During a press conference, District Attorney Andrew Womble said while Andrew Brown being fatally shot by Pasquotank County sheriff’s deputies was “tragic,” it was “justified” because Brown’s actions caused the deputies to believe it was necessary to use deadly force.
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D.A. Says Deputies Who Fatally Shot Andrew Brown Jr. Were Justified
Still waiting on the body cam footage
@Paolo Bernasconi and you were clearly born on the planet Archie Bunker.
@Hobo Ryan well, you caught them, they did edit out the part where he got out of the car, lay on the ground and was peacefully arrested. Seriously, what exactly do you think they edited out?
@mizzmolly I spoke with a fellow member of our community’ I live near Elizabeth City. He knew the man personally. Said he set up his own kids, when old enough, to be drug runners. This was a terrible man.
@Hobo Ryan then the ballistics would show that. They ain’t stupid man.
@Hobo Ryan Right? How DARE cops use guns when there are such nice criminals out there with guns also!!!!!!!
Release the video
Watch Washington Post video
Cops only like white ppl
@Daniel Rodriguez I’m white and a cop put a gun to my head. Guess what I did? Complied. Guess what happened? I lived. Crazy how that works right?
Too bad you don’t know the whole story of what happened, and just jump to conclusions as always. You’ve learned nothing in over 10 years.
He’s voice is shaking to hard for comfort.
@Sunny Quackers the police officer that died the next day died from injuries sustained during the insurrection. Stop trying to say it was an inside job, radicals started a riot at the Capital, stormed it, and were being punished for it. Next time you keep up
Brain sicknick died of natural causes. Try and keep up.
@Sunny Quackers sorry my bad, he died of heart attack, but he went into cardiac arrest during the insurrection, I wonder why???
@Joe Swanson The Simp Hunter he died of a stroke
@Sunny Quackers wrong, it was heart failure. When you enter heart failure you don’t have a stroke
And that’s normally the case …
This is going to fly like a 1 ton turd brick.
@Daniel Rodriguez , Grow up, kid.
@Daniel Brown which so far has been very successful. I know you already spent that stimulus check.
What I DID see was a bunch of tooled-up ‘speshul forces” wannabes living out their little wank-fantasy of being (back?) in Iraq or Afghanistan ridin around in an ” irregular forces’ pickup, Raybans on, full-sleeve Tatts on display, the de-rigeur manicured hipster beards, baseball caps. The whole pumped up ‘Warrior-Lite’ package. KILLIN MACHINES!!….. going to make a simple arrest in the wilds of suburban Carolina. I mean, what could possibly go wrong??? yeah, right.
@Joe Collins well, when you are in deep poo and your life is in danger, I hope you do not see what you see as wrong. In other words, no rescue for you.
Seen it he drove toward a cop missing him by a foot with his wheel turned sharp away from him. The first shot happened after antwon was almost a car length passed any cop as he drove away. Sad.
@Dr. Jekyll footage
I did and it turned out he was still a low life criminal. Thank you officers
Here we go again again
Nope…nobody gives a F about this anymore.
We see the still pictures so now release the video it is entire. So that it can be watched.
There not good ever shot was in his back.
Well said. Both of you, well said.
@Dr. Jekyll Typically when you surround a car with force there will be people behind the car. That’s what surround means. And if you’re surrounded by police and make them fire their weapons, some of those shots are going to come from behind him. This is just basic common sense.
@Dr. Jekyll The only shot from behind was the headshot. The other two were in the forward facing part and side of the right arm. There was also evidence of grazing shots coming from various directions.
Of course it was ruled Justified I don’t know how anybody thought it was going to go any other …and the anger in his voice says a lot
Next up , riots at 11pm.
i guess they”re going to start shooting pharmacies up next for getting people hooked on opiods and fentanyl
no, but some bip pharmas are being sued and even criminal charges are being considered. Stay informed!
Yeah the sacklers are a real pos family
Pharmacies work with doctors you twit.
@Rick wilson oh no, I forgot about the prescriptions written by doctors who’s biases determines who gets those prescriptions who dont. I never took in consideration that pharmacies are also located in hospitals. You’re so right, they’re complicit too. Especially when they get incentives to push certain medications advertise from pharmaceutical companies. Sound like drug dealers, trap houses, and dope fiends to me.
@Rick wilson the sackler family worked with pharmacies that were run by doctors that the DEA busted.
So, has Mr. Brown’s supplier been summarily executed as well?
I think he had the same dealer as Fentanyl Floyd
I mean, you get into a vehicle while trying to avoid arrest basically turns the vehicle into a possible weapon.
There should be a federal investigation. It may be that the guy was a drug dealer, but unless he had a gun, they used excessive force. They didn’t even bring a vehicle with which to take him alive after an arrest. That shows premeditation on their part. Even though I believe drug dealers deserve punishment, we have a system of justice in which the police do not get to be judge, jury, and executioner. It is a miscarriage of true justice.
Cops never shoot at moving vehicles because it’s a danger to the public if it is done that means they had the full intent of killing said person
@Darth Xeno where did you get that information???
@Sunny Quackers from actual cops who care about protecting the public and not ones who signed up just to shoot crazy how we can hold our military and bounty hunters to a standard but police have the most bendable rules of engagement
@Darth Xeno no they do not. soldiers are the ones who have rules of engagement changed all the time. MUCH more than our rules for police officers to follow.
They are tearing down the old system to bring in the new system. People are being played against each other so they can lock us all down. They create the problem so when the public reacts to the problems they create they can bring the solution.
They could just be selling the country out with no plans beyond that. It does seem like they’ve got a plan though.
@Duny Roa It’s been written about for over 150 years. They don’t make it a secret. You just have to read books and NOBODY does that anymore. Global government is the plan. It’s so obvious to the initiated ( The people that have done their research)
It has many names new world order is one of them. But it looks like they rebranded it now to the “The great reset.”
oh yeah like drug selling is such a new problem
@Jacob Johnson pretty sure it’s just called ‘arresting a drug dealer”.
One Word !!! Reckoning
Bring it.
Always the pink haired beached Wales acting tough
Let’s see the thug-cam!
If you tried to run me over would be same outcome.
People need a clue, its these peoples own fault
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