CVS Health Set To Administer First Covid-19 Vaccinations In Nursing Homes | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Chris Cox of CVS Pharmacy joins Morning Joe to discuss a coronavirus vaccination drive headed to the country's nursing homes. Aired on 12/21/2020.
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#Covid19 #CVSPharmacy #MSNBC

CVS Health Set To Administer First Covid-19 Vaccinations In Nursing Homes | Morning Joe | MSNBC

CVS Health Set To Administer First Covid-19 Vaccinations In Nursing Homes | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Crazy Sidney Powell was seen leaving the White House last night (12/20 – according to CNN). This could be the wildest 30 days the country has ever seen. Trump shows no sign of giving up his effort to overthrow the election.

  1. The vaccine is so safe that even if he said covid is a hoax and he already developed immunity after experimemtal treatment donnie ‘bonespurs’ is taking it

    1. I think anyone who doesn’t support president Trump should take the vaccine as soon as possible 😀 ⛄

    2. The trumpeter didn’t say Covid was a hoax. He was talking about something stupid that Nancy Pelosi said it was a hoax. He never called COVID-19 a hoax.

  2. World :- Creates Covid-19 vaccine….
    Covid-19 :- Ill see your vaccine………and I will raise you one Covid-21 Premium PRO-MAX Power.

    1. The world did not create COVID-19. COVID-19 came from a laboratory in Wuhan China. This has been very well documented. Very likely an employee in that laboratory then went to a nearby what market and spread the vaccine. The Chinese communist lied to the world with the assistance of the WHO about how easily the vaccine could be Transmitted from animal to human and then human to human.
      The world did not create a vaccine, it was created by the communist Chinese.

    2. @Jenny Tran Happy Festivus. Remember we celebrate Festivus by writing on a refrigerator in marker pen, all of the things that how disappointing it throughout the year concerning family members. All of this then proceeds the feats of strength. Happy Festivus.

  3. Yes it’s free to everyone’s of us and no one’s else to fee nor pay the vaccines for for all American people nation country’s,across abroad international world-wide..

  4. 318K+ Deaths and the US are looking for social media influencers to promote a life-saving vaccine! That is really screwed up logic and a 100% lazy government message… but hey, I forgot Dtrumpf is in charge.

  5. I think this generous philanthropy is nevertheless impressive. Good to see saving lives can matter more than moeny.

    1. @Ryan Hanifan that’s true, and they have the resources to do good at the same time… win, win. That’s a deal. LOL

  6. Stay home and be safe avoid public places and make sure you get your self a blunt pre rolled👽🤙🤙🤙

  7. Question to anyone: Am I the only one that likes Mika more than Joe? Hold up, I adore them both but… idk I like Mika more….

    1. Mika’s the one I’d invite in my ‘Dinner for twelve’ parlor game. She’d definitely be on my guest list.

    2. Scarborogh always interrupts and talks over her which is why I never watch his vids on youtube. Mika deserves better.

  8. Cool….too bad my grandmother in homecare already got Covid and my grandfather died years ago 1 week before his health insurance confirmation came in the mail.

  9. Mika is so much more interesting and pleasant to listen to…I am soooo tired of Joe’s interrupting..
    Thump up if you agree that Mika needs to get her own show..

    1. I think these 3-letter fake-post names are getting a bit too obvious. It seems that a popular show, with a majority of news stories against the current President’s actions, would be better broken up by a fake-poster from a rival nation-state.

  10. All these members of Congress are using the idea of being influencers to jump the line. Just start vaccinating those who want the vaccine, and have underlying conditions. The more you try to “influence” people, the more they resist.

  11. 1 Thessalonians 5:18- in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

    Ephesians 5:20- always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;

    Colossians 3:17- Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.

    Psalm 86:12- I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And will glorify Your name forever.

    Psalm 118:21- I shall give thanks to You, for You have answered me, And You have become my salvation.

    Ephesians 1:3- Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,

    Count all of your blessings one by one

    Always give thanks to God

    Thank you my Heavenly Father

    Open up and give and you will receive from God

    Are you willing to become a blessing to others?

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