CNN's Chris Cuomo breaks down President Trump's efforts to push his Hurricane Dorian narrative, comparing it to George Orwell's '1984.'
#CNN #News
CNN's Chris Cuomo breaks down President Trump's efforts to push his Hurricane Dorian narrative, comparing it to George Orwell's '1984.'
#CNN #News
Facts are fake. Deceit is noble. And the truth is worthless.
Oh that’s not how reality unfolds, scare tactics are a sign of desperation, desperate much?
Well one sentence of your drivel was coherent, you’re uneducated that’s for sure.
You sound like you believe your own hype, obviously the president didn’t do anything wrong nobody’s talking about throwing him in jail like trump
This isn’t him doing these things, he’s not clever enough, someone or some foreign power is guiding him . That’s the scary part.
@kelperdude putin litterslly said we votes for peace. Hillery was threatening war against russia if she won.
I have to agree. Corrupt power mad politicians and corporate business men saw their chance to have their ‘far right and extreme dreams’ turned into ‘government policy’ if they made sure someone as deluded [and impressionable] as Trump got into the White House. Trump can’t help the way he is but they consciously and intentionally chose him and are now watching from the sideline as their wildest dreams come true. i am not a religious person but I do know a little about the Bible and one does have to wonder if someone is trying to make the prophesies of ‘Revelations’ come true.
the only country Hillary Clinton threatened had she won the election was the U.S.A.
He’s not clever, he’s senile. Trump isn’t playing 3D chess, he’s scribbling on the walls.
Put your tinfoil hat back on and shut up.
Chosen One Trump can change the course of the Hurricane.
Riki tiki Tavi Do you have anything intelligent to add?
Janet Masiello You only succeed at missing the point. Trump sent the Alabama tweet based on days old weather statements, then refused to admit when he was wrong, and went to ridiculous lengths to do this! The more he did it, the more coverage it got. Maybe Trump is his own enemy? The Wednesday prior to the storm hitting, EVERYONE said Alabama, but naturally changed the report as forecasts changed. It’s shocking how stupid Trump supporters are….
Actually, no it’s not.
fredo the pedo,,
This needs to be talked about always. Truth to power.
I guess you are a Chinese troll wanting the jobs go back to China. Keep talking about BS and not about economy and you’ll be in power in your toilet in 2020.
@Mitch Zylinski ehhh… I wouldnt go bragging about trump’s effect on the economy there buddy. I guess you havent heard the latest jobs report or GDP growth stats, or housing starts or…
@Rob C
They’re better than they ever have been !
you can’t admit it can you
People should read 1984. It will help then understand Trump.
@Professor Moriarty
Your 1st comment was about socialism of which there is scant mention in the book .Now the characters bend the truth like no ones business so fast they are busy at it the whole time but whilst this is revisionism and they are busy doing it the struggle betwwen the protagonist and the state is the central theme of the book.
Winston foorlishly thinks he can step outside the totality he can have a bit of freedom under the radar of the system as long as he is super careful but at the end of the novel he retreats and surrenders his mind to the state . It is Total this all encompassing hierarchical hegemony there is no place outside of the state to inhabit. This is totalitarianism . Revisionism Cult of personality mass surveillance etc these are all organs of state powerful tools used to great effect. They coraal everything ….. Winstons mind his love for Julia inside this all encompassing super state ….and this huge apparatus suffocates any unauitable feelings or thoughts until there is only the state .
@Professor Moriarty You haven’t read the book , you fuckwit lunatic .
Bob, good luck trying to differentiate Marxism, Fascism, Totolitarianism, Socialism and Communism to a trumptard. They’re never going to get it.
‘-ism all same, orange man good’ is about as far a you can get
Trump: The weak man’s idea of a strong man…The poor man’s idea of a rich man…The stupid man’s idea of a smart man…
Tom Jones …you posted random articles of crimes that have nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans. congratulations, you proved nothing
Swampy …Disney owns 20th Century Fox, not Fox News…they aren’t the same thing, moron
I get the distinct feeling that Trump called NOAA Management and scolded them and told them to agree with him. It’s just something he would do “behind the scenes” to get people to agree with him. NOAA just made it 100 times worse with that false statement.
And one man could stop it… Mitch McConnell. But he’s twice as crooked as trump is stupid.
David Labay I believe you are safe in that assumption
*This white House went from Strangers Things to American Psycho really fast*
@Crystal Giddens it’s not Republican policies that are causing it for damn sure
Chris: STFU, once & for all.
Patrick Baitman
There were crimes. Just because he technically can’t be prosecuted while in office doesn’t mean he can’t be prosecuted for obstruction of justice along with many other crimes after he leaves office. And he will be prosecuted.
Not a Trump guy but him arguing about a bleeping hurricane hitting Alabama has everyone in a tizzy. The Prez and VP basically used American taxpayer dollars to stay in Ireland which under Obama would have caused impeachment discussion and no one is talking about that.
@Janet Masiello…Janet Janet Janet…will you ever learn? Pathetically ignorant? You’ve been looking in the mirror again haven’t you. A little advice, don’t drink the holy water….it’s full of fecal material.
At least Congress is investigating… at the very least.
@Gordan Pearson i’m new to the internet, and i think i understand “trolling” now. so, let me see if i got this right…
when a 3 year old scribbles on a wall, and then when his mom asks how it got there, and he says “i don’t know”, this is calling “trolling”, right?
when a mob boss is arrested and the cops ask him where he was on friday night, and he says “i don’t know”, this is trolling, right?
when someone pretends to be stupid so they won’t be held accountable for their horrible behavior and actions that puts the lives and well-being of others at risk, that’s trolling, right?
…if this is trolling, why are you okay with this from someone who is supposed to represent “We The People” equally?
maybe i’m just stupid, or maybe i’m just new… but when does playing stupid, or being new, means you are exempt from acting like a mature adult who is personally responsible for their actions?
but what do i know? i just fell off the turnip truck yesterday.
You do know there is an investigation into emmolument violations? Pence’s trip is at the heart of it.
The Kremlin parasites are here again.
He’s playing all GOP supporters for suckers but they keep following the Liar in Chief. Bring on 2020 so we can stop this fake President.
Ron McLeod I’m voting for trump because he more closely resembles a grown-up and an American. Democrats possess neither of those qualities.
Think about it, you turn on CNN and you get 24 hour coverage of a President warning people about an incredibly huge storm, and they portray it as if it’s a bad thing. It’s like an entire news channel being run by wild jungle chimps.
@Ted Stryker Trump says, in his second term, “it will be fun” to gut Social Security and Medicaid and use the money instead to pay down the deficit that ballooned when he gave the top 1% their tax cut. He’s, literally, going to rob the poor to pay for the rich. You actually support this madness? You don’t care that your Social Security is going to be taken from you? You’re a moron… keep voting against your own interests because it won’t end well for you.
@Fortitudine Vincimus I don’t think it will be funny to watch at all. It’s already scary that 38% of our country supports this vile con-artist. I don’t think it will be funny to watch them spazz.
*If you have seen IQ45’s drawing of the NYC skyline, you know that it is clearly he who drew on the map. He’s the only one with those terrible drawing skills and the ONLY one in the White (Supremacy) House that ever uses a Sharpie for everything…and the only one stupid enough to try to pass it off because he **-thinks-** knows his base is stupid enough to fall for it.*
I wish someone could sharpie someone else in the white house. The tangerine toddler has got to go. Individual number one is full of number two.
@Rob C because he almost started a race war? With the full back up of pedophile ring cnn and the fascist Frodo Stinky Fingers lemon? Because he was and is protected from procecution by child rapist democrats in power…?
That’s why you should care about smollett?
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber WoooW……you chump supporters open your mouthes and sound dumb af dude
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber Wow you really are stupid. All hannity conspiracy theories with no facts. We do know that your cult leader likes being a pedophile and physically abusive. We have 15 cases out there proving it. But them again brainless hillbilly trailer park trash like yourself cant inderstand that. Rather troll on the internet snd be a spineless useless wimp. Tough being disenfranchised from the world.
@Janet Masiello CNN said that in the beginning as a prediction….chump named Alabama after all other predictions and CNN noted Alabama would not be hit but would experience rain….chump had access to this same information yet he chose to disregard the new updated information and cling to his original wrong statement….you tried tho

The purpose of fictional dystopia is to illustrate the worst possible version, insofar as the creator can envision, of some current possibility. “1984”, “The Handmaid’s Tale”, “Brave New World”, ad infinitum. Were Orwell alive and writing now, we would sob over his predictions and prescience.
Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it’ is quote from Nazi propaganda chief Dr Joseph Goebbels
Jah Hebrew cut USA break Jah, only a thousand times. Here is one of the biggest. Charlottesville, Trump said good people on both sides referencing the protesters to removing statues and Antifa type protestors. CNN lied and said he was referring to white supremacist. Lie. Watch the whole video for the truth. How about 2 years of accusation that President Trump colluded with the Russians. Lies.
@Jah Hebrew wow you quoted yourself. Now tell me which party is responsible for slavery, which party is and always has been divisive by nature, which party founded the kkk, which party has a faction that partakes in nazi brown shirt style tactics, which party bought a proven fake dossier for the with the sole intent to delegitimize a candidate, which party put forth a presidential candidate that was mentored by a former kkk grand wizard, which party has recently had their current politicians exposed for wearing blackface????
@matt black your the ignorant and delusional one. If CNN tells me the sky is pink and I look up and see pink. How you gonna say they lying to me?
…so who is real ignorant one?
Then ask you what color is the sky, if not pink? You can’t answer
Again you trumptard prove CNN right all the time. You people don’t believe in facts. The truth means nothing to you. What is CNN lying about. Prove them wrong!! But we know you can’t
Sounds like you’re referring to climate change.
@matt black part 1of 2: I will fact check some of those, but you’re so far off topic. what does any of that has do with what Cuomo is talking about in this video. What has Chris said that is a lie? Did Cuomo said rep started slavery or whatever irrelevant topic you bringing up? Even if what you’re saying was true. How does that make what CNN is saying about trump a lie? HOW? let’s say they Dem did everything you said.. How does that proves what CNN and every other media is saying about trump a lie?
Gotta be the IRS’ longest audit ever by now
*Presidents and vice presidents are audited every year by the IRS due to a provision in the IRS manual that dates back to Richard Nixon’s presidency.*
*Both the presidents and vice presidents have been under a mandatory annual audit by the IRS since the Watergate era of the 1970s.*
* (03-12-2015)*
*Audit of President and Vice President*
*_The individual tax returns for the President and the Vice President are subject to mandatory review and will be closed directly to the “employee audit reviewer” in Baltimore Technical Services. See IRM _**_4.2.1.11_**_ (8). The “Other” box in the “Forward to Technical Services” section of Form 3198 must be checked and the examiner should notate “President (or Vice President) Examination; Forward to Baltimore Technical Services.” The examining area will notify the group manager for the Baltimore Technical Services when the return is being shipped. Baltimore Technical Services will provide advance notice to Memphis Centralized Case Processing (CCP), “Miscellaneous Group” , when the return is being closed._*
*_The location of the returns of the President and Vice President will be monitored at all times throughout the examination process._*
*_The returns should be kept in an orange folder at all times._*
*_The returns should not be exposed to viewing by other employees._*
*_The returns should be locked in a secure drawer or cabinet when the examiner is away from the work area._*
*See IRM and (b) for key points to remember during the review of the returns.*
Filthy Trump will never grow up
I’m not a weak brother! And here’s my “goomba” accent to prove it!!
There are infinite lies for what 2+2 equals. 2+2=5, 3, etc. There is only one truth. 2+2=4
Trump has already admitted he calls the media “Fake News” to discredit them…It’s all part of being a Dictator..