CNN's Chris Cuomo breaks down Sen. Lindsey Graham's role in the Clinton impeachment, and its stark contrast to his recent comments regarding the impeachment inquiry for President Trump.
#CNN #News
Cuomo to Graham: Impeachment hasn’t changed … you have

America has been whored out to foreign nations.
@poor fellow yeah idiots like you never learn just keep being fucked by the GOP it’s funny to the rest of us.
poor fellow Okay, continue to play crazy if you want too, but eventually your government will turn on you too. Y’all keep turning blind eyes to corruption for unborn babies when you don’t give 2 shits about impoverished birthed humans. You vote against your interests like crabs in a barrel when we are all getting equally fucked over but lawmakers serving corporate and personal interests. Most of you will fall into unemployment because your jobs are becoming irrelevant due to technology and you will die starving, sick and mad at people who are even more powerless than you.
Except China!
naturallocksdvm This is what happens when the public doesn’t pay attention or vote, it can only end this way.
You know bad when even Trump troll are rolling their eye. LOL
It’s disturbing to see such a complete lack of integrity in our elected officials. Personal integrity should be the most important quality of every single one of them. When they sacrifice their own integrity for “party loyalty” that is a betrayal of themselves and their constituents – and it should make them ineligible to run for re-election. It’s a clear abuse of power and should be treated as such.
This should be passed into law. These people are our employees.
Public servants. There should be a process to give them write ups and termination. Power back to the people!
Yang2020 if you want respect and dignity back in office.
That’s right. Republicans are always guilty, even when they haven’t done anything. It’s only Democrats and other communists who are innocent, right?
StillFreeinVT Nice straw man. Who claimed that the Democrats are innocent of this? I intentionally did not mention a party in my comment because this is a problem within both parties. Certainly at the moment, it’s most visible within the Republican Party as they all line up behind an obvious criminal – but many democrats are also guilty of having no integrity. It’s a bi-partisan problem and we the people deserve so much better from our representatives.
@StillFreeinVT foolishness pours from the mouths of fools… There is guilt on ALL sides. Trump’s side is just in more denial, even when live statements are played back we get “I never said that. Fake news.” Old footage of Graham supporting what he is now calling unfair. So ease up and agree neither party is better. Look to individuals who are working for the people (no that’s not Trump…) and stop support for the corrupt in any party.
I remember him being a little Weasel then, I see he’s perfected Weasel here in 2019.
Thomas Armsworthy Jr BLESS YOUR POOR LIL HEART Darling
@mrclueuin Why are you responding to Russian bots?
@Robert Clawson lmfao. This shows how dumb chumpanzees are. Chump says that bc he doesn’t understand foreign policy. And he knows that basic folk like you would be like “yeah, stop ripping us off”
.pick up a book, read some neutral articles regarding foreign policies and why the United States for many decades have been a world leader and keeping dictators, communist, and terrorists from causing chaos in the world. But your small-minded leader thinks we’re getting ripped off. And of course there’s a straight up lying that he does. Like he says “no other country helps Ukraine” but in actuality the European countries help just as much or even more than us. Bunch of dumbasses, chumpanzees are!!!
@Burabari Kpai Why are you?
@D. Khoung Dude. America has been the world leader in overthrowing established national governments and replacing them with chaos. That’s why we voted for Trump and against the globalist Clinton/Bush Crime Cabal.
I don’t know how he speaks so well with his mouth full.
I think he’s use to it .
Repubs marching into that hearing was all about trying to intimidate the witnesses. They should all be in prison!
Graham is such an out right hypocrite he’s not even worth talking about.
What a low life maggot Lindsey he is.
He fits right in with the rest of Congressional swamp creatures. Drain them all.
Fearless Infidel yes, and that is the proper Republican think You should have.
Robert Clawson that’s correct. Both parties!
All Democrats and RINO’s please exit the building
Is that you Bigfoot? It is.
He sold his soul a long time ago… forget trying to get him back to when he was respected.
Do you know how you can tell Graham is lying? His lips move…
Don’t be such a hater… your telling us you know ? come on you must be joking,lol
Mr. Grahm, you’re a stain in the Republican Party along with others who are puppets to this president.
The entire party is a stain. We need to get these self-serving swamp creatures out of our government.
The republicans are a stain on this country. Y’all are fucking embarrassing.
All “progressives” (Democrats and RINO’s) need to be voted out
Anti-American United Nations Agenda 21 PUPPETS
@Dander Spat why don’t trolls have any content om their accounts? At least something so we know where you’re coming from.
Or do ya’ll create new accounts to create plausible deniability and protect your real accounts?
It amazes me how these republicans can sit on their asses and can still talk when the chair is suffocating their mouths it’s a great trick .
Jeff Jarvis was that wittier in your head?
You need help!!! Democrats did nothing more than fight the President. NOTHING else!!! No law proyects, nothing, thats way they Will fail.
They are allowing fear to lead them.
They have the idiotic believe that Democrats are outlaw human beings who wants to kill them or destroy them and that Trump is saving them.
@Eduardo Canete You’re a moron just like your superior leader
@Eric Larsen Actually your wife told me to write it
Hiding “perfect” phone calls on a secret server (that it doesn’t meet the requirements for) to hide the truth forever is somehow ok. Public hearings are coming, dolt.
Graham has sold his soul to the devil and that is Trump.
I love how this South Carolinian assclown is bitching about rules that his own party enacted in 2015! Thanks South Carolina for letting garbage out of your state!
@andrew chambers is this you Prince Andrew, buddy of Epstein?
@andrew chambers But you did propose an procedure that Communist China and the URSS practise. If that is where the UK is heading, God save the Queen, indeed!
@duprattcarol Its not Trump that i like its the dirty trick of the left i detest,For example Labour in England have been robustly demanding an election for 3 years and now as they have been doing all they can to delay Brexit they have gone down in the polls and now they have been offered an election they have refused it and refused it 3 times,Typical leftists.Watching this secret star chamber the dems are doing in their Trump deranged state reeks of dirty tricks all they have done since winning the house is to bring Trump down disagreeing with him on things that make them look ridiculously hypocritical,All your media bar fox is going out of their way to be horrible to Trump not covering his magnificent rallies with the energy and passion they inspire so they don,t show it now it all stinks
Sara Winters ur all morons….
He hasn’t changed at all. He’s a natural lickspittle.
Trump will never apologize for any wrong doings he has done
*Lindsey Graham:* _Double standards and hypocrisy perfected._
Repubs: “why is it closed door? Nothing is classified”
Dems: “ you have 47 Repubs sitting in there. If it’s not classified, have them tell you what’s happening or leak what you can”
Repubs: “We should have access!!”
Dems: “you do”
Repubs: “Stop changing the rules!”
Dems:”Rules were changed last by John Boehner in 2015 by a Repub majority”
Repubs: “Follow the constitution!”
Dems: “Show us clearly where we aren’t”
Repubs: “We are the party of law and order!”
Obama’s chickens are coming home to roost. Time to pay the piper, scumbags…
D Xanders

All “progressives” (Democrats and RINO’s) need to be voted out
Anti-American United Nations Agenda 21 PUPPETS
There’s the brilliant absurdity of ‘Dr. Strangelove’ and ‘MASH’ — but this is REAL LIFE (sick) absurdity that we are stuck dealing with!
Right. This is an impeachment probe, not a criminal investigation. Its like a vote of no confidence. We the House think you’ve abdicated your oath of office, Senate what say you? If you in the Senate don’t see the transgression transgression worthy of impeachment then aquit him and we move on. That being said, aquitting Trump here means you’re Saying that coercing a foreign government to manufacture political dirt on one of your rivals is okay. I don’t think that’s something you want to out your name on
His a liar like his cult leader
The two party system is destroying this country.
Even has despicable as Nixon was, he admitted guild when caught red handed.