Andrea Mitchell is joined by Pete Williams and Frank Figliuzzi as the nation's capital is on lockdown ahead of inauguration, with tens of thousands of troops in the city, after the January 6 siege at the Capitol, and as the investigations continue into those riots with more information coming out daily. Aired on 01/18/2021.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
In addition to politics, Mitchell covers foreign policy, intelligence and national security issues, including the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, for all NBC News and MSNBC properties.
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#CapitolRiots #Inauguration #MSNBC
D.C. On Lockdown Ahead Of Inauguration After Capitol Riots | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
After *terrorists attack by the Koup Klutz Klan
@RaptorOfTheWest @Jimmy Jimmy is a typical run of the mill tRumpanzee coward.
@Jimmy Jimmy, Go ahead, shift the blame in your false flag scenario; right-wing extremists are really good @ disinformation.
@RaptorOfTheWest The ones that instigated the storming of the capital were indeed leftists.
@Jimmy Jimmy You’re only saying that because your pathetic attempt at insurgency failed.
@RaptorOfTheWest Lol Insurgency? Some people broke in and took selfies. Yet the year prior the left burned cities, but that was ok of course… *sarcasm*
Almost every president has occasionally engaged in hyperbole, lying, corner-cutting, or press-bashing, though none have done so daily, if not hourly, until now. One lie does not undermine democracy, but 25,000+ lies can. One governmental reversal in court is not tyranny, but scores of such defeats reveal an administration at odds with the constitutional injunction to “faithfully execute the laws.”
If we added up the anti-democracy maneuvers of the prior 10 presidents over the past 60 years, they wouldn’t equal Trump alone in under four years—indeed, if you compare the eight close associates of Trump convicted or indicted in his almost-one term of office, that would again exceed those of all presidents combined (excepting Watergate felons) from Kennedy to Obama..
Trump has done considerable damage to America’s democratic institutions, and brought the nation to the brink of civil catastrophe. Trump is an emotionally wounded sociopath, who in-turn, has left America grievously wounded out of spite. And he was asking for another chance to finish her off.
No one should ever get a second chance to destroy our Constitution, and our 244 year old democratic republic.
@Abbey Jane fake news!!!
@olrik parlez: “What we ought to do” IS implementation. Like trying harder to understand each other by putting our differences aside and listening and respecting each other rather than fighting. Seems like practical implementation to me. We can’t expect change in the country until we embrace that change in ourselves personally. Change in society begins with change in the individual.
Dictators sensor they don’t get censored. God knows that they’re doing this because nobody would really show up..HISTORY SHOWS THAT EVIL PEOPLE RESORT TO CENSORSHIP AND PROPAGANDA
turn to Jesus Christ people the MSM doesn’t care about you they are playing you to be full of hate and delusion
They know the only way they can get and maintain power is to keep you in the dark and full of hate of other’s.
Jesus Christ is the way of Love truth and peace
MSM is the way of hate lies and discord.
Turn to Jesus Christ Love and Truth today to be set free from hate and propaganda
@Reason “What we ought to do” IS implementation??? *chuckle* By definition and practice it really isn’t but you seem to be at your limits here. I’ll commend you for your altruistic efforts on the sitch and leave you to it.
Cheap civilian DRONES over Whashington Biden Inauguration !!!!!!! Civilian cheap DRONES fly above national guard troops and fortifications !!!!!Protesters can use chinese made or us made Cheap DRONES to desrupt Joe Biden inauguration !!!!
Who here remembers when Janet Napolitano caught a bunch of ish, and had to apologize, for circulating a memo saying that some returning troops may have been radicalized thru their deployments?
Oh wow, I’ve looked up the reports about this. Thanks for commenting about that. Very interesting.
Maybe for someone like you who was fooled into believing he was a Russian agent. For me…These last 4 yrs have been fantastic for my community. Everyone had jobs, our household incomes were up, my investments were high! Just peace and prosperity and the only folks upset were powerless Dems and China. 2024
@Nothingseen did they also mention he was a Russian agent…Are you part of QAnon’s leftwing chapter? You are too
@Education is key Did who also mention who is a Russian agent? What in the world does pointing out that the FBI have been warning about the growing threat of right wing terrorism since the 90’s have anything to do with Qanon?
tis that
oh yes
Thank you to all that family members who is turning people who break that law at the capital good job

@Waleed Ahmed I have no worries.
@Jimmy Jimmy Trust me. You will.
@Waleed Ahmed Lol Sure buddy.
Joe needs to tear down the wall and let in the caravan of people from South America. They are on the way. Lets hope he doesn’t build more cages like he did with Obama

Cheap civilian DRONES over Whashington Biden Inauguration !!!!!!! Civilian cheap DRONES fly above national guard troops and fortifications !!!!!Protesters can use chinese made or us made Cheap DRONES to desrupt Joe Biden inauguration !!!!
I just love how helpful they were to record their seditious actions.
Ikr, couple of sandwiches short of a picnic, elevator doesn’t go to the top floor, not the sharpest knife in the drawer
@Rachel Garber Up here in Canada we would say they’re playing with a warm puck.
@ocean buoy I love it!
@ocean buoy Remember when Trudeau was rocking the blackface…or when he fired Wilson-Raybould for exposing his corruption. Some feminist! How about the WE charity scandal? At least he wears cool socks, just ask the former PM of Australia…
@Education is key Unlike the US, we’re more than one man.
And they claim they are Patriots wen they are willing to sell information to a clear hostile country
@Daniel Morse Khaki pants
@Trap Daddy yup vetted Khaki pants Praetorian Guard of a failed Government
latest polls Congress 13 %
They are waving the Confederate flag. The flag of a country that was the enemy of the United States of America. They aren’t patriots. They are uneducated fools.
@Yo Daddy definitely, there’s always a level of skepticism needed
They lie sometimes but not all the time, and gathering info from multiple sources can help tell the difference
I watch both CNN and fox news, for good measure.. on YouTube I watch both far left (communists) and far right (fascists) channels
Cheap civilian DRONES over Whashington Biden Inauguration !!!!!!! Civilian cheap DRONES fly above national guard troops and fortifications !!!!!Protesters can use chinese made or us made Cheap DRONES to desrupt Joe Biden inauguration !!!!
Why didn’t this group just focus their attention on Area-51 and aliens. Overthrowing our democracy seems like a waste.
Because that wouldn’t impress their Johnny Reb high school friends and Racist Uncle Bob as much
Because they remember Pizzagate fail
That’s because they’re afraid E.T.
@Jack B I’m actually wondering if you don’t have a good point (and Goodnough) unlike Horror movies these evil entities can be explained in “human terms” I wonder since we know there are & have been many cults that do include other worldly tenents if the key here is the physical possibilities. I mean Pizza Does exist.
I’m leaving my typo/misspelling cause it’s hilarious
Isn’t Nunes a Russian asset? Trump is probably assigning the guy as a spy for Russia. Transfer him to toilet cleaning, then he’ll quit.
Oligarch Trump set a precedent that President Biden can follow and just fire the guy without any viable reason. Like he did Comey and Vindman to name a few.
No thats Swallowell…….
@THE ANGRY QUAD It’s fun to watch your side losing. Really… a LOT of fun.
Why isn’t she being charged with treason, trying to sell US info the a foreign country? Don’t tell me she only gets charged with theft.
@Kalla H Lmao Clown ,, but Antifa is good so is BLM all they did was have a peaceful BBQ
Nancy ,, she she be in jail for Murder
@Ralph Boyd Who Nancy ,,, Absolutely
@Denis Richard

Cheap civilian DRONES over Whashington Biden Inauguration !!!!!!! Civilian cheap DRONES fly above national guard troops and fortifications !!!!!Protesters can use chinese made or us made Cheap DRONES to desrupt Joe Biden inauguration !!!!
And THIS NSA situation is exactly why he should have been removed. That’s on you, PENCE!
It’s also on Mitch McConnell
tis that
oh yes
the PA woman who wanted to send pelosi’s computer to russia? she should be tried for treason. this is absurd! these ppl are patritots? what a joke.
@THE ANGRY QUAD no problem for you cause your prophet chump works for Russia yeah nothing he will hide. Stupidest question of the week
Ttis that
oh yes
I’ve got a patriot in my pants.
@Donnie BunkerBoi “MY PROPHET?” Where’d you come up with that assumption? Let alone your proof (i guess you mean Trump) works for Russia?
Back to third grade for you…….
@THE ANGRY QUAD let me reverse, what’s the problem in sending Mitch McConell laptop to Russia if he has nothing to hide.
Now are you naturally born stupid or just a follower of stupid cult?
While you are at it…Joe needs to tear down the wall and let in the caravan of people from South America. They are on the way. Lets hope he doesn’t build more cages like he did with Obama

Chris Krebs Too
The enemy within. Who would have thought.
Trump supporters trust russia more then an elected official here. Hmm almost like exactly what putin wanted over these 4 years.
And the Biden’s love China. Why not they made them millionaires. Corruption at it’s finest the Biden clan.
Learn English, muppet.
@Bas Scheijde Oh sorry moron. I should have said China made the Biden’s billionaires. CORRUPTION
Maybe for someone like you who was fooled into believing he was a Russian agent. For me…These last 4 yrs have been fantastic for my community. Everyone had jobs, our household incomes were up, my investments were high! Just peace and prosperity and the only folks upset were powerless Dems and China. 2024
brilliantly said, ty everyone. and yes, there are absolutely some immediate changes that must be made on the 20th, after 12 noon, for national security!
These people who broke the rules did this because they had allegiance with a tv personality and not their country. Now all those people are facing consequences and jail time. Government will always win at the end of the day, and if you don’t like it, go move to a different country and see how far your freedom will go there.
Trump’s inauguration crowd will certainly be bigger than Joe Biden’s. The great thing about Joe is that he will concede that truth without resistance and will probably not care. He just loves America….PERIOD!
Since when is sending US government documents to Russia or supporting a despot patriotic? Those who attacked our capitol with murder in mind, including the liars who incited the insurrection, are traitors. Blindly supporting authoritarian usurpers of democracy is anything but patriotic. Without a well-informed electorate capable of reasoning, democracy is doomed,.
When Trump accused the Democrats of running a “deep state”, it should have been obvious that he was plotting to instate his own deep state.
exactly! he’s easy to predict
The real revolution is against the israel lovers in our governemnt.