorry, but trump’s base is not really rich, they don’t do cruises much, they barely leave their cities.

    3. รักที่บริสุทธิ์ และทุกๆ ความในใจ says:

      @E M are you sure?

    1. Donald tDUMP which’s is more important to you the health of the Americans or your stock market???? What happen to your LIES THAT everyone will be tested if they have the S/S???

    2. C Ger – Typical narcissistic behavior! Projecting his bull💩and avoiding any responsibility.

    1. Talking about ratings, how smart he is and how much he hates a governor. He is a piece of garbage.

    2. *2009 H1N1 virus under Obama* 62 million americans infected, 275.000 hospitalized, 13.000 dead. Media “Remain calm, all is well, mister president is on the case”
      *2020 Coronavirus under Trump* 250 people sick. Media “The zombie apocalypse is upon us, crash the markets now”

    1. @Mirrorgirl The scary thing is that these idiots are in charge of the US. How much do you want to bet that whenever Trump, Carson and the likes hear the word Corona, they think of the Mexican Beer first and then remember “oh yeah, it’s that virus”?
      But what’s really tragic is seeing Donald J. Trump in all his obesity (he doesn’t even pretend to be the superfit President he boasts he is anymore) with his MAGA hat on, trying to spin a global pandemic into a publicity event for himself/his re-election. This guy has left shame behind him so far he doesn’t even remember what that word means.

      And on top of that he seizes every opportunity to jab at people he doesn’t like (the Governor), contradicts experts (he’s smarter) and openly says in front of the camera’s that his numbers are more important than the lives of US citizens. You get the feeling that if he thought he could’ve gotten away with it he’d have had the US Navy sink that cruise-ship before it could reach the US in a desperate attempt to “keep that Mexican Beer virus from illegally entering the US.”

  4. This is sick.

    1. @Adam Issac That thought popped in my mind when I heard him talking about numbers with regards to how it looks for him! Especially when you consider that WHO approved test kits were available since early January but “we” decide we need to create our own? I thought it was to make money but it could be a combination of both. Make money and contol the number of kits available.

  5. “how were the ratings [for Fox]?” That’s all he focuses on – the appearance of public approval, not the potential death of citizens.

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