Washington D.C. Mayor Bowser joins Andrea Mitchell as the House holds a debate on Washington D.C. statehood, as they get set to approve legislation on the subject in a historic vote. Aired on 06/26/2020.
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D.C. Mayor Bowser Says 'We're In A Historic March For Statehood' | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
Congress will vote yes…then it’ll go to the senate where it’ll gather dust on McConnell’s desk…where all good bills for the people go to die. Sad
J M M, go read it for yourself imbecile.
Jock Young, That would require an Amendment to the United States Constitution.
@David Grover Yeah… That has _never_ happened before.
You won’t hear this on MSM: A brilliant explanation of how our LIBERAL DEMOCRAT run cities are FAILING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIQs0Fbb6B4
EcchiDragon 80, an amendment requires ratification of a large majority of states. 100% of states have important reasons not to ratify such an amendment.
I bet if you stop paying your taxes the Republicans would consider you a state.
Elizabeth notthe queen, you know as well as I do that that narrative is based on using Federal taxes collected and money spent on Federal programs as a basis of wealth calculation.
That’s like saying you’re rich because you pay to use the toll bridge every day.
@Special Bronze not really what? Is the best you got. “Nope”?
And up until 3 years ago I was a Republican all my life. You dolt.
You must lick windows for fun
@gotwoh3ll a distorted view fan I see.
@Ellie Sanders i bet you have never paid taxes
No more Agent Trump and his Team
Did he threaten you with a job, financial self responsibility or a bar of soap?
Statehood for DC *NOW!*

DC statehood only angers republicans because of the demographics in DC.
@George Florence Bc I can and bc he had nothing but time and opportunity to do so. He talked about Bush his whole presidency. but yall don’t mention that. Did that hurt your little feelings babygirl?
A A someone like you could never hurt me son, feelings or otherwise.
manofsan The Constitution originally only allowed white male property owners to vote so I view its fluid nature to be beneficial. Any reasonable American should be against taxation without representation, so what does that make you? Royalty just like trump believes himself to be?
@George Florence so you want the Constitution to be perpetually fluid? What if that means it fluidly reverts to allowing slavery again? I don’t think morals should be fluid. The Constitution is a reflection of our morals, and those should stay unchanged with time. Nobody starts out perfect, and some major corrections were made, but that doesn’t mean you should allow perpetual fluidity, so that you can zig and zag around, like hairstyles that go from long to short to long again. Keeping values anchored is important, otherwise you can end up in a situation where anything goes.
manofsan a society that looks to the law for its morals has none at all. Plenty of immoral actions are perfectly legal and even constitutional, so drop the Constitution fairy tale drivel already.
I hope Washington DC achieves statehood because their mayor is right and I feel it would make our country stronger state wise.
Or it can just get absorbed into Maryland
Peter Bills is a no content channel bot/troll.
After Lafayette Park, people can now see why they need statehood. Of course the Republicans would fight it to the death
David Grover Okay racist, please explain yourself.
What’s blatantly unconstitutional about DC applying for statehood? Is it because the District of Columbia is 49% Black?
With a total population of 702,455. They pay higher taxes than the residents of 20+ other states. If I’m not mistaken, taxation without representation was the reason why the revolutionary war was initiated. Something about the absence of colonial representation in the English parliament… maybe?
Tell me, how do you feel about Wyoming?
Wyoming is the least populated state: with a total population of 578,759.
Now, I thinks that’s the perfect example of blatantly unconstitutional to give the least populated state that much power.
I’m assuming your remark doesn’t apply to Wyoming because it is 92.7% White.
The city I live in has more people than the entire state of Wyoming.
We can make it fair and not give that much power to the states that have less than one million Americans.
It’s only six states; Delaware, South Dakota, Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming.
I don’t know if you’ve ever been to the capital but it is not this big liberal utopia you ignorant racists make it out to be. Even the liberals in DC are conservative but the conservatives aren’t oppressive, racists, bigots…whatever term you want to use. They actually believe in everyone having equal rights, something most conservatives believe is “special rights.”
Fernando Castillo the capital is supposed to be non-partisan. It has nothing to do with your low IQ friends
@Fernando Castillo If it,s so sweet explain Lafeyette park to me. I,m not from the east coast
Fernando Castillo Bruh you’re so racist I swear
@Fernando Castillo Do you soy boy beta males ever get tired of calling everyone and everything racist? It must be exhausting.
Bring it to the voters! Drop it on the ballot boxes! Nov 2020! God, why so many restraints! Help us to forge ahead, in the direction of fairness and humane ammenities. Amen And Amen!
Look it up in Constitution not happening.
Will do… TRUMP 2020
Because you should know – Trump’s use of Pentagon funding to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border is illegal.
@David Grover Source?
EcchiDragon 80, CNN Politics article posted at 2:08 PM EDT June 26, 2020 by Priscilla Alvarez. About 4 paragraphs in.
@David Grover I’ll check it out, and research this subject. That way I’ll know if what your saying/seeing is correct… Or a biased interpretation on your part.
Hes just rebuilding the same wall Bush already built. The entire thing is no track for 40 NEW MILES by the end of trumps term. Good job National Debt! The orangutan lost his voting base of old voters and now caters to racists. Fear everything, everyone, everywhere. What cowards the last remaining republicans have become.
@Sabrina Lancaster Indeed…
If I remember my history correctly, the reason we fought the Revolutionary War in the first place was because we were being taxed without government representation. We’re still for that in 2020, right?

we are as but the leftist are 100 in the past.
@Special Bronze you still thing its 1950. Step up and quit gazing the the mirror of history you never learned.
You must not know anything about history
@Sabrina Lancaster here a little reminder what the democraps your side did.
Democrats wrote 6 platforms supporting slavery.
Democrats wrote 20 platforms supporting segregation’s.
Democrats opposed the 13, 14 & 15 amendments to the constitution to abolish slavery, give African Americans due process, and the right to vote.
Democrats opposed the civil rights act of 1866, 1870, 1875 of newly freed slaves, right to own property, protected right to vote, sign contracts, prohibited discrimination of public accommodations.
Progressive champion and Democratic President Woodrow Wilson segregated the federal government and latter showcased the film “birth of a nation” a celebration of the Clan in the White House – The Dems do nothing but divide our people for political power.
and they still are the same slavery loving communism worshiping democraps they were in the past but you blue states are so stupid so hard for them to trick you to be their good little slaves.
@Special Bronze I like how you think the Democratic party of 60 years ago is the same one it is today.

The Civil Rights Act made all the racists flee the Democratic party and into the arms of the republicans, who are now endorsed by the Klan.
But yes…please go on about things that were true generations ago!
A woman of substance talk with undermining and with determination thank you for representing us
D.C. should be a state there being tax like one
Statehood for DC *NOW!*

Then if it’s a state, it shouldn’t have exclusive monopoly on national capitol status.
Lord of Darkness, Mitch. Surprising he’s the one standing in the way of that which is good and right.
Business as usual.
How do Kentuckians keep him in there? Creep
Low education outcomes for years. What did you expect.
Go Mitch… I love stacking the courts with white male conservatives and laughing it up at your expense
Puerto Rico is also deserving of statehood status. We should give them statehood as well or let them be independent. Holding them hostage
@Chasmal I almost moved there after I got out of the service. Knew lots of P
I say give it back to Spain. Only problem though is Spain wouldn’t take on the responsibility and secondly, the Puerto Rican people wouldn’t give up their US Gov’t gravy train.
@MrArchangel73521 Sounds good to me. I think they can do better themselves, Just have toprepare a head of time for Hurricanes, but other than that. Good idea
@Ed Judd There is also the problem of..self sufficiency…manufacturing…exporting goods…if…say Puerto Rico…could take the place of say…China…in producing computer products…”major win” !!!
What about Puerto Rico!!!
Anthony Gonzalez, They voted against statehood last time.
Maybe next time.
It’s time for Moscow Mitch to go.
Wow, you people are still going with the Russia narrative? lol
Moscow Mitch wont stand to have more democrats in Congress. Almost a million people? Bigger than other states? Paying taxes like the rest of us? Definitely should be state. #VOTEBLUE
I’ll be voting Red
@MidScream1 – like the man says “you can’t fix stupid.”
@Jelly Belly I agree. You’re a Blue No Matter Who until Blue in the face
“No taxation without representation.” – Unless you’re living in D.C.
Or any of the other US territories.
The simple fix is to exempt the residents from Federal income tax and FICA. The problem would arise that their property taxes would go through the roof and to be fair, the federal subsidies to their local government would have to be terminated. Finally, the residents would have to forego their Social Security benefits. None of the above would the current residents go for.
Statehood For DC Is Long Past Due
If Marion Barry was alive he would be a shoe in for governor.