New York Governor Andrew Cuomo talks with Rachel Maddow about what might be expected from the federal government's response to the coronavirus crisis given the federal emergency declaration, but admits he does not expect the weak response from the Trump administration to change if there is a second wave of infections. Aired on 5/14/2020.
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Cuomo Not Hopeful For Stronger Federal Role If Second Wave Comes | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Too bad this articulate, wise and compassionate man is not the leader of the entire country.
@Mike R USA ‘leadership’ is determined by the elites.. ALWAYS!
articulate, wise and compassionate? So why, with the Javis center and USS Comfort nearly empty, did he send Seniors to their deaths by sending them back to their Nursing homes?
Paula Baumann yeah cause his state handled it the best
Compassionate? Why does he continue to block medicaid and he cut hospital funding by $450 million. Look beyond Cuomo family media my friend.
@Daniea3 5K senior citizens have died but Cuomo made sure his Mom was OK
We need leadership, a true leader… Run for president…

I vote for Governor Cuomo for President! Train wreck Trump needs to go to prison for crimes against the American citizens.
@LJ H Vot for Cuomo for President? Go ahead what’s stopping you? Write his name in on the ballot.
The DNC hasn’t chosen a candidate yet so trey that first
@LJ H If Coumo was on the ballot he would have my vote
Cuomo, as did Hitler and the Nazis, are systematically eliminating the aged and infirmed to save costs. Exposing Bill Gates’s Criminal Psychopathology, Fraudulent Concealment, Terroristic Threatening, and Treason
@Friedrich Nietzsche Except for Cuomo’s Mom – she was OK. The elites take care of the elites.
We do not have a Constitutional government ,we have elites and corporations stealing form our future generations. They neither embody,or deserve the respect we give to a real government…the fake fed is going to have to deal with real anger and persistent force from WE the People…overthrow the elite
@Saltponds239 More like those whom were voted into the legislative branch, Congress, then look at why they were voted in (propaganda)…
@Craig Crawford People talk about how they hate the establishment yet they support Biden – the very image of the establishment
@Saltponds239 Watch the North Korean documentary called Propaganda, and apply it to every political faction and even, and especially, North Korea. People need to quit acting like they are somehow immune to propaganda! Not a single person is fully immune to it and never will be!
Then read the book Propaganda by Edward Bernays and then Propaganda by Jaques Ellul and then The Hidden Persuaders by Vance Packard…
WE DID OVERTHROW THE ELITE in 2016 !!!! We elected Donald Trump. Where were you? In North Korea?
@Saltponds239 Lmao you delusional ignoramus. ..
“The horse is out of the barn”; an action that describes being too late.
Thank you Captain Obvious . . .
Where is the stable genius?
MCE MCT : Because it is too late. Whether we, “blame,” anyone for that, we still have to respond to what’s happening, regardless. And, the country needs a National Strategy, that takes into account the different needs of 50 different states. So long as this issue remains, “politicised,” America faces disaster. Maybe if we could be allowed to take a LOOK at the CDC’s guidance? Even if if it’s not, “policy,” it might help State leaders, (who let’s face it, had no clue what do just weeks ago and are feeling their way through darkness now) to get a handle on protecting their people’s health AND their economy? It’s all in there, so I’m told? . . . SMH
@Jordan Walker For all the non-american English speakers, it is an idiom, and because it is not direct speech many people may not understand. At least that person was not being a snark.
@Virginia O’Flaherty Thank You, well said.
With most jobs if you mess up and keep messing up you get FIRED!! On his show he fired people for less reasons. There needs to be a change in the constitution where if the president continuously demonstrated an ineptitude towards his duties, that he be removed. This is NOT supposed to be as learn as you go position. Especially, when you demonstrate over and over, your inability to learn, or show that you are not teachable. Reagan had Nancy when his mind went. Bush had Chaney and others. With trump he listens to no one, even though his type of stupidity cannot be recalibrated. He cannot get 4 more yrs.
I really agree the murderer can’t win again. The horrendous things he and his family have done is unreal. The President of the United States of America was a great and admired position but not sense 2016.
That was great you nailed it. I agree we have got to get the murderer out of there.
@Kimberly Broken brained Biden can’t even find the bathroom by himself these days. RIP
@Kimberly Ask the commies in Europe how well their liberal “governments” are doing, 165,000 dead…. WOW, thank GOD for Socialism and “free” healthcare, huh? Trump is a virtual God in comparison to how liberal led cities, states and Countries are handling this.
@Freedom & Liberty Bot I agree he is not the one I want but I can’t even imagine having the murderer for 4 more years. We were the laughing stock of the world now they just have pitty on us. How could you trust him with the constant lies. I’m not even going to get into the cronyism, ect., ect.
All states will hit a second wave in the fall even if it the second or third or fourth, it will hit again in fall
Numbers are still going up. How can we go into wave two until wave 1 is done?
@Anne Liesveld 2nd big peak
@Anne Liesveld How come they went DOWN in Georgia? Remember? GEORGIA is opening too quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Hazel McCloy Like they did in Georgia?
By listening to all the information available, I suggest that a pandemic response should be created by all 50 States . It may satisfy level of seriousness as it ascends.
This first time, contains enough experience to react appropietly in each state without disregarding any state as part of the same team.
FEMA may also bring their expertee in training the community as part of the reaction team.
No firearms, assaults, marches, or demonstrations distracting operations until properly approved.
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows that the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died
United we STAND. Divided we fall….. It’s that easy. We are a stronger Nation unified as one, there is no debating that. A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest links and, we are, for all intensive purposes; a country divided. Which is not what our constitution’s framers dreamed for our Nation’s future.
President Cuomo! PLEASE!!
Donald said 60 -70; then he said 70..80..maybe 100; then he said maybe more than 100! White man speak with fork tongue. Embarrassing.
Governor are you even getting enough sleep? Hope you get enough rest. We need you to be healthy for months and possible years to come.
You gotta protect people. That’s what government is for.
Even if it means making them homeless, unemployed and starving to death.
Expecting anything from this administration, the Feds or the CDC is crazy talk, what ever they say do the opposite, it’s enough already!
the ship has sailed – gut wrenching – i have to go somewhere and scream – maybe the window of Fox news
Ineptitude on trump and his kowtowing administration
What if 911 had happened under the orange puff ball? So scary.
You guys still need to convince Cuomo to run for president, this man is political gold I tell you. Coming from Germany, I´m suprised of how competent, credible sensire and smart an american politican can be and not just me, even my more US critic roommate is suprised of how good Cuomo is doing as well, he is even doing slightly better than Merkel in our opinion.
I Love who you are
You Are THE VOICE I could trust throughout this whole pandemic.
Everything you say is True
Vote for Governor Cuomo, put him on the ballot in November!