The Daily Beast reports in May 2018 Rep. Matt Gaetz sent the accused sex trafficker Joel Greenberg $900 on Venmo. The next morning, Greenberg used the same app to send three young women varying sums of money, totaling $900. Aired on 04/09/2021.
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#MattGaetz #SexTrafficker #MSNBC
Daily Beast: Gaetz Paid Accused Sex Trafficker, Who Then Venmo’d Teen | All In | MSNBC
Yeah, the electronic paper trail is so strong in this, if Gaetz does not go to prison then the system is completely broken
I don’t think it’s a matter of the system being broken so much as the oligarchs in Czarist America getting a little ahead of themselves. They might own the planet, but when they take so little care to cover their tracks, they really, really are tempting Fate.
@KARTI ……Trump “lives on a luxurious golf resort” , illegally in a non residential club defying 1990’s agreement restricting residency.
You’re right….”the system is already broken”

Trump is hurting via his wallet.
His businesses are down by 40%.
Hotels in Canada closed.
Deutsche Bank and the PGA have said hasta la vista to the Trump Organization.
Thirty lawsuits and the Cy Vance investigation.
Broken or corrupt?
@B. T. Couldn’t be happening to a more deserving guy.
It just keeps getting deeper and deeper just like Q
@Mimzy Jinx a quackanon speaketh. quack quack, lil ducky. quack.
@Mimzy Jinx Don’t you have a trailer park to get home to traitor? Or is it comrade? Either way… Your a trash can..
The dark deep abyss of Qanus
@mike briganti it may have something to do with the GOPedos
Why aren’t all the fine QAnon folks not camped out at Gasmask Gaetz’s residence?
Oh cry me a river , go visit Traitor Trump Putins orange Puppet in MAR-A-SWAMPO. Maybe he will spring for some Micky D’s for you from is Undeclared CHINESE Bank Account. LOL
@Cece Villa SO TRUE!!!
Why the fuss? Pornstars visit House Reps all the time for no reason right…perfectly normal
@Sunny Days Your replies show you’re weak. You have no facts no substance to back up anything you spew. All leftwing dribble.
@thesun collective147 LMAO
Bet Matt was later angry that the girl had already recently turned 18.
He was like, “Eww. You old hag.”
@sean kelly
@sean kelly Thanks, now I have to take another shower
Still prostitution, and Human Trafficking.
His bruh was there first. Disgusting when you like the taste of your bruh on your squeeze.
My…not a day goes by when this gets more delicious! Is it wrong of me to revel in a disgusting person’s timely demise???
If it is then there are thousands with ya.
@Edaloy27 Oh Karma sweet Karma the gift that just keeps giving. So Many Lowlifes So much Karma was earned in the last 4 years, SO WONDERFUL!!!!
@Newton Peart nicht nur böse aber auch furchtbar und einfach ein Angeber und kriminell……der Arschloch Gaetz ist erledigt! DONE
All signs point to NO
@stacie sheppard yes, KARMA is the gift that keeps on giving, Everyday another TRUMP MINION Bites the dust!!
Q wasn’t necessarily wrong, they were just looking in the wrong direction.
@Wine Love what were they wrong abou?
@Jesse Hernandez if you truly had the holy spirit you’d have the discernment to see that Trump is not a man of Christ but one of many deceivers
@Wine Love How? The spirit speaks with authority so back up your claims
@Jesse Hernandez no pearls for the programmed swine that chose toxic masculinity
@Wine Love No Pearls For Swins. No Diamonds for 007.
What a great guy, helping all these young ladies pay their tuition
I love a little salt.
@Daniel but yours was first.
I am not a Gaetz or Trump supporter by any means. But this was not illegal by any means.
@Sanjay Veerkar Hey! You free thinkers gotta choose a cult. We can’t have any of this namby pamby rogue rationality in this game bud!
It’s a very high price to pay for tuition! Uughhh
Keep it coming, matt Gaetz keep pointing one finger at hunter biden. All those times all four fingers coming back at him

@Brad Williams Oops…the thumbs are cancelled. They simply do their own thing and point upwards or whatever. Hehe…see…one never stops learning hey? Enjoy the day.
@Denise Foxcroft I thought maybe you had an extra long thumb

@Living Legend Nah…the only thing that’s long is my butt. It’s kinda like at the hang ten stage. Love ya humour pal.
@Giles Bowman Yeah it seems after a year with “his computer” they where not able to do anything with it.
except the one he’s sitting on.
Well, now. Those are pretty granular details. Where’s QAnon when you need them? We finally have a no-sh*t Pizza Gaetz scenario.
Now Cruz needs get knocked off his high horse
Lol, Pizza Gaetz!
@Crystal Rafael Cruz threw himself off his high horse by running off to Cancun claiming there was nothing he could do to help Texas. Meanwhile, Beto and AOC raised $5 mil to help the state they do not represent while Rafael abandoned his post so he could lounge in comfort. Stick a fork in him, Cancun Cruz will never be President. And FYI, Cruz’s dad killed JFK
@Anonymous Sources ya but like see him pay for those sweet kids that passed in the cold. its coming.
@Crystal Time will tell on it all
This is like death by a thousand cuts. Yeah. Excellent.
@Zoya M What’s happening is a matter of fact, fanatic.
@Semi Wow. Gaetz is going to go down. Just watch. He’s going to jail, ace.
@BelizeHD — I hope he does, but my hesitance to believe that doesn’t come from just politicians getting away with crime, but rich people in general.
Gaetz is rich and a politician.
I have to see it to believe it.
Remember the college admission scandal. The lady who pleaded guilty got 10 days.
At worst he will plea down to a lesser charge that is easier to prove and the prosecution who just wants a win will accept it.
I’m not a pessimist. This has just been the reality I’ve seen when it comes to the rich and to politicians.
@Laura Walker Hilarious!!
@Laura Walker nothing disappears from servers … ever . Eventually the government will gain access !
This from the ‘Family Values’ Party , gives it a whole new meaning to it .
@Anonymous Sources And that’s the only place it matters. Smart minded people talk of ideas. Small minded people talk of others. Keep an eye on that 1st Amendment you’re speaking of. Looks like it may not be an “absolute.”
@M P Jr. Absolutely! Lol
@Paul Wilson only true things. Which you clearly reject.
@Paul Wilson A Russian troll calling someone a communist… Irony!!
@Anonymous Sources Argentina! Where all the best Nazis go to hide. He’ll fit right in!
Don’t cha just hate it when the light shines into your darkness…
Roaches like the dark for a reason, brother….
No. Only when it is a witch hunt like it is now.
Where is the investigation on Eric Swalwell who slept with a Chinese spy? Oh he is a Democrat. He gets a pass.
@Zoya M What a sicko you are, “Zoya.” Your little punk Matt is going down and going down hard.
The light you speak of is hunter biden’s crack pipe glowing white hot.
So Q wasn’t so far off. The irony of it being their party is cosmically funny.
But this still feels like the first domino falling
@Jesse Bianchi Hard not to, with idiocy I see in the USA and the UK and coming from a country that has had women having the vote from the 1800s, universal healthcare since the 1930s.
@Malcolm Sprott Aren’t you tired of the coward act yet? You losers hide behind the skirts of so many people…
@Kev Elephant Why am I a coward because I don’t like wars my grandfather lost three of his brothers in the first world war going to fight 12,000 miles away from home I’m so far left wing to those in the USA but here were I live I’m just a normal left wing person who wants the best for all.
@Malcolm Sprott ok. australia? not a dem personally but like Bernie i caucus with them.
i follow uk politics also. bojo and his asshats are screwing britain as badly as trump and his gop have screwed the u.s.
ya’ll need to shut down murdoch before he ruins australia.
@Katakesh I’m not sure they are being used, I think that many of them are miserable hateful people that have convinced themselves that there is no way they could have such a pathetic life due to their behavior, attitude, and actions so they manufactured or followed idiocy they can have them someone to blame. They love crying about their imagined oppression and pointing their finger at others the want to see themselves as better than and cause misery for those other decent people. I think that also may relate to why many of them are born agains and evangelical christian extremist. They are so fanatical they want to role play as god and proclaim they are good and that they have taken down some dark evil cabal that was sabotaging their success and status in life because couldn’t be their fault and of course the devil. These people haven’t ever opened their eyes enough to understand the world is nuanced and none of us are always sure and right all the time but for them it is a savage LARP of idiocy. I also wonder with some of the help they received if maybe thew accuse the left was a distraction from what the right has been guilty of in actual reality; why would anyone or any group have pedophilia and some of the other sick things they accuse others of so much in the front of their mind so regularly?
I’m guessing this whole thing started when Michael Cohen was asked to explain Gaetz’s witness tampering tweet. I think that’s just beautiful.
MSNBC/CNN is just guessing too….
Gaetz should immediately hire the esteemed and distinguished lawyer, Rudolph Giulliani.
@Pete Lind There is a money trail, he’s the one going g down for a change.
@WebCrawler : Isn’t Dershowitz the guy that ” kept his underpants on ” while taking a little R + R on Epstein’s Island ?
@hpqz hpqz Yep! Epstein was his best buddy. Birds of the same feather…
Gaetz: “Dad! I told you I should get my allowance in cash!!” [Slams bedroom door]
Funny but not accurate. He was using tax payers money for his Lolita gaetzy escapades
Remember folks that empty barrels aka gaetz, don the con, etc…. make a lot of noises, and they like project and to deflect. I hope they gets what’s coming for them.
You forgot to mention Cuomo, Fairfax, Franken and Gillum.
This trial need to be over with and give the Chauvin man his price “rot in prison”.
@Lydia Taylor You enjoy lying. What has Biden been doing. A lot wirse.
@Lydia Taylor LOL
@Debra Johnson Delusional Debbie Traitor Trump the 2X Impeached EX Game Show Host incited domestic terrorists in a failed attempt to stop democracy and overthrow the goverment that resulted in the death and hospitalization of police officers. Which is why he is being sued for wrongful death and injury by the officers a d their family along with the mountain of Lawsuits both Civil and Criminal the Corrupt ORANGE ex dicta th or and CHIEF faces. SO GET REAL, Trump makes Nixon Look Like Mother Teresa.
TRUMP is such a Lying Lowlife he Cant Even Be Trusted With A Twitter Account. LMAO
@Debra Johnson hello Russian bot.
“We’ve got more coming…” The Venmo gift that keeps giving.