New York Times cybersecurity reporter Nicole Perlroth speaks to CNN's Jim Sciutto about CrowdStrike conspiracy theories and how they relate not only to the 2016 presidential election, but the upcoming 2020 race as well.
#CNN #News
Cybersecurity reporter debunks Trump’s CrowdStrike claims

Donald trump tells obvious lies, and then his followers blindly repeat them
@Juandisimo what recordings
@Mike w records, documents. There is record that Nunes and two other idiots went to europe at a cost of 63000 as alleged. Fox might not tell you that, but its real. Nunes is screwed.
@Juandisimo so he went to Europe who cares that’s not evidence
@Juandisimo did Devin lie about him and those other people going to Europe?
Dr. Fiona Hill testimony before the House Intel committee.
“Based on questions and statements I have heard, some of you on this committee appear to believe that Russia and its security services did not conduct a campaign against our country—and that perhaps, somehow, for some reason, Ukraine did. This is a fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves.
The unfortunate truth is that Russia was the foreign power that systematically attacked our democratic institutions in 2016. This is the public conclusion of our intelligence agencies, confirmed in bipartisan Congressional reports. It is beyond dispute, even if some of the underlying details must remain classified.”
Trump, fox, and his defenders like Graham, Nunes, Jordan, and Rudy, are knowingly aiding and abetting Russia in it’s disinformation campaign on America. They are all carrying water for Putin. By spreading Russian GRU lies, conspiracies, and propaganda, they have all become Putin’s proxies here in America.
@Jeepers Creepers and still the right loves him like a god WTF
@Alan Crane The but but her e mail thing is sad not a Hillary fan but there nothing there the FBI looked unless your going to throw out something stupid like FBI is evil and loves Hillery for whatever reason
this report came out on nbc. please watch and share to understand the danger with russia!
@Doom2exe The Toronto Star? Really, are you from Canada? I never said “everything is fake”, I did say the Dems have nothing to offer working taxpayers and the network news lies to us daily. You said you think for yourself…please do, and get a dictionary.
@Blackdogsmatter Well what wrong in his fact checking? Point out were he is wrong? He pretty well the best Trump fact checker out there. Why do you believe a proven compulsive liar?
I don’t think people like that Kennedy guy mind Russia helping Trump and vice-versa. They’re pretty confident that Russia’s not going to help the Democrats. As long as they’ve got their tax cuts for the wealthy, corporate/environmental deregulation, and conservative judges, they’re good.
I disagree.
And what country are you from?
@robearl1983 They have arms, a lot of nuclear arms. The problem with the russian people is the same as for USA at this point they seem to choose leaders who betrays them.
– Trump is trying to discredit US intelligence conclusions that Russia meddled in the 2016 election so he can lift sanctions put on Russia over that meddling.
– Trump blocked the release of a State Department statement condemning Russia for seizing Ukrainian ships.
– Trump is pushing Ukraine to make a deal with Russia in order to lift sanctions imposed on them over their invasion of Ukraine.
– The debunked conspiracy theory that Ukraine hacked the DNC in 2016 was originated by Russian military intelligence.
– Trump has repeatedly insisted that Russia should be re-admitted to the G7, without any change in their behavior.
– Trump took funds from the Pentagon budget to fund his wall that came from programs to safeguard Ukraine from Russian aggression.
– Trump repeated Russian propaganda many times. He said the USSR occupied Afghanistan in ’79 because of terrorists, and was “right to do it”. (The US was instrumental in driving out the Soviets).
– While Putin was running a disinformation campaign against Montenegro, Trump said he thought Montenegro might start WWIII. (Of all countries, he chose one with a multisyllabic name to use as an example?)
– Against advisor’s advice, Trump congratulated Putin for “winning” a rigged election.
– Trump said Crimea was part of Russia.
– At a NATO summit, Trump refused to reaffirm Article 5, (The ‘all for one’ article only evoked once, by the US, after 9/11).
– At the Helsinki Summit, Trump said he didn’t see why Russia would meddle in our election.
– “Russia, if you’re listening…”
– Trump ordered a troop withdrawal from Syria a day before Putin’s annual press conference. Russia is in Syria to protect the Assad regime. Under Obama, the official US position on Syria was that Assad should go. Trump changed that to allow Assad to stay for now.
– Trump security advisor, Carter Page, went to Moscow to make a speech disparaging US/Russia policy. (Page got caught-up in a Russian spy ring in 2013).
– The Trump campaign requested one change to the RNC platform – To remove language that said the US should help the Ukrainian resistance of Russian aggression.
– 80% of the communication requests on a server in Trump Tower came from a Russian bank. (19% from Sec. of Education, Betsy DeVos, and her brother, former Blackwater chief, Eric Prince. The remaining 1% comprised all others).
– Trump campaign self described “dirty trickster”, Roger Stone, said he had contacts with Guccifer 2.0 and Julian Assange, the very hackers who hacked the DNC and the guy who weaponized the information.
– Jarred Kushner met with the head of a SANCTIONED Russian bank to discuss setting-up a back-channel to the Kremlin to get around US intelligence.
– Russian born gangster, felon, and Trump business partner, Felix Sater, is reputed to have been working to get Trump elected. He worked with Trump on the Trump Tower Moscow project. Trump said he didn’t know Sater well, and “probably wouldn’t recognize him if I saw him”. Sater was at Trump’s election victory party.
– Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was at the Trump Tower meeting. He offered polling data to a known Russian intelligence officer. 21 states’ voter rolls were hacked. Manafort had been a lobbyist for Putin. He helped install a crooked, pro-Russian dictator in Ukraine.
– During the campaign, Michael Flynn went to Moscow for an RT event. (RT – Russia Today, aka, Russian propaganda), and made a speech disparaging US/Russia policy. He lied about his compensation, and failed to register as a foreign agent.
– Trump chose Rex Tillerson, former CEO of Exxon, as his first Sec. of State. Tillerson had received Russia’s highest award for a foreigner. Exxon lost a $500 billion oil deal with a Russian, state-run, oil company when the US sanctioned Russia for its illegal invasion of Ukraine. Trump fired Tillerson the day after he publicly criticized Putin.
– The FBI had asked the Trump campaign to call if they saw anything suspicious, but nobody did. Later, Trump would say, (about the Trump Tower meeting), “I think anyone would have taken that meeting”. (No. that is not a normal part of a Presidential campaign).
– In a private meeting with Putin, Trump took possession of the notes of his own interpreter, and instructed the linguist not to discuss what transpired in the meeting with administration officials.
– Trump CONTINUES to engage in suspicious behavior with Russia. He never has, and still doesn’t include US/Russia relations in his policy rhetoric besides repeating, “Getting along with Russia is a good thing”. That’s ludicrous. Of course we want to get along with everyone. Chamberlain wanted to get along with Hitler.
@J Groovy
Thurough much?
Cyber Security Warning! The russian trolls will be all over this one!
@The Great Owl Call me the Great Russian Master troll, scrub!!!
@Javier Gomez you’re nothing but a low iq sniveling little blubbering fake patriot trump boot licker, I am sure your family is proud of your America hating
@Javier Gomez
And there you have it, folks.
P J …you are on 🎯…
Sondland Took Out the Bus and Ran Over President Trump and others :-))
No he really didnt
But thats what main stream media wants u to think
The fakes are beginning to bore me. Is there anybody out there who can challenge me?
@King OfTroy PRETTY SURE ONE MAN CALLED US AN ENEMY 2/24/17 & ON PG1 US HISTORY BOOKS Paul Revere scribed some metal & John Adams got some soldiers off. PEOPLE LIKE YOU PUSHED PAPER. 6 YEARS.
Yeah, but they aren’t dead yet.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for allegedly working with the russians. Many others imprisoned for working with russians. The charge:
Don’t worry, the DNC are prepared for the worse – Swiss passports. They are owned by China but they are not that stupid to flee to China.
@Mind Freshener Obama was born in Kenya, Michelle is a man and Elvis is alive.
@max smart
I guess Russia let some documents out that proved they actually did what they where accused of NOT that I believe anything that comes out of Russia is worth the paper it’s printed on.
@Rachel Ash …><...if you're gonna be a bear....:D
Miss piggy is back
Republicans are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome….what else could explain their own actions….lol
@Renas Dupont again true derangement syndrome is the fawning adoration, blind obedience and total loyalty to this sexual deviant adderal sniffing idiot in the whitehouse
Its the Trump D*ck Suckers
Money, plain and simple. In what world would Moscow Mitch McConnell want to allow a Russian Aluminum plant in my home state without some sort of kickback?
Trump 2020! Again!
Bottom line— If you support and defend Trump, you do not support and/or Defend AMERICA
@brian Lohse no one wants her, not even the Democrats. And trump still lost the popular vote. Let that sink in there nostradumbass
That’s why you should leave.
@Randy Bell …. Why should I? Some people need to be Patriotic and the majority of the country is. Trump and his Supporters should move to Russia though , they would feel comfortable in a Communist controlled Corrupted nation.
– Trump is trying to discredit US intelligence conclusions that Russia meddled in the 2016 election so he can lift sanctions put on Russia over that meddling.
– Trump blocked the release of a State Department statement condemning Russia for seizing Ukrainian ships.
– Trump is pushing Ukraine to make a deal with Russia in order to lift sanctions imposed on them over their invasion of Ukraine.
– The debunked conspiracy theory that Ukraine hacked the DNC in 2016 was originated by Russian military intelligence.
– Trump has repeatedly insisted that Russia should be re-admitted to the G7, without any change in their behavior.
– Trump took funds from the Pentagon budget to fund his wall that came from programs to safeguard Ukraine from Russian aggression.
– Trump repeated Russian propaganda many times. He said the USSR occupied Afghanistan in ’79 because of terrorists, and was “right to do it”. (The US was instrumental in driving out the Soviets).
– While Putin was running a disinformation campaign against Montenegro, Trump said he thought Montenegro might start WWIII. (Of all countries, he chose one with a multisyllabic name to use as an example?)
– Against advisor’s advice, Trump congratulated Putin for “winning” a rigged election.
– Trump said Crimea was part of Russia.
– At a NATO summit, Trump refused to reaffirm Article 5, (The ‘all for one’ article only evoked once, by the US, after 9/11).
– At the Helsinki Summit, Trump said he didn’t see why Russia would meddle in our election.
– “Russia, if you’re listening…”
– Trump ordered a troop withdrawal from Syria a day before Putin’s annual press conference. Russia is in Syria to protect the Assad regime. Under Obama, the official US position on Syria was that Assad should go. Trump changed that to allow Assad to stay for now.
– Trump security advisor, Carter Page, went to Moscow to make a speech disparaging US/Russia policy. (Page got caught-up in a Russian spy ring in 2013).
– The Trump campaign requested one change to the RNC platform – To remove language that said the US should help the Ukrainian resistance of Russian aggression.
– 80% of the communication requests on a server in Trump Tower came from a Russian bank. (19% from Sec. of Education, Betsy DeVos, and her brother, former Blackwater chief, Eric Prince. The remaining 1% comprised all others).
– Trump campaign self described “dirty trickster”, Roger Stone, said he had contacts with Guccifer 2.0 and Julian Assange, the very hackers who hacked the DNC and the guy who weaponized the information.
– Jarred Kushner met with the head of a SANCTIONED Russian bank to discuss setting-up a back-channel to the Kremlin to get around US intelligence.
– Russian born gangster, felon, and Trump business partner, Felix Sater, is reputed to have been working to get Trump elected. He worked with Trump on the Trump Tower Moscow project. Trump said he didn’t know Sater well, and “probably wouldn’t recognize him if I saw him”. Sater was at Trump’s election victory party.
– Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was at the Trump Tower meeting. He offered polling data to a known Russian intelligence officer. 21 states’ voter rolls were hacked. Manafort had been a lobbyist for Putin. He helped install a crooked, pro-Russian dictator in Ukraine.
– During the campaign, Michael Flynn went to Moscow for an RT event. (RT – Russia Today, aka, Russian propaganda), and made a speech disparaging US/Russia policy. He lied about his compensation, and failed to register as a foreign agent.
– Trump chose Rex Tillerson, former CEO of Exxon, as his first Sec. of State. Tillerson had received Russia’s highest award for a foreigner. Exxon lost a $500 billion oil deal with a Russian, state-run, oil company when the US sanctioned Russia for its illegal invasion of Ukraine. Trump fired Tillerson the day after he publicly criticized Putin.
– The FBI had asked the Trump campaign to call if they saw anything suspicious, but nobody did. Later, Trump would say, (about the Trump Tower meeting), “I think anyone would have taken that meeting”. (No. that is not a normal part of a Presidential campaign).
– In a private meeting with Putin, Trump took possession of the notes of his own interpreter, and instructed the linguist not to discuss what transpired in the meeting with administration officials.
– Trump CONTINUES to engage in suspicious behavior with Russia. He never has, and still doesn’t include US/Russia relations in his policy rhetoric besides repeating, “Getting along with Russia is a good thing”. That’s ludicrous. Of course we want to get along with everyone. Chamberlain wanted to get along with Hitler.
This whole administration is a joke! Why has our beautiful country been subjected to such a sideshow/circus.
I am a simple man..just one question would end ALL this sham… to Mr Biden: WHY YOU WANTED THE UKRAINIAN PROSECUTOR FIRED? that’s all it takes.. but no one seem to make this simple question…smh
EST 3/5/1770 BOSTON MA.
@PEACEFUL WARRIOR 👈 bot doing copy paste on various posts
Remember Putin saying in front of cameras, standing right next to trump, that he wanted trump to be president and therefore helped him in the election, manipulating them? He said it.
IKR, why doesn’t Trump want Open Borders and Unlimited Third World Migration?? It must be the Russians!
He did. He also started the Ukraine conspiracy.
Tell Putin I will have more flexibility after the next election. Putin’s puppet Obama caught on a hot mike colluding with Russian agent. We must wonder how many times Obama was secretly talking to his master Putin. Coordinated Ukraine invasion? Coordination on allowing Russia to roll into Crimera? Obama obeyed his master Putin.
@rolback Lay off the opioids, bot.
Its pretty clear Putin owns Republicans and trump. They only defend the indefensible because Trump and Putin know all those Russian money funneling operations into Republican campaigns.
You realize no one is listening to you DNC bots right?
Yeah man I see your comment by the thousands on MSNBC and TYT and whatnot. Everyone knows you idiots are farms, paid by the DNC to spread your anti Russian nonsense.
I live in Kentucky for those of you who argue DNC bots. Degree in electronics, traveled the U.S. and Canada building entertainment venues. Prior to that, I fixed medical equipment some of you had blood tests performed on. I’ve also done bank security equipment and worked bank robberies with the FBI. Who are you to know the difference exactly?
@Richard Partin Your story is corroborated with zero evidence DNC troll.
Asking “Why” the GOP are doing this doesn’t matter. The fact THEY ARE DOING IT is what matters. At any other point in time, if a sitting US Senator was parroting Russian propaganda conspiracy theories on national TV, he would be dragged out of the senate. The GOP knowing lying to the American people and propagating false narratives at Russians behest is, in itself, a national security issue. This is beyond “partisan.” It’s traitorous.
I think it’s up to us to remove the wacko criminal from the White House
🇺🇸🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊voting all democrat in 2020🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🇺🇸
Thor Marnix: Its SCARY
@Let’s grow
Vote Blue
No Matter Who
Doesnt matter what you vote when Moscow Mitch refuses to secure the elections.
And I still ask myself why is he still president
And everyday we hear from different people how is what the president done wrong? And what did he do wrong.? They’re trying to help him to not be accountable. Why? He’s in the wrong and should have consequences.
@Madolina Degocelli copy pasting rubbish or has your bot script gone wrong 🤡
The Republicans are not patriotic enough to remove him
You radical fakes will still be asking why I’m still president in 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024.
I love Trump!
Trump made a false claim?!? Who could have possibly seen this coming?
tubruton – MORON!
In October of 2016, the FBI released these files.
Terri Jones – you’re illiterate. In October of 2016, the FBI released these files.
@Eli Dicken What kind of an idiot believes other Americans are traitors because they have different politics? The kind of moron who enjoys Russian propaganda.
@Hildebeast Clinton And yet, that has nothing to do with Trump lying about Crowdstrike, you dim witted idiot. Can’t you follow a thread with resorting to “Hillary did something”?
Conspiracies and lies are all that the GOP have left. They figure they can camouflage or hide the truth under a mountain of conspiracies and lies. This along with character assassination has shown what the GOP has degenerated into.
Ramon Serrano conspiracies and lies have devastated nations. Toppled governments and caused atrocities.
“How fortunate for governments. For stupid people” Adolf Hitler
The Brits had it right with their floating balloon depicting Trump as a big, petulant baby.
this report came out on nbc. please watch and share to understand the danger with russia!
@Ditto hes a billionaire and your a lil turd
@MaxRideWizardLord Old Russian proverb ( paraphrased ) There is one good thing about beating your head against a brick wall. It is how good it feels to stop.”. Russias misery is Putins fault. Crimea and Ukraine’s misery is Russia’s fault. Sanctions on their lazy or cowardly asses are not unfair. Not when their Army is killing Ukrainians while they do nothing.
Russians are too fatalistic ( see proverb ). If they want change they’re going to have to work for it. Otherwise suffer.
You Russians.. I swear suffering seems to be the thing that binds you.
Stan Wilson Id say it is a perfect description of Male Trump supporters but The blimp has on a diaper. Trump men don’t need one. They have no dicks.
Come on, man… Like you don’t remember HELSINKI!?!
Once more the republican party don’t care about this country .. they only care about power and how to keep it .. they don’t care if they are defending a lie ..
The Republikkklans don’t realize they are not in control. When Putin gets tired of their stupidity, he’ll have them all on their knees. And Trump will be the first one with his mouth open.
The democrats are assholes and traitors they can go debunk themselves!!!idiots
@Tired of the lies the kkk started with the southern democrats and the party of the late sen robert kkk byrd (D) truth be told you dumbasses dont even know what your doing🖕
@Anthony Zaleski parties are just ideologies Democrats at one point had the wrong ideology now the republicans which all are people with ideas.So to say Democrats where on wrong side is meaningless because right now republicans are
@Tired of the lies Putin ready had trump on his knees in Helsinki.
Donald Trump suck Putin off in front of the world when he took the word of a Russian dictator over our intelligence agencies.
Kennedy lips are moist with Trump’s Asskissing. Even he lose his Teeth in that Act.
LibHunk 😀😀😀
CNN and TDS sufferers are really getting desperate.
Trump’s impeachment 2020. His new residence Russia
Trump 2020!
So no longer some fat guy sitting in front of his computer in Jersey, like trump originally claimed when it happened.