Top Diplomat Bill Taylor’s delivered a damning testimony before Congress, drawing a direct line to Trump’s incriminating quid pro quo plot. Taylor even recounted how Gordon Sonland defended Trump’s transactional foreign policy, because he is ‘a businessman.’ Former SDNY U.S. Attorney David Kelley argues many ‘cases don't go to trial in a criminal case because the evidence is overwhelming,’ suggesting, if Trump were a citizen, he would take ‘a plea,’ because of the ‘pretty damning evidence’ against him. Aired on 10/22/19.
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'Damning Evidence': See SDNY Chief's Stunning Response To 'Overwhelming' Case Against Trump
My question to republicans in Congress is, do we still have rules and laws in this country? Better yet, do we still have a Constitution?
And if their answer to that is yes, then my reply to that is, PROVE IT.
@lima leaf frog How cosmopolitan of you, you have turned once more to France for your reference. How to boil a frog or two
@Richard Curren you hit the nail on the head
@Bear Bear that was the case a hundred years ago yes but everyone knows the platform has switched and if you ask a klansman today who they voted for, I guarantee you they’re Trump supporters. How many of the KKK do you think voted for Obama?
Don’t forget the evil Trump spawn–Donnie Jr., Eric and Ivanka! They ALL have got to go!
comic ndn , they’ll be run out of town once he’s gone
Yup….Go to jail.
I reckon they have all sought out and found safe havens for themselves already should Dad be arrested and confined.
@Daryl Hillard He’s a kid. Leave him out of this. Everyone should be judged for their own crimes…and, as adults. Ivanka, Kushner, Don Jr. and Eric sure have plenty of crimes to go around. Let’s be fair.
@Mindy McNamara russia anyone?
Bill Taylor’s testimony was beautiful. It was perfect. Mostly incriminating.
I read his opening statement as well, Bigg! Fantastic stuff! Can’t wait to hear the whole story.
Fascinating stuff!
But ,can you fry an egg on it
Does the kind of people we want to see at the White House not crooks
GOP: the (supposed) party of “Law & Order”
… Prove it.
Nah , they cannot.
Republicans are the party of grifters that masquerade as moral superiors
@theWZZA The lying traitors won’t feel superior once they’re sitting in prison cells.
@Richard Curren they have a low bar alright his name is Bill. Attorney enabler
Mehinks that might be asking for a lot.
Shame on the Republicans. Shame on Bill Barr. Please do your jobs.
@mrmockatoo it is

“git over it”
Republicans and Democrats in Congress need to impeach Barr and the orange one before it’s too late.
Barr is doing his job, but he’s doing it for Bed Bug Donnie.
Yes I agree! Unfortunately both party’s have no shame therefore the National shame “We the people” are forced to endure is of no concern to them. I can’t wait to see what the history books say about the people who allowed a Traitor serve as POTUS? Assuming the madness passes & we learn our lesson from this dark moment in history. When we had a Traitor in the oval office.
— > Bill Barr (aka: the Coverup General of 1992 in the Iran-Contra scandal) sees his job as Trump’s stooge.
“A source told CNN that Barr made it clear to the White House that he wanted his own deputy — a request that was honored the last time he served as attorney general under President George H.W. Bush….
… ‘The attorney general’s balls are in the deputy attorney general’s pocket, and I’m not putting my balls in anyone’s pocket I don’t know,” Barr recalled saying in a 2001 interview with the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia.
… White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters Wednesday that she hadn’t spoken to the President about Rosenstein’s plans but said the deputy attorney general is “doing a great job.”
Rosenstein didn’t announce his retirement, the White House and the media did.
Google: Rosenstein, who picked Mueller, plans to leave Justice Dept. shortly after Barr confirmed
Anyone else would be in jail. Of course the rich and powerful always get special treatment.
J walsh…but when the mighty fall from a TR>MP TOWER…they will still go splat!
Indeed – and if the Republicans were not so implicated in all of Trump’s criminal actions they might have gathered the strength to control him. But because of their position they are gonna fight to the end to save their own skins from their own impeachement.
I’m sure the Republicans don’t see a thing wrong with any of this.
Alessia C***** Actually they do see that it’s wrong…….that’s why the trolls are hiding tonight….. but, of course, they’ll never admit it.
Alessia C***** of course they do .they just lie about it,
They surely do. They see frantic, sick people looking for something, anything that justifies their uncontrollable hatred for another human being. In their desperate search, they will listen to absurd, fantastic tales purveyed by charlatans who make an extravagant living off of this sick trade.
@john astales you have it exactly backwards, inside out and upside down. putie’s pr people are getting desperate, aren’t you?
Republicans aka communists!
Sing my fellow American patriots who have ethics and morals. Mr Tyler is one off our heroes. Trump the orange evil will go down soon.
Kevin Lee the world will celebrate
Just think, when that crook no longer has the protection of his office, the floodgates will open up to all of his criminal dealings and nobody in the senate will have a reason to stand up for him.
Trump has to go out asap. He has and can yet do us horrible damage. An unstable man with the nuclear codes, remember?
America will soon celebrate the removal of the entire Trump Crime Family Syndicate from our White House.
Make Racists Afraid Again It will be a hugely BIGGLY most perfect celebration the likes of which Americans have never seen in the history of OUR country
Make Racists…TDS really = Trump Crime Family Syndicate
Only about half of them, sadly.
Let’s not jump the gun just yet. We thought the same thing with the Russia investigation and he’s still squatting in the oval office doing Putin’s work.
Just call it extortion.
John Thomas America does plenty of that and its not a crime because it’s in the national interest. Its only a crime this time because its in Trumpty Dumpty’s personal interest.
Not the first time.
Anyone who is still covering for trump, should be looked into.
Somebody you do know that this unconstitutional correct??? You cannot do an impeachment investigation and hear evidence. and testimony without both sides being present. Behind closed doors is wrong , unconstitutional , and disrespectful, and also let leaks out to the media. If you are doing it behind closed doors and not allow the accused to listen to everything , yet let the news media the specific details in your favor. That ILLEGAL…… it’s already prejudiced THE ACCUSED HIMSELF. ADAM SCHIFF HAS ALREADY BROKEN RULES AND LAWS AND LIED ANOUT WHAT TRUMP SAID AND THEY HADNT EVEN LET OUT THE TRANSCRIPTS YET. SCHIFF THOUGHT THEY DID NOT SO HE MADE UP THAT STORY TO TELL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE , WHICH WAS ALL LIES, =E WAS CAUGHT HE THREW IN THE PARODY CLAIM. THEN HE AGAIN LIED ABOUT NOT MEETING WITH THE WHISTLEBLOWER WHEN THIS CRO-INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY IN AMERICA!!! So you do realize this right????
Lost Hero sure weirdo psychopath. You sound like Hillary Clinton the Sisco.
Americans need to vote all Republicans out of Congress and Senate this election; they’re blindly follow Trump and corrupted.
That’s why they won’t do anything about Trump’s crimes. They’re trying to protect their re-election with the voters that supports Trump.
Sounds like Bill Taylor’s testimony was. “PERFECT”a perfect testimony. Kinda funny how that worked out.
Ima Farmer it’s was a ‘10’
I think he’s the whistle blower.Nice move by the Democrats. In plain site.
A lot of people are saying it was perfect.
Ima Farmer

@Kay Luv Well you probably know the old saying, “Politics makes for strange bedfellows” But no matter what business it is, its prudent to document everything.
If push comes to shove, a well maintained diary is considered evidence in court. Bravo Mr Taylor you just may have saved your nation!
It is with much honor Taylor is the “tip of the spear” from the Screaming Eagles!
Anyone seen Rudy lately?

Or is it not a full moon right now??
@Michae Dove no he was still talking after that, but he did stop after his original lawyer quit. Isn’t trey gowdy also on Trump’s legal team? Has he said anything yet?
@Power corrupts don’t worry about it Powers ok
Tough titty P Diddy trey can’t start until Jan for some reason
That Ghoul in back in his coffin in Trump’s basement.
@Delfina Anaya that Ghoul has returned back to his coffin in Trump’s cellar.
That’s how much he loves America
Sorry to say but so True
Absolutely true. He has already made statements about this at his rallies.
He’s not just watching….he is stoking the fires. 99% of reasonable folks won’t take the bait…..but that 1%….the disillusioned…the angry and misinformed….it’s a tinderbox.
And his red hats would love nothing better.
This orange clown’s head is about to HIT the concrete….
“The evidence is sooo damning that a reasonable defendant would take a plea….”. Well, doesn’t that say it all?
But The Chump’s not reasonable. Not even close.
All Trump has to do is say the guy is lying and have a few other people quoted as being there go along with that lie and everyone will be like “we cant prosecute him for this. We cant tell who’s lying and who’s not, eh?”
Just quit calling this “quid. pro. quo”, the better description is *extortion* , along with *conspiracy* of the many characters involved.
Exactly. Which makes it criminal.