Dallas Independent School District Superintendent, Michael Hinojosa, discusses why he's requiring his students and teachers to wear masks, in defiance of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s ban on mandates. He tells Stephanie Ruhle that he has been "cornered" when making decisions about coronavirus restrictions.
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I don’t understand why you need to pay people so you can protect them from this virus. It boogles my mind
Good ! More people in a position to do things like this need to band together . :O)
At least there’s ONE man in a position of power that cares about our children & their safety & it’s sure not Governor Abbot!!!!!!!!!!
Keep doing what you’re doing Michael…you’ve got our support, unlike Abbot!!!!!!!!!!
I have met this man he is a nice guy.
Hero! That man is a hero! He’s protecting our future like a boss. Screw you, Abbott. Screw you, Desantis. We have better than you taking care of kids.
@psycobleach46 tullis if someone lies to you, don’t trust em anymore.
@Aaron Hashem you are still stupid, the pathogens are carried in aerosols, (moisture droplets) that are caught in the mask
@Aaron Hashem NO, you won’t inhale the pathogen, why don’t you look up and see how masks work
@Aaron Hashem well you sure ain’t one of them
@Aaron Hashem you haven’t said how he is incompetent, so you have NO proof to back up that claim? When I did I say that? NEVER.
Good for him, safety first! Local authorities should make the call.
I love how he addressed the entire interview. Well done sir!!!
Doesn’t seem like the kind of man you would want upset with you. My first impression of him? One tough hombre.
In a time of lies telling the truth can be a revolutionary act.
Thank You for protecting our children.
America loves our heroes 

This man cares for the well being of the People.
Thankfully there are still some adults who have common sense and are doing what is right in order to protect the children and the public!
It’s so nice to see a sane person. Thank you!!
Mask don’t work how is he sane?
@Michael Schwartz Mask do indeed work,
@Michael Schwartz Bless your heart.
It’s too bad Florida kids have to die. Thank you for looking out for Dallas Texas kids. I was one of them. Texas Rocks!
@Michael Schwartz I live in Florida and I do fact check.
I still say we should have just left Texas to freeze this past winter and to let them swim after Harvey so they can “be their own country” like they want, but whatever sure texas rocks.
@jaydel3 It is not a good thing to utter or write but I was going for the starkness
@Michael Schwartz ad hominem
@Ryan Tyler You are free to leave , Texas don’t need ya .
Good for you, think of your teachers and students.
This is what happens when politicians start issuing “orders.” Everyone issues their own order and none of them matter.
This sensible guy needs to be in politics.
Congratulations!!! Finally there is a man of courage who puts himself on the line for children.
Anyway we can get a class action law suite against Abbott from all parents? They are doing this in Florida against De Santis! I’m a Texan and support this man
Regarding Dallas Independent School District Superintendent, Michael Hinojosa, *I Really LIKE Him!*
He can do better in disd
Good for you, it’s about time someone in government cares for our family.
Not really good moral character when a man, no a leader, basically says to you I don’t give a crap about you or about your kids. Big time failure.