Cuomo: Here’s what a president’s supposed to say in a pandemic

CNN’s Chris Cuomo reacts to President-elect Joe Biden's remarks while addressing reporters after receiving a coronavirus briefing with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.
#CNN #News


    1. @Maureen Peterson You’re continuing to show your stupidity. Anyone with TDS can be a libtard — even if you’re someone living in a shithole country. (BTW, CNN just reversed their calls on two states. More to come.) The election has not been called yet.

    2. @Lyle Swanson You lost – give it up! If he does have dementia and can’t complete his presidency then you’ll have a black woman running the country! Get your little brain around d that!

    3. @Unstable Genius I sense some self-projection here. You supporting Biden makes you delusional and to dismiss what I said without doing research (which I did, that’s why I made the response) makes you an idiot.

      Break out of the echo chamber/hive mind my friend. I promise you, the grass is greener on the other side.

  1. No arguments from the republican reps that won seats in this “stolen” election. The senator votes are legit but only the presidential votes are bogus?? FOH

    1. ​@Becky Heinz Did you bother to read what I wrote? Historically, no election has had a president win but lose seats in the house and senate.
      I’m not saying you had to do anything. What my point was is that it’s more likely that there was something (I don’t know what) skewing the voting data/votes because it is VERY unlikely that someone would vote Democrat for president and then republican for everything else. Do some people do it? Absolutely, and you’re an example of that. This kind of voter, however, is extremely rare. With the continuing political polarization in this country and lack of non-partisan, unbiased information, a vast majority of people are uneducated voters and don’t know about the qualifications of candidates, their voting history (If they are in congress), or anything about their past. They see Democrat or Republican, choose whichever they think closely aligns with their beliefs, or in a lot of cases, a single issue and votes along party lines, not across them.

      That’s not a conspiracy, that’s literally general election statistics.

    2. @Charis Perissos nobody’s fighting against anything it’s only the republicans fighting. We accept every state that’s trump won. You all are the ones crying!

    1. It’s the whites fighting against each other. I think those Trump lovers will go to war against Joe’s supporters. If Joe is in office on January it could be a war in America. Those Trump lovers don’t seen to like him very much

    2. Trump: cheats by saying fake news.
      Trump: cheats with fake lawsuits…..
      Trump: cheats on golf score cards..
      Trump: cheats military, bone spur boy
      Trump: cheated college entrance exam.
      Tump: once a cheater always a cheater
      Trump: I’m a smart man….
      Cheater, cheater pants on fire, with ants in his (big boy) pants….
      Copy and paste everybody…
      Send it out fast…..
      Take credit for it, I don’t care….
      Send me better updates….
      Trump: cheats ( )>>>>

  2. “Look, there’s never been a President in the history of this country that has been dragged outta the White House the way I have, never.”

    1. In NYC there is a Governor that won’t put Covid Patients on nursing homes. Oh ye, that’s Andrew Cuomo who killed over 41,000 people all by himself. Meanwhile this twerp Chris and his Brother Andrew were discuss who their mom loves the most, right on national Television and right in the worst part of the Pandemic.

    2. Please Youtube ‘WE WILL WIN’ as Coming REVELATIONS May SHOCK THE WORLD!!!’ from Steve Turley. Knowledge is power and freedom. Thank you!

  3. The greatest threat to our democracy, is when government officials violate the constitution –
    Thomas Jefferson

    1. @OverlandMD B LOL at your ignorance. Here is facts: Mueller found 10 “episodes” of obstruction of justice by Trump and his staff — on top of the 199 criminal charges, 37 indictments or guilty pleas, and 5 prison sentences that came from the investigation. Rump and his crime family will be jailed

    2. @MajesG Ok I could say the same about Obama’s administration there are multiple members who have been jailed and brought up on charges also muller him self is under investigation right now also Trump was not convicted on any crime because there was no evidence

    3. @MajesG Also let’s bring up how if it wasn’t for Biden winning this election his family would be brought up on charges

    1. @Benjamin Romberg 4 M more votes in the popular votes i guess those caravans came in voted and left lmao. Been waiting for this moment for 4 years and not even their rigged comments can’t take this happiness away we fucking did it America we turned out and threw away that good for nothing orange roach.

  4. I’m gonna enjoy the day when I see MAGA hats at a Goodwill for 25 cents and all I can say is, “Good Riddance!”

    1. Please Youtube ‘WE WILL WIN’ as Coming REVELATIONS May SHOCK THE WORLD!!!’ from Steve Turley. Knowledge is power and freedom. Thank you!

    1. Please Youtube ‘WE WILL WIN’ as Coming REVELATIONS May SHOCK THE WORLD!!!’ from Steve Turley. Knowledge is power and freedom. Thank you!

    1. Please Youtube ‘WE WILL WIN’ as Coming REVELATIONS May SHOCK THE WORLD!!!’ from Steve Turley. Knowledge is power and freedom. Thank you!

    1. Trump: cheats by saying fake news.
      Trump: cheats with fake lawsuits…..
      Trump: cheats on golf score cards..
      Trump: cheats military, bone spur boy
      Trump: cheated college entrance exam.
      Tump: once a cheater always a cheater
      Trump: I’m a smart man….
      Cheater, cheater pants on fire, with ants in his (big boy) pants….
      Copy and paste everybody…
      Send it out fast…..
      Take credit for it, I don’t care….
      Send me better updates….
      Trump: cheats ( )>>>>

    2. @The Horde in over a dozen Trump supporters have been arrested for voter fraud and ballot tampering, what’s your fucking point? Do you really think millions and millions of people all at the same time had some secret newsletter in multiple States to cause some kind of conspiracy in an election? Do you think Mitch McConnell or Lindsey Graham would have won their elections if there was some kind of conspiracy? I don’t think you people realize Donald Trump has an average approval rating of 38%, no president has ever been reelected with that kind of approval rating, not to mention all the fucking polls I’ve been predicting this for a year now, you idiots living in a bubble just have no clue do you? No wonder we liberals Live Well have all the money and the big houses and you trumptard are uneducated Brown tooth trailer trash

    3. Please Youtube ‘WE WILL WIN’ as Coming REVELATIONS May SHOCK THE WORLD!!!’ from Steve Turley. Knowledge is power and freedom. Thank you!

    1. Everyone knows Trump is at fault for all the covid deaths.  Trump made Cuomo and other governors put covid cases back in nursing homes.  Governors had no say in how they handled there states covid response or regulations.  They were powerless.  It was Trump’s way or the highway.  Covid didn’t kill anyone Trump’s malarkey did. Trump will by January be responsible for millions of Americans getting infected most of them minorities and illegal immigrants.  His plan all along. A million plus will die by January.  Thank god for Bidens task force and his willingness to listen to science. Biden got the vaccine. Pfizer just announced it. All because of Biden. He’s our savior and chief. Now that Biden is president things are getting done.

    2. @david toobian why would German doctor’s want to give trump credit for their vaccine? Operation warp speed had nothing to do with this vaccine.

    1. @The Horde What about, what about, what about the quid pro quo that Donald asked Ukraine about, that Ghouliani ran all over the world, (to tuck his shirt in, trying to find evidence) that was supposed to be DIRT, but Sucker Carlson said his dog ate ithe laptop.

    2. @The Horde Actually the Democrats DID get over the 2016 election Donald and moved forward. No disputes, no court cases, no riots in the streets, not even a upside down Bible, part the seas of friendly protesters, for a Photo OP. Talk about hypocrisy, that’s all over this Donald administration

    3. @The Horde I’m not democrat. But I think your nation needs to heal and stop dividing too. That’s the right message, not building walls, building animosity and shutting the world off.


    2. @Dax Index You can always spot a Trump supporter as they have to caps lock everything? It that again U Eric Trump commenting on another fake profile account?

    1. Just in they found a promising vaccine for the China virus. do not worry though kamala will be me first in line kick the people need it most will be kicked out of her way.

    2. Please Youtube ‘WE WILL WIN’ as Coming REVELATIONS May SHOCK THE WORLD!!!’ from Steve Turley. Knowledge is power and freedom. Thank you!

  5. Republicans: “Democracy is great…only so long as we can subvert it to gain power and maintain our corrupt oligarchy minority fascist rule!”

    1. @The Horde Where is the proof of this alleged “fraud”? Will we see it when we see Trump’s tax returns, infrastructure plan, and healthcare plan? LMAO Trumpers are the ultimate suckers.

    2. If Supreme courts deem their evidence of fraud valid, what’s the problem? Shouldn’t fraud claims be investigated and acted upon for the integrity of the election?

    3. Wow, reading the comments section on a any video in the cnn page makes you want to blow your brains out. Anyone else?

    4. Please Youtube ‘WE WILL WIN’ as Coming REVELATIONS May SHOCK THE WORLD!!!’ from Steve Turley. Knowledge is power and freedom. Thank you!

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