CNN's Chris Cuomo examines President Trump's claims of genius and instances where he says he knows more than anyone on particular subjects. #CNN #News
Cuomo fact-checks Trump’s claims of genius

CNN's Chris Cuomo examines President Trump's claims of genius and instances where he says he knows more than anyone on particular subjects. #CNN #News
Trump:: “I know more about string theory than any geologist”
John has to learn how to troll better too!!!!!!!!!
CNN certainly know more on Trump than himself.
Trump , his supporters and his yesmen are ALL NOW THE MINORITY . AMERICANSdont want trump ..never did .
Trump and all those who support him are losers and will lose in shame in 2020! .
You’re an idiot – here is the truth:
Trump 2020
what is more CRAZY then all his lying & Boasting is that a lot of people support his BS. Mind boggling
I know. I live in a tiny rural TX town where I am probably the only one who does not think Trump should be up for sainthood. The excuses they give for him are just incredible. My favorite — when Mitch McConnell admitted he did not exonerate Trump, I was told that it never happened, but was filmed in a Hollywood studio with actors! There’s no reasoning with that type of insanity! I have a lot of teeth marks on my tongue from trying not to respond to this crap!
@TerpeneTundra Obama inherited the great recession, pulled us through it, and lowered the overall unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% from 2010 to 2016. In good economic times, the trend has so far continued under Trump, with the unemployment rate being lowered 1% in 2 and 1/2 years. By the objective measure, Obama did more for ALL OF US, not just minorities, in lowering unemployment.
As far as the overall economy, you really ought to look at the historical charts instead of parroting right winger talking points. Under the Obama administration, there were numerous quarters that have exceeded any quarter’s growth during Trump. In fact the Trump administration recently had to walk back their claim of 500,000 new jobs, because they hadn’t actually been added to our economy.
More than 50% of Americans paid MORE under the tax ”cuts”, according to the IRS. The ones who are paying trillions less are the corporations and the top 10%, who all got a permanent tax cut. What middle class tax cuts were included in the bill are temporary, expiring in a few years. Fueled by the huge giveaway to people who didn’t need it, we now have a TRILLION dollar deficit EVERY YEAR. Trump and the Republican Congress have recklessly exploded the National Debt, and it’s growing at an unsustainable pace.
Trump with his trade war and irrational policies have driven our economy straight into a ditch, and he’s helping to create a global recession. Everyone best buckle up because it’s going to a rough landing.
Unless you have actual, credible PROOF that anything I said was wrong, I’d suggest you stop while you’re behind, and not make yourself look any dumber.
Trump appeals to the lowest traits humanity has to offer…racists, xenophobic, misogynistic people who are so steeped in ignorance that they believe his bullshit lies….face it..racism thrives with trump
Mark Dolan those tax cut create jobs, let’s companies pay better wages and reinvest in there companies enriching America you need an education man you are literally brainwashed by the media
@cj p Hillary this…Obama that…deep state the other.
..tired of hearing you morons and your bs excuses..say something sensible…might be hard for you but try to at least seem sensible when you comment or stfu
Trump is a text book psychopath with a heavy dose of narcissism. This is evidenced in ALL of his highly predictable instinctive often stupid behaviour.
@jusayen so Quite the psychologist aren’t you? HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA
@jusayen so .
We’ve long subscribed to the notion that leftists are freakin’ bananas. There’s plenty of real-world evidence to back it up. Making up a new gender every week. Demanding for the rights of pedophiles. Even having multiple nervous breakdowns because their candidate lost. Which is hilarious, we’ll happily admit. Progressives have done a stellar job of making themselves out to be cuckoo. But now it looks like there’s empirical evidence to back up the idea that leftists are mentally ill. Charts and all…
Pedophilia Taught as “Sexual Orientation” in California Schools
“Government school officials in California think it is “really important” to teach children about pedophilia and pederasty because it is a “sexual orientation.” That is according to a top official for California’s Brea School District, who admitted to parents that it was being done — and that it would continue despite the outrage. Watch Assistant Superintendent of Curricula Kerrie Torres in the Brea, California, School District admit this IN PUBLIC!”
@James Fehr did you read your comment
@jusayen so you are describing narcissists so perfectly.. and the projector in this thread seems to fit the mold
And to think they impeached BILL for lying about a BLOW JOB !
@T.Kizer Söze Yes, he lied about a blowjob n sex…cheating, adultery. Something most human beings would’ve lied about, if caught. Not to mention, some of the ppl that put him on trial was actually cheating on their spouse at the time….Nwet Gingrich comes to mind
@michaelthemovieman WASN’T ! guilty of
..was never EXONERATED !! Mueller is a REPUBLICAN at the end of the day
you probably didn’t even know that ..STUPID 
@T.Kizer Söze what has TRUMP DONE for anyone but himself ??

Is THAT why he was impeached!!! Get educated Clintonite!! and KAG!! 2020
Trump thinks he knows more about anything than anyone, sadly he’s just becoming more and more unhinged and more detached from reality.
@Mark Dolan Shut your stupid mouth. You were the kid who always said “I’m telling!!”. Lame!
Yes he now thinks he was sent by God . And he could not even quote one passage from the Bible.
@Timothy Johnson Yeah, we’re such morons that we stay well ahead of you and your ilk. You are being outmaneuvered and outsmarted at every turn by the “morons” you decry. What a LOSER.
@James Fehr He is playing you because your the one that supports this lying POS .
@Frank Zoppi Then why are you here.
_”I know more about healthcare than anyone”_
– Donald Trump
_”Nobody knew healthcare was so complicated”_
– also Donald Trump
@Anthony Egidio Well said..

…Trump is a fraud an all round disgusting person…be barely qualifies as a human being
@Earnest Lee Saddened right next to the grocery list bud. It’s all over. Just a formality at this point.
@Uncle Buck He did shut down the government, costing contract workers to lose their pay entirely for the period of closure. Your generalizations regarding ACA are incorrect. “Everyone” did not have to pay double. Ours went up by 15% but the coverage was better. We have had our choice of specialists, no problem going to the doctors we liked. Many people in our community have preexisting conditions, they won’t have coverage if the republicans get their way. Love your alternative facts.
@Brad Dibble Uncle buck is a Russian troll.
He probably knows more about the environment than most people. Most people are morons.
I’m still trying to figure out who the hell is going to hold him responsible and check him
Claiming to know more than others is a classic hallmark of a narcissistic personality. This we know.
@Dimwitcrat Utopia — Call me slow, Trumper, but could you explain how you derive “Fredo” from “Chris Cuomo?” I’ve seen you maga geniuses bandying about this fredo thing like it’s supposed to mean something or “do damage” to someone. Please enlighten. Let me in on what you imagine weaponizes this slur “fredo”.
yep… Sounds like Fredo thru and thru
@CD Smith Fredo was the stupid son in the movie The Godfather. Cuomo once referred to himself as Fredo in an interview. Liberals are not educated they are indoctrinated with leftist ideology. Morons and yes, SLOW
Trump is incapable of telling the truth.
@Richard Gutierrez To be normal is the ideal aim of the unsuccessful. —Karl Gustav Jung. Not to be a genius.
Look at people defending this orange genius !!! He’s so smart he needed Russia to win
Trump is no genius… He just a stupid baffoon who consistently lies his way through everything every day!!!
And you’re a dumbass fucktard idiot!!
“No Crisis at the Boarder”
“Manufactured Crisis at the Boarder”
WHO lied?
There was none. It was manufactured
@Jah Hebrew “Facts don’t care about your feelings” Ben Shapiro
Cuomo, you struck a nerve of the 36%. The name calling and lunacy is out in full force when you call out the lies and insanity so well. Thank you
keep it up.
@d d yes he will tro you down dem stairs, he is a manly man ask the fellas at the rest stops on the turnpike.
Fredo is no joke when threatening someones life, while surrounded by friends and twice that person’s size hahahaha
and look ! The dimwit trumpanzees just got bigly triggered into flinging even more of their pathetic poo.
@struthsayer it’s pathetic to watch honestly. They are nothing but Trump’s ignorant lap dogs with no self respect.
@struthsayer I know! Like how Obama triggered all the idiotic racists just by being a good President, Cuomo triggers a zillion rejects by speaking the truth about their Dear Leader.
I know more about making yourself Orange then anyone.
“I know more about throwing people down stairs than…………..oh wait a minute”
He knows more about locking children up in deplorable conditions now lock his brain dead kid as well mmmabd I don’t care about any black lash .
Can’t wait to vote the Genius, Chosen One out of office in 2020.
The truth is in front of our face! Thank you Sir! It is mind boggling that people support that POS! in the oval office!
It’s mind boggling that you believe anything Fredo says, “Mueller Time”
@Eva Szabo Lol, Your name alone speaks volumes! Your life lesson is going to slap you in the face and your rebuttal will be! I thought I was American! Do yourself a Favor, Learn to think for yourself! Geez!
Because they see themselves in him, he’s 1 of them if they were rich or well off. Voting against their own best interests.