CNN's Dana Bash says President Donald Trump treats female reporters differently than he treats male reporters. Trump lashed out at Weijia Jiang of CBS News during a tense exchange at the daily coronavirus task force briefing. #CNN #News
Dana Bash calls out Trump’s treatment of female reporters

Soap opera USA. Going strong.
Can’t wait for tomorrow.
But there are still people dying
@ullale104 some how people find it entertaining. They will be tune in.
Reality TV has made them brain dead since the 1920’s.
ben1spain I’ve never been so interested in politics. Now a I have a months worth of popcorn ready to go.
That’s exactly what trump said something along the lines of how his goal was to make everyday like a tv show
Plain and simple he is the DEVIL……..
If you are emotionally triggered by CNN propaganda then step away from the keyboard. Politics is not for the easily manipulated. No Rush Limbaugh clown. You’d need a rabies shot.
@owen ephraim u are right Reb are .tired them f—king dem
@Selfish Capitalist old yeah
Bob Hill “with the red dress on”!!
How would you know? You would have to know the devil to say such.
The real question here is where is the freedom of speech.When a leader is bent on shutting up those who ask questions it shows that it is the leader’s way to avoid proper accountability,and the leader wonders way he is not respected.
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I agree the best thing you can do with an idiot, is ignore them!
Well from what I’ve seen he just doesn’t answer to reporters who constantly report blatantly biased dishonest news like CNN has done for years now lol.
Pat Moore exactly the point of his response. He’s not un-American or a dictator. Which is why he allows them to not only attend but gives them floor time to ask their moronic, childish questions that have very little to do about the science involving this so-called virus. Quit being a bunch of sheep and take some responsibility
@Allex Gibbs …as usual your timeline is disputed by facts… keep on drinking the kkkoolaid…
He can’t control the Governors like he can the Senate.
Analdjar, that is just the dumbest uninformed statement. Why must liberal idiots be comfortably ignorant about what’s really going on?
Trump is the best president ever and you should be happy he is the president now
Allen C.
starve the feds of state taxes? Bahahahaha! All the feds have to do is carpet bomb New York. We can play what if’s all day dummy. Trump can haul any state in federal court that interferes with interstate commerce. Oops! You’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you?
Allen C.
what do you want proof of asshat? I’ve posted a dozens times in this thread. Since you’re obviously working with a low tech Obama phone with no Google shortcut cut key, I’m happy to give you links proving anything I’ve posted just to watch you choke. So tell me what your dumbass needs proof of.
I still can’t wrap my mind around what is going! It’s just unreal!
@Dennis Manson Serious question. Is it because he’s a white God-fearing anti-communist Christian?
@In CogNito just go away you fucking moron
@Dennis Manson Not thanks. I find too much joy in triggering the emotionally inept
@In CogNito I don’t trigger…. you can’t be triggered by people like you because you are the one who is socially inept
Impeachment Mt Rushmore forever
Most bullies are weak. It always plays out.
@C.A.T. You losers champion an establishment that will lie to you constantly. Pathetic how you think establishment media will give you antiestabliment news. I’ve tried to wake you people up… Its impossible.
@cj p But the last thing I do is champion Trump & Co., so your comment makes no sense!
@Justin Smith – your point is nonsensical. The Chinese leader has given zero press conference but you leftists worship him while you attack trump. When trump shut the border with China you leftists attacked him and called him a racist. You now have a perfect 20/20 vision. That is ridiculous. For a open country like the US, this virus would always find a base. If you leftists and your media outlets didn’t attack trump when he stopped flights coming from China, maybe he would have blocked all Americans coming back from China. At the time, trump was going through impeachment so imagine if he said all Americans returning from Europe or China would be isolated for 14 days? You leftists would have gone crazy. Republicans in the Senate would have been put under pressure to impeach. Take a walk back memory lane before making a fool of yourself.
@Kay Bel 100%
Fear, fear, division, division
Does everyone notice the Deep State is starting to unwind? I can’t wait to see this unfold, they are losing their support, MSM etc
No. But the military industrial complex is still going strong
Yes correct and it has been going on for over 60 years, with one purpose, which is to topple our country. Ain’t never going to work so more fear, more division, more terrorist acts…
The gop is bought and paid for by k street as well
WATCH: Out Of The Shadows Documentary – Exposing The Kingdom Of Darkness
PANIC PORN, that’s perfect. Thanks Bill Maher !!!
Haha strange. CNN viewers unquestioningly swallow “Trump is misogynist” while, simultaneously, praising the porn industry. Cognitive dissonance is a fascinating phenomena when viewed from the outside.
@Ralph McBride *Get a new brain Trump turd, yours is clearly faulty AF*
It’s sad since Bill Clinton has to practice social distancing, which is causing many female reporters to loose huge sums of money; since distancing makes having oral sex difficult.
@3:00 Is that a hole in his throat?
He is a weird freak.
You guys JUST NOW realize the campaign was still on his mind?? I doubt it.
Hey Dana, what about Biden`s treatment of TARA READE ?
These so called women reporters need 2 go back to kitchen, oh yeah they can’t handle the heat …..sorry
Is Acosta also considered a female reporter in the eyes of cnn? lol
And everybody should give Dan Crenshaw/Bill Maher discussion a listen to.
I heard Biden has a sexual harassment case, so why isn’t CNN reporting it?
Yes, Call Him Out … Or Better Yet
Kick Him Out !!!
These female reporters need to take it like a man. This isn’t about feelings people.
Got to listen to the Ben Crenshaw vs. Bill Maher interview. Eye Opening !!!