Dan Riskin on the cost of inaction on climate change

Transitioning to a carbon neutral global economy won't be cheap, but as Dan Riskin reports, it will be easier to pay now than pay later.

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Dan Riskin on the cost of inaction on climate change


    1. @Kloko Loko no They are not please research it and if you fine something to prove me wrong link it here

    2. @Underworld I researched it last 15 years and the are 100% recycled.

      You can’t post links here, channel author disabled that option.

  1. Imagine all of the lost territory for animals. All the dead birds because they want to destroy more trees because of these things.

    We can’t stop the changing climate, earth has its own unique cycles and we can’t do anything about that.

    1. @TheSweetOne actually we can’t. The entire solar system is heating up. Tell me, what can we do about the other planets that are heating up too? It’s not just earth. The sun is doing some wacky stuff and there’s not much we can do to stop it. At BEST we could slow it. But not stop it. Saying we can is like stepping in front of a speeding train with your arms stretched wide expecting it to slow down when it gets to you.

    2. @TheShoelessGuy Mankind does have something to do with polluting the earth, and that does have its effects. At some point, the sun will turn into a supernova, and the effects of that will be harsh, but we aren’t at that point yet.

    3. @TheShoelessGuy Forest didn’t need forest management before humans and today they need.
      May I ask why?

  2. Anyone else remember the project Veritas video that came out a few months back mentioning how climate change was going to be the next big thing in the news cycle after they finished with covid fears and biden drama?

  3. You should look for a news events and stop wasting our time on the matter give your reporting to the government

    1. No, your are going to invest into sustainable energy transition anyway because fossil fuels are limited.
      We invest into fossil fuel infrastructure all the time so this time will be invested into renewable so not big money spending is needed.

    2. @Kloko Loko It is impossible to produce “sustainable energy” infrastructure without the use of “fossil fuels”.
      Texas was hit by a blizzard last winter, how did their power grid handle the energy usage after transitioning a large portion of their power grid to “sustainable energy” production?
      “We invest into fossil fuel infrastructure all the time so this time will be invested into renewable so not big money spending is needed” with the amount of energy needed to produce all of the metal and plastic needed to build “sustainable energy” infrastructure, how many years before that infrastructure even produces the amount of energy required to build the infrastructure itself?

    3. @Clownadian News Texas main problem is that they designed their infrastructure for warmer climate.
      They didn’t winterize gas power plants and even one nuclear was out of operation, also wind turbines was not winterized too.

      “ow many years before that infrastructure even produces the amount of energy required to build the infrastructure itself?”

      Find term EROEI (Energy Returned On Energy Invested) and you will see that for solar and wind this is from 8 to 40 .
      This means that you will GET 8-40 times energy from solar or wind in their life time than what is needed energy for that renewable source production.

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    1. He was robbed of all his work by the “chosen ones” and died with nothing. Just a glimpse of what this world is actually about.

  4. Follow the money. It’s the truth. This is just an opportunity for investors to make money on selling “eco” products through tax payer dollars. Wouldn’t be surprised I’d our politicians have financial interest in these companies selling their products. There’s cool technology and alternatives coming out that won’t hurt your bank account drastically.

  5. Our technology is still far too primitive to achieve the carbon neutral change. We pride ourselves on our technology including how we heat our buildings. The Romans has something similar over 2,000 years ago. Our big advance? We use fans.

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