Dad dies shielding 2-year-old son from gunman’s bullets

By his father's final act of heroism, Aiden McCarthy survived the carnage at a July Fourth parade in suburban Chicago. But the 2-year-old now is left to grow up without either of his parents — an orphan of America's bane of mass shootings.
Kevin McCarthy, 37, and his wife, Irina, 35, were among seven people who died following an explosion of bullets Monday from a rooftop into a holiday crowd in Highland Park, Illinois, the Lake County Coroner's Office has said. Nearly 40 others were injured.
#AdrienneBroaddus #erinburnettoutfront #highlandpark

Dad dies shielding 2-year-old son from gunman's bullets


  1. It is heartbreaking, the child should be told this story when he grow up. What a hero his dad is.

    1. @AU miner
      Awe how hilarious that’s the best you got ?
      You can do better 🤣🤡🤣

  2. While the term “hero” is tossed around a lot, this man was truly a hero. A lot of boys think of their dad as a hero, but this boy will grow up knowing his dad is truly one.

    1. @Muslims remember Apostacy Day 22nd of August – Sir, I’m sorry to break it to you, but you have some extremely serious issues. I have both Muslim and Atheist friends and everything you said is horse manure. In fact, there have been key times when Muslims and Atheists were more kind-hearted, grace-oriented, compassionate and life affirming than fellow followers of Jesus. When I was in Afghanistan, Muslims put their lives on the line to shield and protect me — willing to hide me in their remote ancestral village to keep me safe (I was there not long after 9/11 with a Christian aid organization). And my Atheist friends work to help the homeless and impoverished get their lives back again and protect kids from the worst abusers and break up human trafficking rings.

      So please stop. Get help.

    2. @tori2dles exactly….my Atheist ⚛ community does a lot of charity work and we love helping people and animals in need ❤

    3. @tori2dles Sunan abi dawud 2121, mupedohammad split the moon of aisha when she was nine. This is a sahih hadeth, which means there is no way to get around it.
      You have less than no knowledge of islame.

  3. Rest easy, hero. You did your job and saved your baby. We all respect you for it and we appreciate the courage you exhibited.

    1. Unfortunately, he won’t. His son is an orphan. His work, and his wife’s work are not done.

    2. @jmspls7 My wife carries firearms everyday at work including the AR-15. She was also required to qualify on the Barrett 50 cal to disable vehicle engines.

      Anyone who noticed the BLM terrorist who ran over women and little girls in Wisconsin with an SUV would know that parades are dangerous.

      Vehicles driven by terrorists are dangerous too.

      Why wasn’t the parade canceled or protected by police?

      The same goes for school shootings. Every adult responsible for those murdered children should be fired for their incompetence

      A Shout Out to Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg.. for betting Democrat chips on Hilary Clinton to win

      The Supreme Court of the United States finally acknowledged that armed self-defense is a human right denied to most women around the world, in places like Europe, India and China.

      Rapists love gun control. I am not surprised at Democrat pro-rape attitudes or their condescending and sometimes racist comments against SCOTUS.

      Democrat states like Illinois, California, New York and Washington DC get people killed with their gun-free zones and unconstitutional gun laws.

  4. I hope grandma says it exactly like she told us – mommy and daddy are in heaven- nothing but the truth is possible in a tragedy like this – he will be sad but he can be proud of his parents the rest of his life- there is no greater show of love

  5. I just will never understand the thoughts and acts of taking another humans’ life. Let’s do better, America🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

    1. I’ll never understand why people bring babies into this hellish world 🌎

    1. what are you talking about he’s already scarred for life from the country he inherited from you.

  6. I saw “Kevin McCarthy dead”…… disappointment wrong guy. This dude is a hero tho!

  7. Thank you for caring for Aidan. Take time for yourselves and get counseling. Sending love and thank you for the meaningful statement at the end

  8. I live not far from Highland Park, and have spent much of my life there. My girlfriend attended a concert at Ravinia in Highland Park with her 85-year-old friend just the evening before, on July 3. As you listen to this kind couple being interviewed, you can begin to understand what a wonderful community it is.

    Then some alienated, young dope, who was never properly socialized, takes it into his fucked-up head to do this.

    When you retreat inward, taking all your cues from the echo chamber of the internet and its self-reinforcing algorithms, you do not learn the virtue of human empathy. You don’t see our connectedness and our shared humanity.

    Get out of your fucking bedroom and go out in the world.

    1. @American Gamer
      Huh? What does that even mean in this context? What ‘sides’ are there to take? You mean the side of alienated nihilism and soulless killing as opposed to decency, compassion, and life? Try explaining the ‘other point of view’ to an 18-month-old orphan.

    2. @Rick Rose not the sides I was talking about. The fact you did not even acknowledge what I WAS talking about make you an even better person. We need more humanity like that

  9. This is truly heartbreaking… I don’t understand how this continues to be an ever increasing problem and how many people continue to support the right for people to purchase weapons of war so easily.

    1. Parents and caregivers have to really work with their kids to naked sure they are a light. The tattoos are even obvious signs that this kid had issues. If the kid was hurting animals and family, he should have been in therapy. How did he have money to buy these guns?

  10. A half an hour where I grew up. So sad, this shouldn’t have happen but it has. That poor kid. Thank god that family took care of him. Thanks for taking care of that boy!

    1. Thank god? Why? How about thanking the family for what they actually did, instead of god? God just sat back and let it happen, I don’t see why you would thank him for anything? If he is an “all-knowing” god, then he knew it would happen, and didn’t stop it. If a human did that they could be charged with aiding in a crime. What is there to thank him for? Should we thank him for being just as helpful as if there was no god at all? Hmmmm. Thoughts and prayers. Well, at least just thoughts.

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