Tropical Cyclone Amphan made landfall close to the India-Bangladesh border with sustained winds of 160 kilometers per hour (100 mph), according to the US Joint Typhoon Warning Center.
#CNN #News #cnni #weather #worldnews
Cyclone Amphan makes landfall forcing millions to evacuate

Praying for the peoples of India and Bangladesh. Please stay safe!
Pray god.god doing correction we must not do more pollution ne nature loving n.pray
Rod Steel Jesus
Petronius Arbiter I am, always
Ahmad Razi yep you too
@Mad 1976 Well what do you expect from someone with American in his name? Pure ignorance.
My prayers for those going thru what is already tough times!

not even June yet and mother nature is going full out…
I wonder how much worse 2020 could get
Sweet Jesus! Don’t ASK!
@Oust Drumpf That might be a RELIEF! We take them to our leader, right?
@Jean Engstrom

Y’all say Christians cherry pick parts of the Bible. Just like non believers choose to ignore that the “fiction” Bible seems to have by far the most lucky streak of predictions anyone has ever seen. Has predicted alot that has all ended up coming true to a T but Solomons third temple being rebuilt. and that seems to be set in motion to be started soon. But yeah go ahead and keep thinking it’s all fake when that plays out as well. Then I’m sure that the horrible events that the Bible says will play out after that will be the predictions it ends up getting wrong. Well hey, can’t “guess” them all eh?
Summer is coming with probably a record heatwave
Very sad.Mother Earth is really cleaning up. Summer is coming. Tornadoes, hurricanes and other natural disasters are approaching.
It’s just weather.
It doesn’t have intention, doesn’t have a reason.
Welcome to the climate change people have been screaming about for 50 years.
That’s why we got to leave . Musk better hurry up ! Its to late, overpopulation and etc. Earth has reached its capacity .
The team used data from virus genomes sampled from across the world between 24 December 2019 and 4 March 2020. The research revealed three distinct “variants” of COVID-19, consisting of clusters of closely related lineages, which they label ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’.
Forster and colleagues found that the closest type of COVID-19 to the one discovered in bats – type ‘A’, the “original human virus genome” – was present in Wuhan, but surprisingly was not the city’s predominant virus type.
Mutated versions of ‘A’ were seen in Americans reported to have lived in Wuhan, and a large number of A-type viruses were found in patients from the US and Australia.
Wuhan’s major virus type, ‘B’, was prevalent in patients from across East Asia. However, the variant didn’t travel much beyond the region without further mutations – implying a “founder event” in Wuhan, or “resistance” against this type of COVID-19 outside East Asia, say researchers.
The ‘C’ variant is the major European type, found in early patients from France, Italy, Sweden and England. It is absent from the study’s Chinese mainland sample, but seen in Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea.
human being need follow the natural way without industry pollution
I’m praying for you Bangladesh and India♡
Thank You
Prayers from the USA
I think the us needs prayer they are a wicked nation
As an American ,, I hate to say it but I agree with you.
God Bless them.
Damn….like they really need this right now. As if covid-19 ain’t bad enough as it is.
There a non nwo country…they never bought in to the covid bs…..
Covid 19 isn’t even on India’s radar with the infectious diseases they deal with.
Cyclone hard hitting now at nearby, as of I’m writing, WB east part + BD’s west-south near Sundorbon forest adjacent area.
Come on, Any storm between a sub tropical storm to a catagory 2 hurricane or equalled *at landfall* is considered minor according to the National hurricane center. Any hurricane as a catagory 3 to 5 or equalled is considered major at landfall. The storm is considered *minor* . The India Citizens and news is making a big deal out of absolutely nothing. The concerns about this storm is not the storm itself more than down live powerlines in puddles that you can’t see and the mist from the rain and waves that could carry the covid19 virus further which can spray in a persons face.
Besides this, a few downed trees and some roof shingles coming off. But very minor. I wish the news and India’s citizens did not act like this was the end of the world being so minor.
@Support your Troops & Athletes you have no idea what we were facing at that time…I was shaking out of fear….we thought our house is gonna collapsed…..thousands of people became homeless in just few hours…but it’s ok some people are so ignorant that they don’t even understand the pain of others
@Riya Angela dont pay attention to that clown…he doesn’t know what the hell he is talking about
@Kansas City Jones i am from west bengal, india, the hurricane passed my city of kolkata. yes it was terrifying, trees, big ones next to my house with a foot in diameter got snapped like a twig and fell on power lines, bringing them down, luckily i am served by underground lines, and the cell data held up. but its over now it passed. metal sheds blew away, the official windspeed was 185km/hr, dont know category. but yeah its terrible. with morning light the devastation is visible now. our homes are built with reinforced concrete and brickwork so didn’t blow away. but some poor people who have tin roofs had them blown away. so yeah its pretty bad here..
for all of those affected, we felt Ambo here in the Ph we know what those people are in. May God keep you safe
Blunted206 bcuz this isn’t heaven
@Dreams, Visions, and Revelations Your right because this is real life…not some fictional place in the clouds
@Blunted206 GOD saves those who believe in him
Blunted206 heaven isn’t some place in the clouds lol, maybe you’ve watched too many cartoons
@Sreenath Johnson yess so true
Michigan Chicago also flooding scary time praying
Now Nature Want A Huge Change From Us
Lets Pray That Everything Will Be All Right
So you are praying to nature
@Cold Beer Indirectly yes, warmer temperature over the seas which is mainly the cause for cyclones in the southern hemisphere… dont you think global warming had a hand in it?!
I want to hide inside your backpack.
industry pollution make disasters worse,vegetarians make good karma to keep healthy
Pray to whom? Idols? It is the result of insulting the Creator of the universe by doing idol worship. Stop this idol worship and calm the rage of the creator of our universe.
3 Damns break in Michigan, now a cyclone in India. Smh. How can “WE” mange a STAY-AT-HOME and a EVACUATION at the same time.


@Tron_23 OH BOY !!

KUUIPO PAKALOLO no we haven’t
The earth is freaking out because it’s use to people walking on it instead of being locked up in their houses. The earth is crying out for us to come out and play with it….Imagine how the whales and dolphins and the creatures under the ocean miss the children’s playfulness and hearing us through vibrations walking on the sand and playing and listen to their little laughs…God is conscience… father conscience and mother earth need each other ,,,just like we all do…We are a living organ on this planet.

Lord have mercy on inda
We’re only 5 months into this year…I’m scared for what’s to come.
A cyclone in the month of May in Bay of Bengal is seen every year. Damages of money and life happen. But this is nothing new.
Another one happens in either October or November
@Souvik Das This is STILL happening. It hasn’t stopped yet. In October and November we’ll have to battle the flu WITH COVID-19. Disaster.
7 more months obviously.
@Vega Nona 7 more months of disease, death, high unemployment rates, crashing economy, unexpected natural disasters, and a complete moron as president…that is assuming it wont carry over to next year…which it will.
*Praying for the whole world*

My Bad No Videos – that’s EXACTLY what we need! There are Soo many people suffering from covid 19 and many many other disasters right now!!!!

Yeah, it looks like Mother Nature has had enough of our crap.
I wonder which mother we’re on now..? I personally liked Jennifer Lawrence
Humanity is the virus and Earth is doing it’s detoxing.
Am staying in Kolkata india now
Am feeling the cyclone now
My doors and windows are closed very scared
Hoping that it will be over
Be safe
Am. Wishing you a safe time.
Keep us up to date, stay safe
Sending prayers from Australia. Keep us all updated!!
AnjewSpear – I wish you and your family good health through this awful storm!!!
Praying for the people in Bangladesh and India
Thoughts are with the people of Bangladesh, and other areas
i am from west bengal, india, the cyclone just passed my home yesterday, trees flattened, but our homes are standing. just hoping COVID19 passes soon.