Cuomo: Trump violated social media standards, he’s violating us

CNN's Chris Cuomo fact-checks President Donald Trump's claims that the coronavirus pandemic will "go away," calling the president's messaging "pathetic." #CNN #News

Cuomo: Trump violated social media standards, he's violating us


    1. Donna Willams he tried many different options and that was one of the options, but he chose a different one

    1. @Rob Perry I wish we had better options too, but Biden had an aneurism decades ago. What’s Trump’s excuse? The Montreal Cognitive Assessment, I would imagine.

    1. @the truth they call CNN and MSNBC fake news. They believe it’s a hoax. Remember Tulsa rally the potus, governor, senator Caine and his supporters didn’t social distance and didn’t wear masks. His aides and governor were infected and the senator died. Nobody knows how many of his supporters got infected or died from the virus 🙄🙄

    2. @Miss Kitten sleepy creepy Joe won’t even know where is! Trumps going to run circles around old sleepy Joe!!!🇺🇲🇺🇲

    1. @Miss Kitten I already have a debate-bowl party planned. It’s going to awesome ammo to have for those liberals who are clueless!!

    1. @Rob Perry Be scared of pretend negligence some time in the future…maybe….but Trump’s actual negligence at this very moment is no problem to you? You really are the uneducated.

    2. He has his minions wherever wants them in case he loses the election …. they Are the sheeps that don’t think , they only follow Trump

    1. The six times bankrupted conman, felonious tax evader, compulsive liar, creepy serial groper and self-proclaimed white nationalist Donald John Trump has been a Russian pawn for decades on end, quite simply because he is a stable nincompoop in all matters related to money, finance and investment.
      To support him you have to be senile demented or immensely stupid.

    2. @Blade butowski Same here Sir.
      To support the corrupted tub of rancid lard you have to be depraved to the core.

  1. The US Constitution is unable to be used to get rid of a criminal, treasonous president? Time for it to be re-written. I guess your founding fathers never fathomed an entirely corrupt GOP?

    1. he paid them all… and now HE prints the money and hands it out … if your not sickened then your not paying attention

    2. Socrates Aristotle — no one could have predicted such an immoral,corrupt,dishonest,lying president

    1. Moscow mitch yearly salary 193,000 … mitches net worth… over 22 million… sounds like an honest guy to me! corruption at its finest

    2. Yeah it sure was sad willard rino never trumper romney couldn’t pull you commiecrats across the finish line, lol.

    3. @2big 2fail The rino is married to a Chicom shipping magnate’s daughter, small potatoes compared to china my kid got cashed up joe.

  2. Tell the family of the DEAD. Maybe your family will be next.

    Vote “THE LIAR “ out in November 💙🇺🇸🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🇺🇸💙

    1. @Juan Valdez you dont understand the defund concept. Come back and discuss it when you have learned to understand it.
      Fear mongering isn’t becoming…

    2. Debates 2020!!! I cant wait!! It should be lots of fun!! Don’t you agree?

    1. Trump Trump Trump🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    1. @Janet Airlines Facts and opinions are different… Fake fox viewers dont really understand the difference

    2. True. Sean Hannity is always saying “I’m not a journalist” Chris Wallace is the only legitimate journalist, at Fox, yet even he turns a blind eye to the republican lies. Geraldo Rivera is a hippie from the 60’s and now he is going against his own race by agreeing with the Fox “news” propagandists. He is also a Ghislaine Maxwell supporter, h’mmm I wonder why?

  3. I feel sorry for Fauci. He finds himself living in a nightmare and bashing his head against a brick wall.

  4. Just as long as Trump goes away in January.

    Trump: “I alone can fix it.”

    Really? Well why couldn’t he fix his failing casinos? And why couldn’t he fix his failing airline? And why can’t he fix his failing hotels and golf resorts? And why couldn’t he fix his failed marriages?

  5. “I can handle things. I’m smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb… I’m smart and I want respect!” – Fredo

  6. I don’t understand what America gained in the almost four years of his presidency ? He did so much damage to us and our allies … I don’t envy the next president

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