Cuomo: Paul Ryan’s spine softened when he took the speakership

CNN's Chris Cuomo examines excerpts from Tim Alberta's new book "American Carnage" in which former House Speaker Paul Ryan says President Trump "didn't know anything about government."

#CNN #News

Cuomo: Paul Ryan's spine softened when he took the speakership


    1. Soft spine? Are you sure he has a spine? Does he have kids and a wife? Do they know how spineless their father/husband is?

    2. Isn’t interesting, that Mark Dice has more than double the viewers of cnn, and his like to dislike ratio is around 4-5 times better than cnn? Who even KNOWS who mark dice is? And he has way better ratings than cnn?

    1. @Jean Dziadosz Your post has nothing at all to do with Ms. Huerta’s post = the majority of Americans and world leaders know Trump is inept, corrupt and incompetent = not presidential material.

    2. The biggest threat to America and our allies is tRump #45 and his regime. Chump is a wannabe dictator who seperates innocent babies from their families in detainment camps. He’s a racist pig. He needs to go asap.

    1. The Clintons are the epitome of the Democrats….one is slightly better than the other 🤪👍

    2. And you’ve been listening to Chris Cuomo for too much. You have become an idiot just like him.

    1. @Mark Green My point exactly, if you did not see in my earlier comment? You can look online and they have one “study”saying the IQ higer w Republican, than you have another saying no, it’s Democrats. So if you cannot see this is a huge misinformation agenda used to divide. They did the same thing in Nazi Germany, using misinformation to turn a country that was integrated and had no problems into one that killed millions upon millions and they did so well turning neighbor against neighbor that they actually justified the killings and though they were doing a great service in doing so. Same Nazi tactics being used here. The globalist can’t get their one world agenda in, and depopulation agenda going if the ppl are united! Why cannot anyone see this!??😢

    2. @turnne And I think Charles answered your question very well on the situation in sanctuary cities, all democratic run. And many wealthy democrats moved,not only Republican. And I’ve lived personally in immigrant housing units, and me and the manager were the only whites. A lot of African Americans and Hispanics w families that have lived here there entire lives got dropped down on housing waiting list to accommodate all the illegals! They went to all the church food pantries and hoarded up on all the food, they were all given vehicles, brand new Ashley furniture vouchers for new everything up to $2,000 got Wal-Mart gift cards for $1000 plus $700 per person, and $180 in food stamps. Do you know how pissed of a lot of African Americans and Hispanics are getting when they not only lost jobs first to cheap immigrant labor, but now housing. And go downtown California, Illinois,New York,Baltimore,Washington D.C. Seattle,just to name a few and see how many whites, along w Blacks are homeless. So African Americans are waking up and Hispanics too, and many have said they’re voting Trump 2020. Can’t make that up, cuz I witnessed it. But media will keep out all the minorities turning Republican, and that’s why it’s essential they get central american illigal votes this round! So how can a party that has a huge majority minority even racist? And it’s growing bigger by the day because those who minorities who were born here, deserve first any goverment help before those who just set foot here and burn our flag. So just wait and see if you don’t believe, then when you see it happening that the major majority shifts to Republican who were once Democrat their entire lives. And why no Republicans shifting to Democrat?

    3. Jean Dziadosz Well said! But I think you are wasting your time trying to reason with a leftist drone.

    4. @William H – First of all, my wife and I will be married 25 years on Monday July, 15th. And secondly, some of the nicest, most intelligent, well-spoken, and decent people I have known have been gay or lesbian, and I am proud to know them.

      Lastly, crawl back into your low-life hole with your low-life 17th Century beliefs, and stay please stay there.

  1. paul ryan doesn’t have a spine. that is one of trump’s extra dildos keeping his back upright.

    1. @William H you repeat like a child.
      What are you afraid of?? Learning the truth

    2. @ George. “Their ignorance is beyond belief,”
      says DEMOCRAT congressman William Lacy Clay, D-Mo., said of (AOC) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y
      Even her own fellow democrat congressman think she’s stupid as $hit.
      “It’s going to take a process of maturing for those freshman members. They will have to learn to be effective legislators,” he said.
      The lawmaker closed his remarks by suggesting the four freshmen could hurt Democratic chances in upcoming elections.

      “It shows they have no sensibility to different members from our caucus. Some come from red districts and those are the ones who gave us the majority. We need them all,” he said.

      This is beautiful. The ignorance of AOC & the other ignorant Muslim freshman democrats will get Trump & Republicans re-elected in 2020.

    1. Unfortunately, Democrats only have disdain for people who disrupt their corruption. #BLACKS4TRUMP2020

  2. Paul Ryan was just the 1st of the swamp to be drained. Ryan had no character and no spine, ever.

    1. @Boogaloo not rats , CATS ! And we’re not finished , we’re just getting started . The big investigation is about to be revealed !

    2. “Their ignorance is beyond belief,”
      says DEMOCRAT congressman William Lacy Clay, D-Mo., said of (AOC) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y
      Even her own fellow democrat congressman think she’s stupid as $hit.
      “It’s going to take a process of maturing for those freshman members. They will have to learn to be effective legislators,” he said.
      The lawmaker closed his remarks by suggesting the four freshmen could hurt Democratic chances in upcoming elections.

      “It shows they have no sensibility to different members from our caucus. Some come from red districts and those are the ones who gave us the majority. We need them all,” he said.

      This is beautiful. The ignorance of AOC & the other ignorant Muslim freshman democrats will get Trump & Republicans re-elected in 2020.

    3. cnn has 7 mio subscribers, and cuomo has less than a hundred thousand views? And that like to dislike ratio… I haven’t seen worse since the feminist ghostbusters

  3. What I say is Paul Ryan, Lyndsey Graham and especially Mitch McConnell should strung up as traitors from the nearest sour apple tree.

    1. @Mike HallI agree his comment and others comments are extreme and they shouldn’t talk in such a manner ……however ….. didn’t GOP members in Oregon shack of with extremist militias and threatened death to and police officers that ……lawfully….. Come to arrest them and bring them back to vote…. Aren’t you guys the “Law and order” side…. Oh wait that’s only when black men get shot for demanding to know why they are being arrested and harrassed ….. My bad … I forgot. ……Remember … Threatening to kill police for being forced……. to Do …. Their…. Jobssssss……. That’s GOP lawmakers…. When did a Democratic Law maker do and make such threats on any issue…..?

    2. @John Patrick I’m guessing you never heard of Alex Jones??…. But yes his comment is unacceptable and very extreme

    3. @Rachel Ash Since when is love for the country you live in and were born in a bad thing. This country was founded on nationalism. We fought the british in order to be a free nation without outside interference.
      How is Trump acting like a dictator.
      Is what the democrats have been doing for 3 years not Attempted suppression of the opposition?
      Is calling out the blatant lies by the opposition suppression in your eyes?
      What most people see is that now days the suppressors are on the left, all because a non-politician has come in and made fools out of the democrats and shown the people of this country its not as hard to make AMERICA successful as they have been telling us for years.
      That is why they hate him.
      They did not make him, they cannot break him.

  4. Paul Ryan sold out to the corrupt principals of Trump! He is just another puppet who is trying now to get along without the Trump strings!

  5. You made a deal with the devil, Paul Ryan. He has eaten your soul. Now go back to Janesville.😠

    1. When Mitch McConnell wouldn’t allow Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, to be voted on, so he could pick an extreme right wing leaning judge, they’re called partisan judges, and will vote for an extreme right wing agenda. Don’t fool yourself.

  6. Paul Ryan’s spine softened when he took bribes from corporate donors. There I fixed the title for you.

  7. Regaurdless of what the polls show,Democrats need to start supporting each other and work as one,so we can win our Democracy!!!!

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